jMagic 0.9.0
by jmagicdev
Moderators: jmagicdev, CCGHQ Admins
jMagic 0.9.0
by jmagicdev » 15 Oct 2011, 02:45
jMagic 0.9.0 is out!
There is an additional section in the readme regarding networking. If you're having trouble hosting or connecting to games, you may want to refer to the readme.
Features in jMagic 0.9.0
* New cards -- of course! All of Innistrad, plus lots of Vintage favorites, including Ancestral Recall, Bazaar of Baghdad, Gifts Ungiven, Gush, Mana Drain, Mishra's Workshop, the Moxes, Serum Powder, Time Walk, Tinker, Undiscovered Paradise, Yawgmoth's Will -- and the recently unrestricted Fact or Fiction. A total of 3371 cards are available.
Rules updates in jMagic 0.9.0
* September 2011 B/R list update, format rotations ... plus actually banning any cards at all in Modern.
GUI updates in jMagic 0.9.0
* Corner icons for seeing alternate characteristics such as the other side of a double faced card, what a card was before it copied something, or the front face of a morph.
Card bugfixes in jMagic 0.9.0
* Beastmaster's Magemark actually triggers
* Tarnished Citadel in a decklist doesn't crash the game on startup
* Animate Dead won't remain attached to a noncreature permanent
* Animate Dead doesn't fall off the creature (killing it) at the cleanup step
* Animate Dead's -1/-0 ability functions
* Ichorid and Nether Shadow's graveyard triggers will trigger
* Scavenging Ooze will actually get its counters
* Martial Coup won't destroy its own tokens
* Myr Welder's first ability links it to the cards it exiles
GUI bugfixes in jMagic 0.9.0
* Objects that enter the battlefield attached to an object not on the battlefield don't freeze the interface
Known issues in jMagic 0.9.0
* It's possible to activate Deranged Assistant's mana ability while playing a spell or ability, fail to play that spell or ability, and see the top card of your library (while it's in your graveyard). jMagic doesn't yet implement rule 717.1, which would cause Deranged Assistant's mana ability to not be reversed when reversing the illegal play.
* If a card has two instances of flashback (for example, if it already has flashback when Past in Flames resolves) and you cast it via flashback, when it resolves, two competing replacement effects will try to exile it.
There is an additional section in the readme regarding networking. If you're having trouble hosting or connecting to games, you may want to refer to the readme.
Features in jMagic 0.9.0
* New cards -- of course! All of Innistrad, plus lots of Vintage favorites, including Ancestral Recall, Bazaar of Baghdad, Gifts Ungiven, Gush, Mana Drain, Mishra's Workshop, the Moxes, Serum Powder, Time Walk, Tinker, Undiscovered Paradise, Yawgmoth's Will -- and the recently unrestricted Fact or Fiction. A total of 3371 cards are available.
Rules updates in jMagic 0.9.0
* September 2011 B/R list update, format rotations ... plus actually banning any cards at all in Modern.
GUI updates in jMagic 0.9.0
* Corner icons for seeing alternate characteristics such as the other side of a double faced card, what a card was before it copied something, or the front face of a morph.
Card bugfixes in jMagic 0.9.0
* Beastmaster's Magemark actually triggers
* Tarnished Citadel in a decklist doesn't crash the game on startup
* Animate Dead won't remain attached to a noncreature permanent
* Animate Dead doesn't fall off the creature (killing it) at the cleanup step
* Animate Dead's -1/-0 ability functions
* Ichorid and Nether Shadow's graveyard triggers will trigger
* Scavenging Ooze will actually get its counters
* Martial Coup won't destroy its own tokens
* Myr Welder's first ability links it to the cards it exiles
GUI bugfixes in jMagic 0.9.0
* Objects that enter the battlefield attached to an object not on the battlefield don't freeze the interface
Known issues in jMagic 0.9.0
* It's possible to activate Deranged Assistant's mana ability while playing a spell or ability, fail to play that spell or ability, and see the top card of your library (while it's in your graveyard). jMagic doesn't yet implement rule 717.1, which would cause Deranged Assistant's mana ability to not be reversed when reversing the illegal play.
* If a card has two instances of flashback (for example, if it already has flashback when Past in Flames resolves) and you cast it via flashback, when it resolves, two competing replacement effects will try to exile it.
Re: jMagic 0.9.0
by jmagicdev » 28 Jan 2012, 04:14
In case people are wondering, we're not dead! After a long winter break, we're working on DKA as this message is going up and are hoping to post a new version soon.
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