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Feedback and requests

An original game by ubeefx

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Feedback and requests

Postby Cyril » 16 Sep 2022, 17:09

I am really enjoying playing Mad Wizard, and wanted to say so. I am about halfway through a campaign with the Green deck, and have a 59% win ratio which shows that that game is a good challenge.

I love the part-random deck generation from a predefined pool of cards. It keeps the game interesting and replayable, and more fun than building a power-deck to crush all opponents.

The AI is really, really good. One of the best I've played against. The attacking and blocking choices are usually spot-on - and this is impressive as other games have trouble with this. The AI executes strategies well, which makes me wonder if it has been programmed to follow the strategy of each deck. I was outplayed by the Sacrifice deck which let through my creatures to go down to one life, and then generated and sacrificed some tokens to pump its creature and hit back for the win. Very impressive. Literally the only mistake I have seen the AI make is when it once cast an X-mana spell with X as 0, meaning that the spell had no effect.

The UI is very beautiful. I only wish that the popup card could be a little bigger as sometimes I struggle to read the text.

I also had some brief questions about the UI. It might be because I am using OpenJDK, but when a spell is on the stack, the bottom of the popup is cut off which means you can't see the power/toughness. (See the picture below) It's a problem if you have a Counterspell or removal in hand and aren't sure whether to cast it in response.

Also, some game stats don't appear for the player avatar (see the yellow box I have drawn below). And I'm not sure what the buttons in the red box below do either.

But mainly I wanted to say thanks for a great game. I hope it's encouraging to know there are people out there who appreciate your work!

Wizard UI.png
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Re: Praise and UI

Postby ubeefx » 18 Sep 2022, 11:26

Thanks for your positive feedback. :D

The AI does not have custom programming for the deck themes.
The strength is that it can look far ahead (6 main phases) and has a lot of custom logic to allow this.
On the low difficulty it only looks ahead 2 main phases and has less thinking time.
In the past X had to be at least 1, I changed this for better rule compliance.
But indeed sometimes the AI will now pay 0 when it shouldn't.
It can probably be fixed for some situations but would require changes in some logic.

The UI is made to work best on 1920x1080 full hd resolution in full screen mode.
I does upscaling and downscaling for other resolutions and it also explains the black borders to keep the 16 by 9 aspect ratio.
On 4K resolution this works very well, however when the resolution is lower the downscaling can make it a bit blurry.

I am aware of the popup cut off for spells on stack.
Maybe I will change it to display P/T somewhere else in a next release. :idea:

The game stats are indeed a selection. What do you think is missing?
The buttons are to toggle the messages, player graveyard, opponent graveyard, player exile and opponent exile.
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Re: Praise and UI

Postby Cyril » 18 Sep 2022, 19:38

Thanks as always for your reply.

The UI info I thought was missing should be in the yellow box I drew on the screenshot in my first post. The AI avatar has the figure '6' next to the hand symbol, '0' next to poison counters etc., but the player avatar has no such numbers for hand size, exile, poison counters and so on.

Good to know that the pop-up cut-off is a known issue and not due to my set-up! Thanks too for the button info.

The fact that the deck themes are not custom programmed makes the AI even more impressive in my opinion. Other AIs I have played are quite limited in their ability to look ahead. One can compensate for this to some extent with some deck-specific programming (I have done this myself with my very basic skills); but the result is rather deterministic: the AI can efficiently execute a strategy, but cannot deviate from it and react dynamically to the game sitution, making for one-sided matches. Your AI accurately simulates a competent human player in my view. That example I mentioned where X was 0 is literally the only time I noticed the AI doing something that no human would do - all the important stuff (especially attacking and blocking - which other programmes can struggle with) is spot on. The phase understanding is also great - e.g. the AI waiting until pre-combat to tap-down potential attackers.

Anyway, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know! But I hope that my praise encourages others to try your games. The challenge and fun-factor reminds me of playing the Microprose Shandalar game a few decades ago -- and even that (very good) AI used to get itself in a terrible mess playing Mishra's Factory!

Thanks again for making this game available.
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Re: Praise and UI

Postby Cyril » 26 Sep 2022, 21:22

Thanks for the Mad Wizard 3.6 update. Especially appreciate being able to see P/T on the stack!

New Dreamwalkers campaign looks good too!
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby Cyril » 05 Oct 2022, 10:57

Thanks for Mad Wizard 3.7 - more great updates and I'm enjoying a new campaign! I've noticed in a few matches that the AI hangs more frequently: the gear wheel spins and the phase arrows are greyed-out, but the AI doesn't make ever a decision, even if left for many minutes. The game doesn't crash: options, quit button, and pop-ups still function. Eventually, however, I have to quit as the match cannot progress.

It tends to happen late in the match when the AI has a lot of mana available, cards in hand and lots of options to consider. I'm using Minimax on the hardest setting. It could be my under-powered machine, but it didn't happen with 3.5 or 3.6, so thought I should mention it.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby ubeefx » 05 Oct 2022, 16:34

I noticed when playing a random black deck that certain card interactions give exceptions.
This can cause the AI to hang or do strange things.
A good way to find and fix these is to let the AI play several games against itself.
You are right when the game state becomes complex it can take more time, but it should not hang forever.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby Cyril » 06 Oct 2022, 13:08

OK thanks. I will be more patient if this happens again. If it does, I will note down the game state / cards involves in case there is a pattern.

To be fair, this has only happened on one laptop. It hasn't been an issue on a desktop, or another laptop, so the first machine's poorer processing power may be at fault!
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby ubeefx » 06 Oct 2022, 20:47

I did the test by letting the AI play against itself with the random black deck for player 1.
There were several exceptions during these games at first during AI evaluation.
I did some improvements and now I could run a full simulation of 123 games without issues.
What is interesting here is that 61 of the 123 games are won (50 %).
This will be an improvement for the next release. :D


Code: Select all
games=1 won=1 turn=19 life1=11 life2=-4 opponent=Random GRU
games=2 won=1 turn=14 life1=-2 life2=40 opponent=Equipment
games=3 won=1 turn=12 life1=0 life2=10 opponent=Random White
games=4 won=1 turn=22 life1=0 life2=15 opponent=Random BRW
games=5 won=1 turn=14 life1=0 life2=18 opponent=Random Black
games=6 won=2 turn=19 life1=1 life2=-5 opponent=Flicker
games=7 won=3 turn=11 life1=14 life2=0 opponent=Random BRU
games=8 won=3 turn=12 life1=-1 life2=19 opponent=Soldier
games=9 won=4 turn=11 life1=23 life2=-4 opponent=Random RUW
games=10 won=5 turn=15 life1=4 life2=0 opponent=Sliver
games=11 won=5 turn=24 life1=0 life2=18 opponent=Colorless
games=12 won=5 turn=14 life1=22 life2=19 opponent=Infect
games=13 won=6 turn=13 life1=22 life2=-1 opponent=Black
games=14 won=7 turn=15 life1=22 life2=-1 opponent=Discard
games=15 won=7 turn=12 life1=0 life2=8 opponent=Damage
games=16 won=7 turn=12 life1=-6 life2=20 opponent=Counters
games=17 won=8 turn=15 life1=8 life2=-6 opponent=Mill
games=18 won=9 turn=11 life1=16 life2=-1 opponent=Random Blue
games=19 won=9 turn=14 life1=0 life2=7 opponent=Enchantment
games=20 won=10 turn=11 life1=9 life2=-3 opponent=Red
games=21 won=11 turn=17 life1=1 life2=-1 opponent=Green
games=22 won=12 turn=11 life1=15 life2=-1 opponent=Elf
games=23 won=13 turn=21 life1=18 life2=0 opponent=Blue
games=24 won=13 turn=22 life1=-3 life2=15 opponent=Random GUW
games=25 won=13 turn=14 life1=-9 life2=12 opponent=Knight
games=26 won=13 turn=12 life1=-4 life2=19 opponent=Random GRW
games=27 won=13 turn=14 life1=-1 life2=20 opponent=Flying
games=28 won=13 turn=24 life1=-2 life2=15 opponent=Random BUW
games=29 won=14 turn=19 life1=17 life2=-6 opponent=Samurai
games=30 won=14 turn=12 life1=-1 life2=4 opponent=Dragon
games=31 won=15 turn=33 life1=15 life2=-1 opponent=White
games=32 won=16 turn=17 life1=25 life2=0 opponent=Cat
games=33 won=16 turn=20 life1=0 life2=14 opponent=Vampire
games=34 won=16 turn=16 life1=-12 life2=25 opponent=Persist
games=35 won=17 turn=13 life1=21 life2=-4 opponent=Aggro
games=36 won=18 turn=21 life1=5 life2=-9 opponent=Life
games=37 won=19 turn=21 life1=11 life2=-1 opponent=Exalted
games=38 won=20 turn=19 life1=15 life2=-4 opponent=Menace
games=39 won=21 turn=23 life1=15 life2=-3 opponent=Random BGW
games=40 won=22 turn=25 life1=7 life2=0 opponent=Control
games=41 won=22 turn=12 life1=-2 life2=19 opponent=Artifact
games=42 won=23 turn=13 life1=23 life2=0 opponent=Random BGU
games=43 won=23 turn=16 life1=-2 life2=9 opponent=Prowess
games=44 won=24 turn=17 life1=11 life2=-1 opponent=Goblin
games=45 won=24 turn=14 life1=-7 life2=23 opponent=Random BGRW
games=46 won=25 turn=27 life1=4 life2=-3 opponent=Spirit
games=47 won=25 turn=14 life1=-4 life2=17 opponent=Sacrifice
games=48 won=25 turn=20 life1=-4 life2=8 opponent=Random Green
games=49 won=26 turn=17 life1=6 life2=0 opponent=Random BGR
games=50 won=27 turn=17 life1=11 life2=0 opponent=Random Red
games=51 won=28 turn=15 life1=22 life2=-5 opponent=Random GRU
games=52 won=28 turn=14 life1=-1 life2=19 opponent=Equipment
games=53 won=28 turn=18 life1=-4 life2=20 opponent=Random White
games=54 won=28 turn=18 life1=-5 life2=13 opponent=Random BRW
games=55 won=29 turn=23 life1=9 life2=-1 opponent=Random Black
games=56 won=30 turn=15 life1=16 life2=0 opponent=Flicker
games=57 won=31 turn=11 life1=21 life2=0 opponent=Random BRU
games=58 won=31 turn=18 life1=-29 life2=4 opponent=Soldier
games=59 won=32 turn=19 life1=21 life2=-3 opponent=Random RUW
games=60 won=32 turn=18 life1=-3 life2=15 opponent=Sliver
games=61 won=33 turn=23 life1=13 life2=-3 opponent=Colorless
games=62 won=33 turn=16 life1=14 life2=20 opponent=Infect
games=63 won=34 turn=21 life1=7 life2=-2 opponent=Black
games=64 won=35 turn=25 life1=2 life2=-1 opponent=Discard
games=65 won=35 turn=24 life1=-9 life2=8 opponent=Damage
games=66 won=36 turn=13 life1=22 life2=0 opponent=Counters
games=67 won=36 turn=22 life1=-4 life2=11 opponent=Mill
games=68 won=37 turn=19 life1=18 life2=-2 opponent=Random Blue
games=69 won=38 turn=13 life1=20 life2=0 opponent=Enchantment
games=70 won=38 turn=22 life1=0 life2=10 opponent=Red
games=71 won=38 turn=10 life1=-2 life2=19 opponent=Green
games=72 won=38 turn=14 life1=-3 life2=18 opponent=Elf
games=73 won=39 turn=21 life1=5 life2=-5 opponent=Blue
games=74 won=40 turn=21 life1=18 life2=-6 opponent=Random GUW
games=75 won=40 turn=12 life1=-7 life2=10 opponent=Knight
games=76 won=40 turn=18 life1=0 life2=7 opponent=Random GRW
games=77 won=40 turn=18 life1=-8 life2=8 opponent=Flying
games=78 won=41 turn=17 life1=16 life2=-2 opponent=Random BUW
games=79 won=41 turn=20 life1=0 life2=1 opponent=Samurai
games=80 won=42 turn=13 life1=3 life2=0 opponent=Dragon
games=81 won=43 turn=27 life1=21 life2=-5 opponent=White
games=82 won=43 turn=12 life1=-3 life2=39 opponent=Cat
games=83 won=43 turn=14 life1=-3 life2=23 opponent=Vampire
games=84 won=44 turn=17 life1=2 life2=-3 opponent=Persist
games=85 won=44 turn=14 life1=-1 life2=15 opponent=Aggro
games=86 won=44 turn=26 life1=-5 life2=13 opponent=Life
games=87 won=45 turn=27 life1=9 life2=-6 opponent=Exalted
games=88 won=46 turn=15 life1=8 life2=-8 opponent=Menace
games=89 won=46 turn=22 life1=-2 life2=21 opponent=Random BGW
games=90 won=47 turn=19 life1=20 life2=0 opponent=Control
games=91 won=48 turn=19 life1=27 life2=0 opponent=Artifact
games=92 won=49 turn=13 life1=8 life2=0 opponent=Random BGU
games=93 won=50 turn=19 life1=3 life2=-5 opponent=Prowess
games=94 won=50 turn=14 life1=-1 life2=15 opponent=Goblin
games=95 won=50 turn=18 life1=0 life2=20 opponent=Random BGRW
games=96 won=50 turn=16 life1=-4 life2=35 opponent=Spirit
games=97 won=51 turn=21 life1=13 life2=-4 opponent=Sacrifice
games=98 won=52 turn=15 life1=7 life2=-1 opponent=Random Green
games=99 won=52 turn=14 life1=-2 life2=6 opponent=Random BGR
games=100 won=52 turn=14 life1=-2 life2=16 opponent=Random Red
games=101 won=53 turn=17 life1=12 life2=-2 opponent=Random GRU
games=102 won=53 turn=12 life1=-4 life2=41 opponent=Equipment
games=103 won=53 turn=16 life1=0 life2=9 opponent=Random White
games=104 won=54 turn=29 life1=7 life2=0 opponent=Random BRW
games=105 won=54 turn=14 life1=0 life2=8 opponent=Random Black
games=106 won=55 turn=31 life1=15 life2=-3 opponent=Flicker
games=107 won=56 turn=15 life1=22 life2=0 opponent=Random BRU
games=108 won=57 turn=17 life1=6 life2=0 opponent=Soldier
games=109 won=58 turn=15 life1=11 life2=-4 opponent=Random RUW
games=110 won=58 turn=18 life1=-4 life2=7 opponent=Sliver
games=111 won=58 turn=16 life1=-6 life2=18 opponent=Colorless
games=112 won=59 turn=15 life1=16 life2=0 opponent=Infect
games=113 won=59 turn=24 life1=-7 life2=21 opponent=Black
games=114 won=59 turn=18 life1=-1 life2=7 opponent=Discard
games=115 won=60 turn=15 life1=16 life2=-17 opponent=Damage
games=116 won=60 turn=16 life1=0 life2=11 opponent=Counters
games=117 won=60 turn=31 life1=13 life2=6 opponent=Mill
games=118 won=60 turn=20 life1=0 life2=2 opponent=Random Blue
games=119 won=60 turn=16 life1=-8 life2=57 opponent=Enchantment
games=120 won=60 turn=16 life1=0 life2=17 opponent=Red
games=121 won=60 turn=14 life1=-7 life2=12 opponent=Green
games=122 won=61 turn=15 life1=15 life2=-11 opponent=Elf
games=123 won=61 turn=26 life1=0 life2=6 opponent=Blue
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby Cyril » 19 Oct 2022, 10:33

The issue I mentioned with the game hanging appears to have been solved from Mad Wizard 3.8 onwards - at least, it hasn't happened in the scores of games I have played since that release. The big test was an epic 40-turn battle against the Colourless deck, when the AI had 11 permanents on the field with mana abilities - and therefore a lot to think about each phase. It became slow while it made its calculations, but the battle continued without stalling. And yes, if you must know, I lost this duel!
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby ubeefx » 19 Oct 2022, 18:29

I have the same experience so far. Many tokens on the battlefield can still slowdown the AI.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby Cyril » 08 Dec 2022, 15:20

Hi ubeefx. Mad Wizard 4.1 just crashed on me two games in a row (sadly I was in a good position both times and it registered the game as a loss!).

I was playing as blue control deck, so the games were lasting a long time - so I guess that could be a factor - but otherwise there was nothing out of the ordinary until the crash. In neither case was the game state especially complex compared with what Mad Wizard can usually handle.

I looked around for an info or config file I could post to help troubleshoot - but found nothing obvious. It might be a random thing, but thought I should mention it in case I can help further.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby ubeefx » 09 Dec 2022, 06:00

Hi Cyril, if the game crashes it should not be a loss but you will have to replay the last duel. Sharing the save game can help. It is also interesting to mention how it crashed for instance the played cards. When there is a pause command at the end of the batch file you can probably see the Java stack trace and share that too.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby Cyril » 09 Dec 2022, 17:36

OK thanks - I'll be more attentive and report back if it happens again.

Both the 'crashes' registered as losses and sent me back to the main screen. The first one was a close match, so it's possible I overlooked something (e.g. a permanent effect) and did actually lose legitmately. The second one I was still on 20 life, so that seems a bit more suspect - but I will pay attention to the game state just in case.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby ubeefx » 09 Dec 2022, 19:01

If you play with blue you might have drawn a lot of cards resulting in an empty library.
That is also a loss when drawing from it.

Pressing the concede button unintended will also do this.
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Re: Feedback and requests

Postby ChanelLeuschke » 11 Jan 2023, 01:41

Wow. There is so much to learn from this. One of those things that needs to be printed and processed over the course of a week or two. I appreciate you sharing this.
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