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Virtual Playtable 0.7

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Virtual Playtable 0.7

Postby detonator » 30 Apr 2012, 10:34

Virtual Playtable 0.7.0 released.
Magic: the Gathering database updated to "Avacyn Restored".
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Re: Virtual Playtable 0.7

Postby Bog Wraith » 30 Apr 2012, 16:31

Excellent. Can't wait to try it. So far, this is the only software that I know about that can handle the Transform ability properly. It also has the GUI that many of us are familiar with, what being long time MWS users.

I've enjoyed using this app very much & I'm glad to see you continuing to work on it det.

Thank you for doing so! 8)
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'Twas nothing left for us to save
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Re: Virtual Playtable 0.7

Postby deicidemilan » 05 May 2012, 15:10

I test Virtual Playtable 0.7, and is't a best software around!!!

THX guys!!!
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Re: Virtual Playtable 0.7

Postby meep.o.matic » 05 May 2012, 19:00

Question: I'm new to VPT and I was wondering why can't I see the special set's card images?
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Re: Virtual Playtable 0.7

Postby Kelron » 05 Jul 2012, 05:32

Looking good so far!

I like that I can use all my mws-decks, building decks works good and the test-mode looks familiar. Keep up the good work, seems like that this could be a replacement for mws :D

My personal wishlist:
+ printable (and adjustable) decklist for tournaments
+ customizable avatars and player names
+ updates of database and pics out of programme

I encountered these problems so far:
+ When I launch the programme I always get the error "Start tag expected"
+ Editing Deck Info doeasn`t work, at least for a deck in mws-format

I`ll keep an eye on this ;)
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