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MTG Gatherer Downloader

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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby frwololo » 28 Nov 2010, 22:59

woogerboy21 wrote:
frwololo wrote:Hi woogerboy21 and thanks a lot for this application (and the wagic support!)
I'm running on Vista (a Japanese version...), and I can't seem to be able to start the application correctly.
I first get the error, I click on "no", and then the application is always in "initializing" state, never gets into "ready" mode. Is there something special that needs to be done at this point?
When you say you click "no" to the error, what does the error or popup actually say?
(This is version 29)
Thanks for asking, although it sounds super stupid, since your explanations said to "expect" an error message I didn't think of actually reading it (my excuse being that on my machine, such errors are in Japanese and literally take minutes for me to read).

It says something about an unreadable character at line 547, character 38...
and now that I actually look at the script, I think my system doesn't like the special symbols in the "CORRECT CARD NAME INVALID CHARACTERS" section :
I can't copy/paste it for some reason but it's an A tilde followed by a cross.
I would assume the other ones have similar problems, and maybe your hta has been tested only on machines that have a latin1 encoding by default...

It seems saving the .hta as unicode instead of ascii, through notepad++ has fixed the problem.
I suggest you save the file as unicode for your next version ;)
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby Huggybaby » 28 Nov 2010, 23:04

Good find, thanks frwololo.
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby frwololo » 29 Nov 2010, 12:27

Even though, whatever I try, the jpegs that get downloaded are corrupted... I don't know what I'm doing wrong. They seem to be of the correct size and everything... but this probably doesn't work again because of the default encoding on my machine.
I'll try on another machine with an english OS to see if it changes anything :(

Edit: I could confirm it works out of the box on my French Vista...
So, this script doesn't work correctly on non latin1 versions of windows :cry:
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 29 Nov 2010, 18:17

Ark wrote:I guess what I thought was more important is the card database. Does Wagic need a specific file format for the card database, or does it already have the card database on its own?
To my knowledge the application handles all the databasing information. It seems to function similar to the magic workstation application when it comes to card images. As long as you have the images named with the multiverseid and in the correct folder location (zipping appears to increase speed) the images will show up. But I have very limited knowledge of the wagic application myself.

frwololo wrote:So, this script doesn't work correctly on non latin1 versions of windows :cry:
This may very well be the case, I generally haven't tried the hta on various version of windows. I'll keep the unicode comment in mind though thanks for catching that.
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby Ark » 30 Nov 2010, 04:53

viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3371 updated to v1.0.2 so you can easily save the images with the multiverse ID for the filename while still storing the files into per-set subfolders.
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 30 Nov 2010, 14:15

Ark wrote: updated to v1.0.2 so you can easily save the images with the multiverse ID for the filename while still storing the files into per-set subfolders.
Have a couple questions for you. First, when editing the set list how do you add more lines? I want to add a few more sets that are on the gatherer such as the premium deck slivers and fire and lightning but after adding a new set in the empty line and hitting enter it just closes the set editing window. Second when defining the set in the set list can you specify any set of characters for the set id to create that particular folder for the images to be downloaded into or does it have to be the set abbreviations? (example: instead of PD2 for the fire and lightning set could I put "Fire & Lightning-" before the set name?
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby Ark » 30 Nov 2010, 14:53

woogerboy21 wrote:
Ark wrote: updated to v1.0.2 so you can easily save the images with the multiverse ID for the filename while still storing the files into per-set subfolders.
Have a couple questions for you. First, when editing the set list how do you add more lines? I want to add a few more sets that are on the gatherer such as the premium deck slivers and fire and lightning but after adding a new set in the empty line and hitting enter it just closes the set editing window. Second when defining the set in the set list can you specify any set of characters for the set id to create that particular folder for the images to be downloaded into or does it have to be the set abbreviations? (example: instead of PD2 for the fire and lightning set could I put "Fire & Lightning-" before the set name?
Oops. At some point, the "want return" flag was unchecked for the edit box in those dialogs. Windows helpfully defaults "return" to click "OK" for you otherwise. I'll re-check that flag for v1.0.3.

You can type whatever you want, it is split by line, then lines are split by the first "-" found. The half on the left is then split by the first "/" found.

For each line, the format Code/SaveCode-SetName, the Code and SetName part must match the code and name used by wizards. The SaveCode can be anything you want.
If you omit SaveCode, it will be the same as Code. If you omit both by not having a "-" then both Code and SaveCode will just be the same as SetName.

The SetName is used to fetch the spoiler from gatherer, and the SetCode is used to match cards with multiple arts in the compact spoiler by comparing the little icons for all the various sets the card is printed in, and being able to find the correct set of maybe 4 icons out of 100 that matter for the current set. The SetCode is also used for the option to download all the set symbols.

I just noticed that while I was using the SaveCode array in the mana symbols downloader, I was not using the SaveCode array in the card images downloader. I'll fix that for v1.0.3 too. I don't know how that happened, since I'm sure when I did the test to download all sets, I would have seen the obvious error with Conflux trying to create a folder called "CON" (which is impossible of course). In v1.0.2 you'll see the error if you have Image Subfolders set to Use Set Code, but in v1.0.3 it will create the folder called "CFX" as intended.
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby moislex » 02 Dec 2010, 12:56

Dont work in Win7 ??
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 02 Dec 2010, 13:32

moislex wrote:Dont work in Win7 ??
Works fine in Win7. I mainly use it in windows 7 and windows xp for testing. Though windows 7 (as well as vista) may experience issue's if you have certain user control settings enabled which will restrict you from saving images etc to various locations (such as under program files folder). If you have these type of configurations set I recommend you store the images to a path that you have access to and then once completly downloaded move the images into the path you want the images ultimatly to reside.
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 08 Mar 2011, 02:56

Just an FYI, though this HTA works users may want to use Ark's tool. Its located here. It does a much better job handling the processing of the gatherer information as well as it appears to be a much faster image downloading tool. It also includes the ability to download HQ images!
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby moislex » 09 May 2011, 13:38

This program is better, in my opinion:
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Re: MTG Gatherer Downloader

Postby woogerboy21 » 09 May 2011, 14:43

moislex wrote:This program is better, in my opinion:
Yea Chaudakh has the extractor posted on this site as well here. I have had a number of problems with it (mainly with the UI layout looking funny) on a number of boxes I had tried it on as well as it seemed a bit more difficult to get going compared to Ark's tool. With Ark's you simply ran it and it worked. Both tools do similar but different functions. If you are looking for a simply image downloading application Arks is alot easier to use, if your wanting something more advanced Chaudakh's tools can handle it. To each there own.
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