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BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby skibulk » 13 Jan 2014, 22:34

If somebody else asks for multi-lingual support at, he may implement it faster. He seems to respond to popular requests. The discussion thread is here:
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby ruferto » 14 Jan 2014, 16:49

I'd like to change paper orientation to landscape and print two rows of 4 cards on each row.
Change paper orientation is easy ( = 1) but I don't find any way to rotate first row. Is it possible? Thank you
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby effendi » 17 Feb 2014, 23:40

It doesn't appear that the set acronyms used by CCGHQ are the same as those used by the generator. I keep getting missing art errors. Where did the crops you use come from?
Thanks for all your great work.
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby BaconCatBug » 17 Feb 2014, 23:51

Their crops should work fine, you might need to rename the folders though.
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby effendi » 18 Feb 2014, 03:11

How do I know what to rename the folders to?
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby BaconCatBug » 18 Feb 2014, 03:59


If there is a sets.txt.old file, I think that one contains multiple setcodes so the HQ project works with their folder names.

Also just as a heads up, I'm not really supporting this much anymore since we're getting a new horrendous card frame as well as lack of assets for newer things like Fused Cards and the fiddly process of making new csvs etc.

If someone wants to totally rework it so it can use instead of a Masterbase hacked into a CSV, be my guest. :P
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby Kapoue » 03 May 2014, 14:30

I've started to integrate your suggestion into the code, BaconCatBug. I'm almost finished. I've generated all the cards from the JSON. I still need to clean up some unnecessary code and take out all my debug code.

I still have no idea how to get the new card frames for the Bestow and Fuse cards though :(
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby BaconCatBug » 03 May 2014, 15:02

If you can code in PlaceHolders so that when/if people decide to make assets for them we can slot them in, that would be fantastic.

I apologise for not being really active recently. Lack of interest in the Gods set, WOTC being total morons regarding the card frame, Matt Tabek being a raging douche and Real Life Issues have made this a bit of a backburner thing.

Kapoue, if you have seriously made this monolithic pile of code work with json, you are the Omnissiah Incarnate!
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby Kapoue » 04 May 2014, 13:17

I haven't tested everything (actually, just GenerateAll for now) so I still need to check all the other features. I know the foreign language scripts won't work right now and I suspect the decklist generator won't too. There are so many scripts that do so many things in this application. I only used GenerateAll.

I removed csv support completely because of how different the information in json vs csv. I'm still not really confortable with my changes, what if mtgjson closes in 2 months, we'd need to revert all my changes.
Last edited by Kapoue on 04 May 2014, 13:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby BaconCatBug » 04 May 2014, 13:26

Well thats the magic of digital storage. We can always archive the old version somewhere. :)

I'm also reasonably sure that mtgjson is mostly an automated process so if it does close down, hopefully the owner will release his code. :)
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby skibulk » 04 May 2014, 13:27

That's what Github is for. Sembiance has posted his mtgjson scraper there, so even if he shuts down the website, the application should remain available. And Github allows us to create "forks/branches" of the original code, allowing updates to the application even if the developer ceases to update it.

Snacko has done the same with the HQCG. In fact if you use Github to fork your changes, other people may choose to help you refine things.
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby Kapoue » 04 May 2014, 13:41

I'm probably gonna upload my code to GitHub later today if I find how to do it. I've never used Git.

Btw, Sembiance was a real help, I had a few changes I requested to the way mtgjson presented the information and he made the them in a few hours each time.
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Re: BaconCatBug's Customised Proxygen (01/Oct/2013)

Postby skibulk » 04 May 2014, 14:02

Git offers a lot of features and can take a while to learn as a result. I don't have much experience with it myself, but I have contributed to other projects and I'd recommend adding to an existing project first, to learn how the forking / pull request system works before uploading an entire application. You want to be sure that your project is a fork of the original; not it's own entity. That way changes can be tracked more easily.
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