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MTG Image Renamer

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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Cursor » 08 Oct 2010, 13:20

Problem is symlinks won't work under Windows XP. I still use XP on 1 machine, and I bet lots of others do as well.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 08 Oct 2010, 13:22

Cursor wrote:Problem is symlinks won't work under Windows XP. I still use XP on 1 machine, and I bet lots of others do as well.
I plan on revising the application and having multiple options, options include methods such as "move", "copy", "link". As well as offer the ability to go from the folder structure of "SET -> APP" or "APP -> APP" (with a slight bit more description this is just an example). That way you can use which ever method you wish.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Cursor » 08 Oct 2010, 13:42

Awesome. I'll shut up now and wait quietly.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Huggybaby » 08 Oct 2010, 17:38

woogerboy21 wrote:Do you have any documentation on how the wagic application uses picture, the folder and file structure etc? I downloaded the application but didnt see any pictures.
Wagic pics go in "WTH013_1\PSP\GAME\WTH\Res\sets", e.g. WTH013_1\PSP\GAME\WTH\Res\sets\2ED\ Inside each pics folder is a dat file that can be read with a text editor. Sample contents:
Code: Select all
author=Wagic Team
name=2nd Edition
primitive=Air Elemental
primitive=Ancestral Recall
primitive=Animate Artifact
primitive=Animate Dead
primitive=Animate Wall
frwololo is going to give me a list of Set/Card name/Card ID and you'll get it as soon as I do.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 08 Oct 2010, 22:02

Huggybaby wrote:Wagic pics go in "WTH013_1\PSP\GAME\WTH\Res\sets", e.g. WTH013_1\PSP\GAME\WTH\Res\sets\2ED\ Inside each pics folder is a dat file that can be read with a text editor.
Two questions, I noticed you have a zip file in your path listing. Are all the images contained in a zip file or is that just a fluke? Also taking a look at the .dat file it appears to have the image names but does all sets listed in the sets folder have all the images for each set or are not all cards in a set supported?

frwololo is going to give me a list of Set/Card name/Card ID and you'll get it as soon as I do.
Great! I downloaded the app and will have to try and getting things working so I can better understand how its structure works.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Huggybaby » 08 Oct 2010, 22:23

All the images are zipped by set, but I think this is recent and that they work unzipped as well. Wagic doesn't (yet) support all cards so I assume the dats will only include Wagic supported cards.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 09 Oct 2010, 17:52

Cursor wrote:Problem is symlinks won't work under Windows XP. I still use XP on 1 machine, and I bet lots of others do as well.
Also doing a bit more research windows xp does have a similar solution (or I should say the ntfs filing system does). They are called junctions. However I don't believe I will be implementing junctions to link folder locations on a windows xp machine for 2 reasons. 1.) Its a NTFS feature and though many have used NTFS for a filing system in windows for some time now there will be others that don't use it. 2.) Unlike links when a junction is removed using windows explorer the contents that is linked using the junction is also removed (and to further add insult to injury its removed with no restore possibility). So for example, say you have multiple applications that use one source folder for images that are junctioned together and you decide to no longer use magic album (why would you choose to never use this fine application only you would know). You go into file explorer and delete the magic album folder. Since the images folder contains junctions to your image content guess what? They are now gone. That would be bad.
Last edited by woogerboy21 on 10 Oct 2010, 03:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Huggybaby » 09 Oct 2010, 18:49

haha bad indeed!
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 10 Oct 2010, 03:09

Alright another question about wagic. Reading the .dat files they list card names but no extensions. Are the pictures of the images copied into the expected path with an extension or without one? And if it does have one what is the extension? (jpg?)
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Huggybaby » 10 Oct 2010, 05:07

It's .jpg, they don't use .full.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 10 Oct 2010, 06:15

And another thing, I noticed that it has the split card names in the .dat files as well. How ever they are labeled with the gatherer / oracle names which makes for an invalid file name. How does the application handle split card file names? An example would be in the Dissensions set there are a few.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby frwololo » 10 Oct 2010, 07:28

Regarding Wagic filename conventions.
We are becoming more flexible, which can become a nightmare for your brain but I'll try to be as clear as possible:

card images are stored in a subfolder for each Set.
For example, the card images for 10th Edition go into Res/sets/10E/...

from there, there are two solutions, either the picture files are in an uncompressed Zip (recommended, it is faster to copy AND faster for the game), or directly copied in the directory.

Regarding their naming, the cards are either named with [multiverseID].jpg or [Name of the card].jpg.

To sum this up, for example for Llanowar Elves 10E ( ... eid=129626) , the following are all OK:
Res/sets/10E/Llanowar Elves.jpg
Res/sets/10E/ Elves.jpg (inside the zip)
Res/sets/10E/ (inside the zip)

Additionally, the folder contains a subfolder "thumbnails", which contains smaller cards with exactly the same naming conventions, so the following are correct for the thumbnails:
Res/sets/10E/thumbnails/Llanowar Elves.jpg
Res/sets/10E/ Elves.jpg (inside the zip)
Res/sets/10E/ (inside the zip)

Of course it's better to follow the same naming convention for both thumbnails and big cards.

There are edge cases:
tokens don't have a multiverse ID. most of the time, they are named by the id of the card that created them, followed by "t".
For example, "The Hive" ... eid=135253 has a multivers id if 135253.
Therefore, valid names for the image of the tokens it generates ("Wasp") would be:
(note the "t" at the end)
Res/sets/10E/ (inside the zip)
Res/sets/10E/ (inside the zip) (note the "t" at the end)

If a card can generate multiple tokens, using the name will work better than the id. With the id technique, we can only have one token image.

For cards that appear multiple times in the same set, for example lands, I recommend to use the ids. We don't support things such as "Forest1.jpg"

Wagic does not support split cards for now AFAIK, so no need to bother about those for now.

note that it doesn't matter if images for unsupported cards make it into wagic. I don't think our users care about a few extra megabytes. It's more convenient to have all the cards ready, and never have to update the images ever again, IMO, rather than trying to keep up to date with every new release.
That being said, here is a list of card supported in the latest version: ... ortedCards
And, as huggybaby asked, with corresponding set and multiverseid:

Sorry for the long post, I hope it clarifies things a bit
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 10 Oct 2010, 22:48

Alright I have updated the hta to include the link options and work with wagic (i believe). Since I haven't fully figured out how to make sure the pics are working in wagic I will need someone that does to test things out for me. Alot of updates in this version from the v0.2 (to many to really list)
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby Huggybaby » 11 Oct 2010, 05:18

Thanks for that info frwololo, I didn't know that Wagic could use named images so that's extremely convenient. Now if you could make Wagic interpret ".full.jpg" as just ".jpg" then we wouldn't need to do any renaming at all. :!:

woogerboy I'll test that soon, thanks for the update.
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Re: MTG Image Renamer

Postby woogerboy21 » 12 Oct 2010, 00:07

So I have downloaded the wagic program ane ran it on my pc. Maybe this is a questioin for frwololo but is there a way to see a listing of all the cards in the program? I thought possibly through deck editor but it appears to only show 10E.

Also I will have to work in a method to naming the multiversion cards by multiverseid.
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