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Running jMagic

by jmagicdev

Moderators: jmagicdev, CCGHQ Admins

Running jMagic

Postby Iran » 09 Nov 2011, 16:35

How to run jMagic? Is Necessary others requirements to run the game?

I tried to double-click in jMagic.jar, but the Windows can't open the program.

I use Windows XP and Windows 7 64 bits.

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Re: Running jMagic

Postby jmagicdev » 10 Nov 2011, 02:12

Iran: Sanity check -- do you have the latest build of Java 1.6 installed? jMagic requires Java to run; if you have it installed, Windows should associate jar files with it. If you do have it installed and it still doesn't work, running `java -jar jMagic.jar` at the command line (from the location where jmagic.jar was downloaded) should do the trick.

Barring that, what's your exact error message? Please describe it completely (a screenshot would serve this purpose fine).

Thanks for trying jMagic -- hopefully we'll get you up and running in no time! :-)
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Re: Running jMagic

Postby Iran » 10 Nov 2011, 13:47

It works, I had the java 1.6 update 29 but I uninstalled it and I installs java 1.6 update 29 (64 bits) and associate the jMagic.jar with it and run `java -jar jMagic.jar` at the command line. I am using Windows 7 64 bits.

Other question: How Can I Play against AI (computer)?

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Re: Running jMagic

Postby jmagicdev » 28 Jan 2012, 04:09

Sorry for the long delay in responding. We don't have an AI right now for you to play against, but you can play against yourself or other players on the game-finder. We are planning on exposing an interface between players and the engine so people can write their own interfaces, like GUIs, helper programs, or even AIs, but getting jMagic into a better state is taking priority for us.
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