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Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

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Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby friarsol » 14 Jan 2017, 02:29

Forge Beta: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Download ... 58.tar.bz2

New cards
A WHOLE BUNCH of AER and C16 Except for the following:

Missing AER or C16 | Open
Cruel Entertainment
Curse of Vengeance
Orzhov Advokist
Tymna the Weaver
Dark Intimations
Gonti's Machinations
Greenbelt Rampager
Hope of Ghirapur
Scrap Trawler

Existing Cards | Open
Reflect Damage

16443 cards in total.

Release Notes

- Aether Revolt (pre-release) -
This release features many Aether Revolt cards that you can play with in all game modes. The remaining cards are expected to be scripted in the upcoming versions of Forge. Since this is the first release featuring Aether Revolt in its pre-release period, some issues are to be expected, please report any bugs and inconsistencies you experience with these cards at the forums.

- Commander 2016 -
This release features most Commander 2016 cards scripted and ready to play. The few remaining cards that are not currently supported may be scripted in the upcoming versions of Forge.

- Escape Key Functionality Change -
Forge now does not allow the player to use the Escape key as a form of an "End Turn" shortcut by default in order to avoid situations when pressing Escape recklessly can lead to missing one's own turn or other dangerous and undesirable situations. However, if you prefer the old behavior, it can be reenabled using the "Use Escape Key To End Turn" option in Forge preferences.

- Auto Yield Functionality Change -
Auto Yield is now done on a per-card basis, consistent with how it is presented in the GUI. For example, auto-yielding an Evolve effect in the stack only affects Evolve on the card for the effect, not Evolve on all cards. Also, auto-yields are cleared between games, which gives the player more control over each decision to automatically pass priority in each game.

- Quest Mode Updates and Fixes -
It is now possible to simulate random AI vs. AI match outcome instead of playing out all AI vs. AI matches and making the player watch them. AI decks with higher total card draft ranking value have a higher chance of "winning" a random simulated AI vs. AI match. This option is disabled by default and can be enabled in Quest Preferences (set the option "Simulate AI vs. AI Matches" to 1). When using a token to create a new quest draft tournament, the player will be shown the entry fee for the tournament and will be asked to confirm creating that tournament with the provided entry fee in mind. Quest mode has become more robust and resistant to quest data corruption. Non-tournament legal substandard cards (e.g. Conspiracies) will no longer be added to quest card pool from reward booster packs and possibly other sources to prevent persistent crashes (these cards had no possible use in quest mode anyway). Quest draft tournaments with sets that have no standard draft template in Forge (e.g. Commander, Conspiracy) will no longer be created in order to prevent the game crashing when trying to start a draft tournament.

- Incremental Updates and Fixes -
This release features many bug fixes and general improvements. Multiple corner cases and card interactions were fixed or changed to conform to Magic: the Gathering rules more closely. For example, the damage subsystem has been rewritten to allow proper interaction with replacement effects and lifelink (e.g. Gisela, Blade of Goldnight + Kalitas, Traitor or Ghet or Ajani's Pridemate getting a counter from Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet dealing damage to multiple creatures via Chandra's Ignition). Splice onto Arcane has been reworked to make it more intuitive for the player and more rule compliant.

- AI Updates and New AI-Playable Cards -
The AI received some fixes and updates, and there is an ongoing work on improving the simulated AI which is currently considered experimental and disabled by default.
For those of you interested in making decks for the AI, the following cards have received their own special logic and are now considered AI-playable: Black Lotus, Lotus Bloom, Chain of Smog, Donate (currently only targeting Illusions of Grandeur), Illusions of Grandeur (as a target for Donate), Living Death, Necropotence, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Timetwister, Yawgmoth's Bargain. Do not expect the AI to do miracles with them, but the AI should be able to play with these cards sensibly enough for most circumstances. For example, the AI does not know how to use Necropotence or Yawgmoth's Bargain in order to hit either of them for a big value (e.g. for 15) hoping to draw a win condition and just insta-win, but it does know how to use them as a form of "revolver reload" to consistently replenish its hand given enough life to spare.

- Desktop Forge UI Changes -
Desktop Forge UI has been updated a little bit. In the deck editor, the +/- buttons to add and remove cards (in the list view mode) have been flipped to -/+ in order to make them consistent with how they appear in the Add Basic Lands dialog (subtraction button on the left, addition button on the right), which also seems to be more intuitive. Ordering simultaneuos abilities and triggers no longer requires an additional confirmation prompt to confirm that you want to keep the same order as last time. Instead, you are presented with a dialog that starts with your previously made choice and allows you to change the order of abilities when and if necessary. Also, simultaneous abilities coming from different cards with the same name (e.g. Evolve triggers from different creatures) should no longer be automatically considered the same for the purpose of automatically ordering them. Targeting overlay underwent rather serious update under the hood and now performs much better and no longer continuously overloads the CPU whenever the targeting arrows are displayed.

- Android Updates -
Some work went into porting the remaining features from desktop version of the game to mobile Forge. In particular, it is now possible to start a match against a particular opponent in Sealed Deck and Booster Draft modes in addition to the gauntlet mode which is still default. The work to enable quest draft tournaments in mobile Forge is ongoing and should not be considered complete at the moment, draft tournaments in quest mode are still not fully functional in mobile Forge and you will not be able to complete a draft tournament yet.
The mobile port of Forge now features an option "Battlefield Texture Filtering" which smoothes out card art on the battlefield. This can help make the graphics smoother on larger tablet screens (e.g. 12") or when connected to an external monitor. This option, however, comes with a performance penalty and may blur the card art too much on smaller screens. It is disabled by default.

Known Issues

Images for the latest sets will be available soon.

There is a known issue with the cost reduction for cards that have color-locked X in their mana cost (e.g. Drain Life, Soul Burn). Cost reduction will not apply correctly to these cards if the amount by which the cost is reduced is greater than the amount of colorless mana in the mana cost specified on the card (e.g. 1 for Drain Life, 2 for Soul Burn). Fixing this issue likely requires rewriting the way announced color-locked X is interpreted and paid (most likely it has to be represented with colorless mana shards but still locked to the colors required by the card).

Currently Improvise is implemented as a "clone" of Convoke keyword, which does not work correctly in corner cases (for example, together with an instance of Convoke or Delve). This is planned to be addressed soon.

Replacement effects that happen when a card moves from zone to zone (e.g. ETB replacement effect of Essence of the Wild; Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet replacement effect for a dying creature) need some rework to allow all of them to work in a rule-exact way without the need for special exclusions and hacks (see

There is a known issue that allows Qasali Ambusher to be cast from any zone for its ambush ability (requires MayPlay update to be fixed). For now, a temporary measure was set up to prevent the AI from abusing this issue, but it is up to the human player to deliberately choose not to abuse this when possible.

Several people have noticed that the cards displayed on the battlefield will fail to be displayed when the number of cards on the battlefield increases. Maximizing the human panel can help to re-display the cards.

Some time was spent turning the static ETB triggers into the proper ETB replacement effects they should be, mainly to interact correctly with each other. This work is not yet finished. As a result there is currently some inconsistencies with "Enters the battlefield with counters" (Not incredibly noticeable).

A recent contribution to the code base should fix some of the bugs that people noticed with cloning type abilities. At this time there is one remaining issue that we hope will be addressed in the near future:
Copies of cards that setup Zone Change triggers via addComesIntoPlayCommand and addLeavesPlayCommand will not function correctly.

Forge Archive Instructions

The Forge archive includes a readme.txt file and we ask that you spend a few minutes reading this file as it contains some information that may prove useful. We do tend to update this file at times and you should quickly read this file and look for new information for each and every new release. Thank you.

The archive format used for the Forge distribution is ".tar.bz2". There are utilities for Windows, Mac OS and the various *nix's that can be used to extract/decompress these ".tar.bz2" archives. We recommend that you extract/decompress the Forge archive into a new and unused folder.

Some people use the Windows application 7zip. This utility can be found at Mac users can double click on the archive and the application Archive Utility will launch and extract the archive. Mac users do not need to download a separate utility.

Once the Forge archive has been decompressed you should then be able to launch Forge by using the included launcher. Launching Forge by double clicking on the forge jar file in the past caused a java heap space error. Forge's memory requirements have increased over time and the launchers increase the java heap space available to Forge. Currently you can launch Forge by double clicking on the forge jar file without a java heap space error but this is likely to change as we add in more sounds, icons, etc.

(Unfortunately, until our Release Manager who owns a Mac is back, the Mac application of Forge can not be distributed. Hopefully it'll be back sooner rather than later.)
- The Mac OS application version -
We can now package Forge as a Mac OS application. You can double click the icon to launch the forge application on your Apple computer running Mac OS. This application will automatically increase the java heap space memory for you as it launches. This version does not require the forge.command file and it does not need to start the Terminal application as part of the start up process.

The Mac OS X app version apparently requires the Mavericks OS and is not compatible with earlier OS X versions. People with earlier OS X versions should use the Windows and Linux version and launch forge on their Mac by double clicking on the included "forge.command" file.

Contributors to This Release


(Quest icons used created by Teekatas, from his Legendora set
(Thanks to the MAGE team for permission to use their targeting arrows.)
(Thanks to for providing some sound files.)

Download ... 58.tar.bz2
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Mageta the Lion » 14 Jan 2017, 03:31

Description: Targeted a Maulfist Revolutionary, which had a +1/+1 counter from Ridgescale Tusker, with another Maulfist Revolutionary

ClassCastException | Open
Code: Select all
Forge Version:    1.5.58-r-1
Operating System: Windows 7 6.1 x86
Java Version:     1.8.0_111 Oracle Corporation

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
   at forge.player.HumanPlaySpellAbility.playAbility(
   at forge.player.HumanPlay.playSpellAbilityNoStack(
   at forge.player.PlayerControllerHuman.playSpellAbilityNoStack(
   at forge.match.HostedMatch$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
Description: Release the Gremlins (x=1) on my own Servo Schematic

RuntimeException | Open
Code: Select all
Forge Version:    1.5.58-r-1
Operating System: Windows 7 6.1 x86
Java Version:     1.8.0_111 Oracle Corporation

java.lang.RuntimeException: AbilityFactory : getAbility -- Servo Schematic has no SVar: TrigDraw
   at forge.match.HostedMatch$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Indigo Dragon » 14 Jan 2017, 05:35

Quick overview of Oracle'd cards.
Aether Herder -> Missing Attacking Trigger, lack of /n
Invigorated Rampage -> Fell for the trap of "•" instead of "n•"
Ajani's Aid -> Missing Sacrifice trigger, same as Aether Herder.
EDIT: Heart of Kiran -> n instead of /n
Tezzeret's Betrayal -> "Destroy Target Creature" instead of "Destroy target creature"
Solemn Recruit -> Soldier instead of Warrior
In all, very good release, so far no spelling errors and proper use of "one mana" "2 life" "two cards". Thanks!
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Agetian » 14 Jan 2017, 10:15

Indigo Dragon wrote:Quick overview of Oracle'd cards.
Aether Herder -> Missing Attacking Trigger, lack of /n
Invigorated Rampage -> Fell for the trap of "•" instead of "n•"
Ajani's Aid -> Missing Sacrifice trigger, same as Aether Herder.
EDIT: Heart of Kiran -> n instead of /n
Tezzeret's Betrayal -> "Destroy Target Creature" instead of "Destroy target creature"
Solemn Recruit -> Soldier instead of Warrior
In all, very good release, so far no spelling errors and proper use of "one mana" "2 life" "two cards". Thanks!
These issues have been fixed upstream. Thanks for reporting!

- Agetian
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Agetian » 14 Jan 2017, 10:16

Mageta the Lion wrote:Description: Targeted a Maulfist Revolutionary, which had a +1/+1 counter from Ridgescale Tusker, with another Maulfist Revolutionary

ClassCastException | Open
Code: Select all
Forge Version:    1.5.58-r-1
Operating System: Windows 7 6.1 x86
Java Version:     1.8.0_111 Oracle Corporation

java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
   at forge.player.HumanPlaySpellAbility.playAbility(
   at forge.player.HumanPlay.playSpellAbilityNoStack(
   at forge.player.PlayerControllerHuman.playSpellAbilityNoStack(
   at forge.match.HostedMatch$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
Description: Release the Gremlins (x=1) on my own Servo Schematic

RuntimeException | Open
Code: Select all
Forge Version:    1.5.58-r-1
Operating System: Windows 7 6.1 x86
Java Version:     1.8.0_111 Oracle Corporation

java.lang.RuntimeException: AbilityFactory : getAbility -- Servo Schematic has no SVar: TrigDraw
   at forge.match.HostedMatch$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
These issues have been fixed upstream. Thanks for reporting!

- Agetian
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby DonRagout » 14 Jan 2017, 11:42


is it possible to use two commanders with partner now? I tried but i don't know how.

thanks in advance!
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby BloodReyvyn » 14 Jan 2017, 12:48

Trying to start any match with this build crashes my game with this error:

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Open
Code: Select all
Forge Version:    1.5.58-r-1
Operating System: Windows 10 10.0 x86
Java Version:     1.8.0_111 Oracle Corporation

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
   at forge.match.HostedMatch$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby cc-drake » 14 Jan 2017, 13:13

 Skittering Crustacean says it has Menace as long as it's monstrous. Should be hexproof instead.
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby ctmorling » 14 Jan 2017, 13:29

Does everyone see all the Aether Revolt card rankings tied at 500.0, or do I need to install the right ratings file? Right now, the AI can't draft Aether Revolt since it sees all the cards as equally un-pick-able.
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Agetian » 14 Jan 2017, 16:00

ctmorling wrote:Does everyone see all the Aether Revolt card rankings tied at 500.0, or do I need to install the right ratings file? Right now, the AI can't draft Aether Revolt since it sees all the cards as equally un-pick-able.
Looks like the updated rankings are not present in this release, but Friarsol posted instructions below how to download and update them.

- Agetian
Last edited by Agetian on 14 Jan 2017, 17:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Agetian » 14 Jan 2017, 16:01

BloodReyvyn wrote:Trying to start any match with this build crashes my game with this error:

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Open
Code: Select all
Forge Version:    1.5.58-r-1
Operating System: Windows 10 10.0 x86
Java Version:     1.8.0_111 Oracle Corporation

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
   at forge.match.HostedMatch$
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
   at Source)
I have a question: is this with some particular deck or with any deck? Can you show the deck list that you're trying to start the game with and getting this error? Also, what is your opponent's deck?

- Agetian
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby Agetian » 14 Jan 2017, 16:11

cc-drake wrote: Skittering Crustacean says it has Menace as long as it's monstrous. Should be hexproof instead.
This has been fixed upstream (r33201). Thanks for reporting! :)

- Agetian
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby friarsol » 14 Jan 2017, 16:16

DonRagout wrote:Hi,

is it possible to use two commanders with partner now? I tried but i don't know how.

thanks in advance!
Here's the easiest way to do it: search for partner in the deck editor. Select but don't add your first commander, then ctrl select your second commander. Then click add which should add them both. This was always how it worked
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby friarsol » 14 Jan 2017, 17:08

ctmorling wrote:Does everyone see all the Aether Revolt card rankings tied at 500.0, or do I need to install the right ratings file? Right now, the AI can't draft Aether Revolt since it sees all the cards as equally un-pick-able.
Try replacing your res/draft/rankings.txt file with the attached rankings.txt file.
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Re: Forge Beta Release: 01-13-2017 ver 1.5.58

Postby ctmorling » 14 Jan 2017, 20:02

friarsol wrote:
ctmorling wrote:Does everyone see all the Aether Revolt card rankings tied at 500.0, or do I need to install the right ratings file? Right now, the AI can't draft Aether Revolt since it sees all the cards as equally un-pick-able.
Try replacing your res/draft/rankings.txt file with the attached rankings.txt file.
That did the trick, thanks!
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