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ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby RanDomino » 16 Apr 2013, 02:32

ozks wrote:i play i few rounds too... with you decks too! now what?
i like very much you deck for player RanDomino =D>
i think only the player test my deck? when i play against AI with your deck, the AI starts to kill his own creatures with Eldrazi Monument :lol: instead do it with their token of Awakening Zone
Thanks! I could have made a deck that was more certain, but when I realized this one would be possible, I couldn't resist. Your deck gave me a run for my money.
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby RanDomino » 16 Apr 2013, 02:33

Oh, and my Player deck should not be played by the AI. It doesn't cast a couple of important spells.
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby stassy » 16 Apr 2013, 03:50

Ah yes, I forgot to rename it inside the deck file, my bad :P
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby jmlima » 16 Apr 2013, 05:48

RanDomino wrote:Okay so I play a match of the player deck I made against ozks' deck? And then post the result in this thread?
Yep. A best out of three match.
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby ozks » 16 Apr 2013, 06:28

against RanDomino deck AI

1st match

2nd match

3rd match
ran domino

-------------------------- like this results isnt important, I only played two games
against RanDomino deck player

1st match

2nd match
ran domino

against ozks_AI- i play with RanDomino Deck_Player

1st match
ran domino

2nd match
ozks - only because i need more mana!

i think the decks are not a problem, its the AI of manalink (i can´t wait for see the RanDomino results)
for a better results, i think a third person should testing this decks? on both sides
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby stassy » 16 Apr 2013, 08:58

Or you can play more duels out of 3.
In the previous tournaments if there was enough time more results could be sent so the score would be more reliable.
We will have to ask for jmlima nod to play others duels than our I think
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby jmlima » 16 Apr 2013, 09:27

stassy wrote:Or you can play more duels out of 3.
In the previous tournaments if there was enough time more results could be sent so the score would be more reliable.
We will have to ask for jmlima nod to play others duels than our I think
By all means we can agree to make three duels and the final score will be an average of the three. :P
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby stassy » 16 Apr 2013, 11:07

ozks wrote:i think the decks are not a problem, its the AI of manalink
Also *cough* seems to be you didn't test enough your deck because you reported some bugged cards that are in your *cough*, usually this is to your disadvantage in tournament :P
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby ozks » 16 Apr 2013, 11:29

haha right stassy! but the problem it is that you dont have enough time, with you normal life!
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby stassy » 16 Apr 2013, 18:13

Red Deck Wins ROE vs TheDrigo_Boros Midrange_AI
Game 1
T1_player: 1 painland only, mulligan, another 1 Smoldering Spires #-o, I keep and play it :(
T1_AI: Mountain
T2_player: Arid Mesa to Mount...oh my cards are sorted alphabetically......Image Damn you v2 patch
> config.txt > AlphabetizeDeck:0
Game restart
Game 1bis round 1
1 Mountain again, but I get a Goblin Guide which could be a nice start, AI win the roll
T1_AI: Evolving Wilds to Mountain
T1_player: Mountain > Goblin Guide to swing that reveal Journey To Nowhere

T1_AI: Marsh Flats to Plain then Lightning Bolt at Goblin Guide
T1_player: Mountain > Plated Geopede

T1_AI: Scalding Tarn to Mountain > Cunning Sparkmage that kill my Plated Geopede
T1_player: Lightning Bolt at Cunning Sparkmage > Goblin Bushwacker

T1_AI: Plain > Cunning Sparkmage that kill my Goblin Bushwacker
T1_player: Searing Blaze at Cunning Sparkmage

T1_AI: Arid Mesa to Plain
T1_player: Mountain > Devastating Summons for 2 x 3/3 red elemental

T1_AI: Journey to Nowhere on 1 elemental
T1_player: red elemental swing

T1_AI: Basilik Collar
T1_player: red elemental swing

T1_AI: Marsh Flats to Plain
T1_player: red elemental swing

T1_AI: Emeria Angel
T1_player: pass

T1_AI: Basilik Collar on Emeria Angel that swing
T1_player: Scalding Tarn to Mountain > Lightning Bolt on Emeria Angel > red elemental swing

T1_AI: Dragonmaster Outcast
T1_player: Burst Lightning on Dragonmaster Outcast > red elemental swing

T1_AI: Basilik Collar
T1_player: red elemental swing for round...well it couldn't be worse than that, heh Image
Game 1bis round 2
2 painland, AI win the roll
AI could kill my Plated Geopede with a rebound Staggershock but target me instead, AI play Cunning Sparkmage that target finally Plated Geopede but I counter it but saccing my Arid Mesa and giving it the landfall bonus for survival.
I use again Devastating Summons for 2 3/3 token, and even though AI bring back again Cunning Sparkmage and Journey To Nowhere I still have enough creatures to deal the final blow of this round Image
Game 1 Red Deck Wins ROE 2 TheDrigo_Boros Midrange_AI 0

Game 2 round 1
All lands but Devastating doing it on purpose, right? RIGHT?! Image> I mulligan to a decent hand

AI keep spamming with Goblin Guide and I kill them with Burst Lightning
AI summon a Wall of Omen which block my only tiny Goblin Bushswhacker, dispose of it with a Lightning Bolt and summon Kargan Dragonlord
I use Devastating Summons for 2 4/4 and AI equip his Kargan Dragonlord with Basilik Collar, the race turn into my favor Image
Game 2 round 2
AI keep playing Wall of Omen and Journey To Nowhere to stall the game
I get an early buffed Kiln Fiend and a rebound Staggershock as AI get an Emeria Angel but too lateImage
Game 2 Red Deck Wins ROE 2 TheDrigo_Boros Midrange_AI 0

Game 3 round 1
Again a one land drop but I have 2 Goblin Guide so I keep it
AI drop also a Goblin Guide but doesn't swing
I choose to flood and race with 3 Goblin Guide but my attempt is thwarted by a Lightning Bolt and a Kargan Dragonlord
A well placed Day of Judgment clean the board before AI drop a Dragonmaster Outcast which trigger, no point in keeping the game with no land, I concede Image
Game 3 round 2
AI Wall of Omens and Cunning Sparkmage keep emptying my bestiary pool but Staggershock and Earthquake finish the jobImage
Game 3 round 3
I am so landflooded that AI even as the time to cast a Baneslayer Angel Image
Game 3 Red Deck Wins ROE 1 TheDrigo_Boros Midrange_AI 2

Total Score on 3 games:
player-AI 2-0 2p-0p
player-AI 2-0 2p-0p
player-AI 1-2 1p-3p

Player 5p
AI 3p
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby jmlima » 16 Apr 2013, 21:14

I'm still shell shocked.

Total Score on 3 games:
player-AI 0-2 0p-5p
player-AI 0-2 0p-5p
player-AI 0-2 0p-5p

Player(jmlima) 0p
AI(Aswan jaguar) 15p

It was literally a 'journey to nowhere'... I was still trying to get the mana up and was already down 10 life, it was a shock to see how slow my deck was... I should have play with my AI deck!

Lesson learned.
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby stassy » 17 Apr 2013, 07:12

It's quite hard again AJ deck, but win is not impossible jmlima, you just need a good starting hand...

Anyway unfortunately I found a new bug with Open the Vaults, seems to be nothing big but I fear it might disable RuleEngine and such (on the bright side there is no RuleEngine card in Randomino AI deck
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby RanDomino » 17 Apr 2013, 21:30

stassy wrote:Anyway unfortunately I found a new bug with Open the Vaults, seems to be nothing big but I fear it might disable RuleEngine and such (on the bright side there is no RuleEngine card in Randomino AI deck
I wasn't sure about Open The Vaults but after debug testing I decided that the AI will cast it more-or-less appropriately.

Anyway, my initial report!

I only played one match of my Player deck vs Ozks' deck, and I swept. I could play another few matches but they won't be as detailed. I will also play a few matches of his deck vs my AI deck.

Ramp vs Fuego de la Naturaleza
Game 1
I lose the toss and AI chooses to play first.
I open one land and have to mulligan.
Second hand has Khalni Garden, Mountain, Eldrazi Temple, Khalni Heart Expedition, Pelakka Wurm, Explore = keep

AI 1: Rootbount Crag
Me 1: Draw Bogardan Hellkite. Play Khalni Garden, make Plant token.
AI 2: Forest, Elvish Visionary.
Me 2: Draw Rampant Growth. Play Mountain, Khalni Heart Expedition.
AI 3: Forest
Attack with Visionary. No block. Player life = 19
Postcombat: Great Sable Stag
Me 3: Draw Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. Play Eldrazi Temple, Explore. Draw Khalni Heart Expedition.
AI 4: Forest
Attack with Elvish Visionary, Great Sable Stag. No blocks. Player life = 15
Postcombat: Mul Daya Channelers. Top card = Leatherback Baloth
Me 4: Draw Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. Play Rampant Growth, fetch Forest.
AI 5: AI draws Leatherback Baloth. Top card = Forest. AI plays Oracle of Mul Daya, plays Forest off top of deck. Top card = Mountain.
Attack with Elvish Visionary, Great Sable Stag, Mul Daya Channelers. No blocks. Player life = 9
AI plays Mountain off top of deck by activating Oracle. Top card = Forest.
Me 5: Draw Rampant Growth. Play Khalni Heart Expedition, then Rampant Growth fetching Forest. Activate Khalni Heart Expedition, fetch Forest and Mountain. Activate second Khalni Heart Expedition, fetch two Forests.
AI 6: Top card = Dragonmaster Outcast.
Attack with Elvish Visionary, Great Sable Stag, Mul Daya Channelers, Oracle of Mul Daya. Plant token blocks Channelers. Player life = 3.
Postcombat: Leatherback Baloth.
Me 6: Draw Forest. Forest, Pelakka Wurm. Player life = 10. St-St-St-Stabilize!
rnd 1 game 1 player turn 7.JPG

AI 7: No attack. Dragonmaster Outcast.
Me 7: Draw Summoning Trap. Play Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. Draw Elvish Visionary, Pelakka Wurm, Explore, Bogardan Hellkite. Kozilek decides to be a 12/13.
AI 8: Dragonmaster Outcast produces a Dragon. Top card = Terra Stomper.
Me 8: Draw Khalni Garden. Play Khalni Garden.
Attack with Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. AI sacrifices Rootbound Crag, Forest, Mountain, Oracle of Mul Daya.
Blocks: 5/5 Dragon, 4/5 Leatherback Baloth, 5/5 Mul Daya Channelers.
Flash in Bogardan Hellkite. Deal 3 damage to Dragon, 1 to Dragonmaster Outcast, 1 to Elvish Visionary. All attacking and blocking creatures die.
Postcombat: Explore. Draw Rampant Growth.
AI 9: (three Forests, Great Sable Stag, 5 cards in hand, 20 life)
Me 9: Draw Eldrazi Temple. Play Eldrazi Temple.
Attack with Pelakka Wurm, Bogardan Hellkite. No blocks. AI life = 8
Postcombat: Pelakka Wurm. Player life = 17. Elvish Visionary, draw Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. Rampant Growth fetching Forest.
AI 10: Mountain, Flame Slash on untapped Pelakka Wurm, attack with Great Sable Stag. No blocks. Player life = 14.
Me 10: Draw Rampant Growth. Play Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, attack for 20. Win!
rnd 1 game 1 result.JPG
Game 2: AI politely lets me play first. Thanks, AI!
Opening hand = Forest x 3, Eldrazi Temple, Khalni Garden, Khalni Heart Expedition, Bogardan Hellkite. Keep.
Me 1: Khalni Garden, make Plant.
AI 1: Rootbound Crag.
Me 2: Draw Everflowing Chalice. Forest, Everflowing Chalice kicked once.
AI 2: Forest, Dragonmaster Outcast
Me 3: Khalni Heart Expedition, Forest.
AI 3: Attack with Dragonmaster Outcast. No block.
Postcombat: Deadly Recluse
(no land drop)
Me 4: Draw Elvish Visionary. Forest, Elvish Visionary, draw Eye of Ugin.
AI 4: Attack with Deadly Recluse. No block.
Postcombat: Dragonmaster Outcast, Birds of Paradise
(no land drop)
Me 5: Draw Forest. Play Eldrazi Temple. Crack Khalni Heart Expedition, fetch two Mountains.
AI 5: Forest.
Attack with Deadly Recluse. No block.
Postcombat: Kargan Dragonlord, Rampant Growth fetching Forest.
Me 6: Draw Forest. Eye of Ugin, Bogardan Hellkite destroying Kargan Dragonlord, Deadly Recluse, Birds of Paradise. (should have waited until AI's attack but oh well)
Attack with Elvish Visionary. AI blocks with Dragonmaster Outcast and they trade.
AI 6: Forest, Act of Treason targeting Bogardan Hellkite, Spidersilk Net
Attack with Dragonmaster Outcast, Bogardan Hellkite. No blocks. Player life = 11
Me 7: Draw Summoning Trap. Forest.
Attack with Bogardan Hellkite. AI life = 15
AI 7: Attack with Dragonmaster Outcast. I cast Summoning Trap, revealing Forest, 2x Elvish Visionary, Khalni Heart Expedition, Summoning Trap, Acidic Slime, Kozilek. Pick Kozilek. Block with Kozilek. Dragonmaster Outcast destroyed messily.
rnd 1 game 2 AI turn 7.JPG

Postcombat: Master of the Wild Hunt.
Me 8: Draw Summoning Trap.
Attack with Bogardan Hellkite, Kozilek. Game crashes ("dwwin" = dr watson crash reporter). AI apparently sacrificed all but 2 tapped lands, and so was doomed from the 17 incoming damage. Win?
rnd 1 game 2 Player turn 8 crash.JPG

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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby RanDomino » 17 Apr 2013, 21:52

I'm playing ozks' deck against the AI running my AI deck.

Match 1!
On the play. I open Elvish Visionary, Leatherback Baloth, lands and keep. Draw land, land, Awakening Zone, play Visionary, Baloth. AI plays Boar Umbra on Aura Gnarlid, then Baneslayer. 0/1s cannot block Aura Gnarlid or flyers no matter how many there are. RanDomino wins game 1.
Game 2, I open Birds, Rampant Growth, Baloth, Monument, Flame Slash, lands and keep. AI plays Aura Gnarlid early but I Flame Slash it while playing the Baloth. Day of Judgment kills Baloth and two Birds. Baneslayer is played. Baneslayer attacks as an 8/8, then an 11/11 while I get lands and irrelevant equipment.
RanDomino wins game 2.
RanDomino sweeps match 1.

Match 2!
On the play, Hellkite Charger, Terra Stomper, ramp, visionary, lands, keep. We develop until AI's turn 3 Kor Spiritdancer. Terra Stomper comes down next turn but Spiritdancer's first attack is as a 10/12. No trample so Visionary jumps in front. Hellkite Charger and Stomper attack and I play Basilisk Collar. AI attacks for 14 but then I come back for the win.
ozks wins game 1.
Game 2, 2x mountains, forest, basilisk collar, deadly recluse, act of treason, flame slash, keep. I get in there with a 1/2 lifelinker for a few turns. Draw Terra Stomper. AI plays Aura Gnarlid on turn 4 due to CIPT land. Flame Slash. I play Elvish Visionary, AI Days. Mul Daya Channelers. Aura Gnarlid. Attack with my 5/5 showing Forest? Might be a bad interaction with Basilisk Collar. Forgot to play Bear Umbra before attack, oh well. Terra Stomper. AI Days again. Hm. Birds of Paradise gets Collar. AI plays Baneslayer Angel. I could Act it but it wouldn't make much sense. Pass with Naturalize in hand. Baneslayer #2 and I eat 6 from Hyena Umbra. Forest. I naturalize the Hyena Umbra, then Act the Baneslayer that just attacked and send it crashing into the other one (not sure if this was fair since it's taking advantage of brainless AI). AI starts sending man-lands. Birds goes on a Journey because why not. I play Whispersilk Cloak. I play Great Sable Stag and load it up. I play Kargan Dragonlord and give it the Bear Umbra and Whispersilk Cloak. AI plays Hyena Umbra on a man-land, so I debug bury the enchantment and force-draw it a card. I stick eight counters on the Dragonlord and get there.
ozks wins game 2.
ozks sweeps match 2.

I think part of the problem with consistency is that ozks' deck has a lot of bomby 1-ofs.
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Re: ML3 - Easter 2013 Tournament

Postby stassy » 19 Apr 2013, 12:34

thedrigoAI vs stassy
Game 1 round 1
| Open
AI rush and sac early for 2 2/2 elemental but there are enough removals to stall the game and bring a Baneslayer Angel for the win. I think a rdw AI is always a bit frightening when he start comboing bolt and landfall buffing.


Game 1 round 2
| Open
AI swarm the place with critters but I manage to top deck a Day of Judgement thanks to his Goblin Guide. Only 1 card left in hand on his hand and AssSlayer in the bf is enough for me to run to the win


Game 2 round 1
| Open
Played too much with the fire, waiting for enough mana to play Baneslayer Angel while AI was pinging me every round and didn't see my life going down, lesson learned


Game 2 round 2
| Open
Holy cow I never though savegame would be useful in tournament, especially when you need to evade your coworkers eyes
Anyway not much to say, stall with Wall of Omens, bolt goblin army and Baneslayer as finisher


Game 2 round 3
| Open
AI getting 2 Kiln Fiend and 2 Goblin Bushwhacker can be deadly but I have enough Journey to Nowhere to stall and put 2 Baneslayer in play and race for victory


Game 3 round 1
| Open
Got a bit of sweat when AI Kiln Fiend got buffed with 2 bolt and a Staggershock, however Wall of Omen blocked it to death for the good cause and 2 Baneslayer finished the job


Game 3 round 2
| Open
The only round where I could throw of Gideon after numerous board swipe with bolt on both side, equipped with Basilik Collar for the win


All in all I guess in the hand of player thedrigo deck is vastly superior to mine as it has enough removal to stall the game and bring the big bosses, and it does fairly well in the AI hand, the only downsize is it can't finish the player fast enough when player decide to go on a full attack streak with Devastating Summons.

Also I noticed too the weird +0/+1 bug on random creature, it appeared only on my side and while I was playing basic land, unfortunately it's non consistent enough to make it a report :|
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