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Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collection

New decks and cards for Stainless Games' release

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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby Heris » 25 Jan 2022, 19:43

while waiting for Mtgdb.Gui's developer reply you can manually download the missing sets at the following links (Forge SuperLQ Images & Tokens thread at viewtopic.php?f=15&t=29104)

SuperLQ MEGA Folder:!4gIQTabQ!PFrnkeYbRmlrgf2swxWz1Q

Tokens MEGA Folder:!EtpESAiT!BEZwlZH-R4T_lufDYd6uvA

--------------Alternate Download Link-------------------

SuperLQ Zip (updated):

SuperLQ Sets by Listing Alternative (updated):

After that you have find the location of Mtgdb.Gui images, usually you can find them in Mtgdb.Gui folder at Mtgdb.Gui\images\Mtgdb.Pictures\LQ or Mtgdb.Gui\images\Mtgdb.Pictures\MQ, create a subfolder for each set (VOW, MID, AFR), put the jpg files there and restart Mtgdb.Gui, if necessary.

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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby Qumojo » 31 Jan 2023, 12:59

Hi, has this awesome project been drop by the creator? I hope not [-o<
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby aidscoi168 » 08 Feb 2023, 01:17

the app still work and you just need to manually update set's data and card images yourself, Of course users still have request lot of other features but overall it supports most of needed one. Even i still help updating artwork of cards ( but not in regular schedule )
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby DeskQuestion » 30 Mar 2023, 02:52

The URL for the file provided seems to be broken?

Code: Select all
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer"/>
window.onload = function () {
   var api_url = 'yandex site goes here but it is seen as too spamy with only one m'
   var download_path = '/app/deflate/'
   var key = 'oZys52trJjEUJ9U7XSb4cKpduHKboapl4JvINZqbpIEC85CkM4GdTyqrS2JkBEt5q/J6bpmRyOJonT3VoXnDag=='
   var get_link_url = api_url + '/download?public_key=' + key + '&path=' + download_path
   var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', get_link_url, true);
   xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if (xhr.readyState !== 4) {

      if (xhr.status !== 200) {

      var link_model = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
      var a = document.createElement('a');
      a.href = link_model.href; = '';
      a.innerText = 'download';
   <title>Mtgdb.Gui download</title>
<h2>Mtgdb.Gui download page</h2>
<p>The download should begin automatically. If it doesn't, click download link below.</p>
Which does not automatically begin.

The download link is not there and the yandex link seems to be broken when you try to do it manually. Not sure how to compile this offhand either though the Github page does work. Any suggestions on what needs to be updated or a brief pointer towards how to compile this for either Windows or Linux?

github \ DOT \ COM \ NikolayXHD \ Mtgdb \ wiki \ 1.-Get-started helps slightly but does not solve it.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby hidalgo » 30 Mar 2023, 07:40

Hello people. Will look at downloading issues the coming weekend.
Meanwhile, download should be possible from
At least it works for me )

Have a nice day :)
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby FollowupQuestion » 02 Apr 2023, 19:53

Thank you for fixing the download link! This software is amazing.

Still very new to it but tried for 25+ minutes now and cannot figure these two minor things out.

Is there a way to temporarily close the main library of cards to show the entire or most of the entire main deck? You can close the main deck sort of by pressing the rear most right button but that moves the main showing of cards to cards in the deck. It keeps the description of each card visible though which takes twice as much space. Basically is there a quick way of just viewing the cards in the deck and turning off the description as well so you only see the cards?

Also, how do you change the main deck from assuming it is 60 cards when you are doing EDH and 99 cards plus the commander (or 98 cards and 2 commanders)?

Lastly, if you load the literally latest AllPrintings.json file directly from the source, it seems to basically break things on v4.1.1.2. When you search for a specific card, it either shows nothing or dozens of cards that do not match at all so why would it show those? I understand it will search for anything, including the flavor text and you can search for just card names specifically but that somehow does not return the card name you type in even though if you scroll around, the cards do actually appear on the main section. You just cannot search for them?

It's probably something small but not quite sure how to fix that and seems like a similar issue has cropped up before? Mostly just trying to update to add the latest sets so those can be sorted through and also added to decks.

Minor issue with
Release Date: 2023-02-12

Seems to not work at all? When you swap over to that ~309 MB file from the embedded 225 MB file included with the Mtgdb.Gui file, it breaks everything. No cards show up at all. Swap back and they all come back but miss showing anything since 2021 or so, even if you have the correct folders there. Maybe call them out specifically in the Mtgdb.Gui.Default.xml file?

Figured I would ask and again thank you for something so usable, clean, easy to use and extremely helpful in building decks. It even has tabs!
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby hidalgo » 03 Apr 2023, 10:54

> Is there a way to temporarily close the main library of cards to show the entire or most of the entire main deck? You can close the main deck sort of by pressing the rear most right button but that moves the main showing of cards to cards in the deck. It keeps the description of each card visible though which takes twice as much space. Basically is there a quick way of just viewing the cards in the deck and turning off the description as well so you only see the cards?

There is a button to keep only card images in the main view, see screenshot below.


> Also, how do you change the main deck from assuming it is 60 cards when you are doing EDH and 99 cards plus the commander (or 98 cards and 2 commanders)?

There is no such possibility, however this figure 60 will not prevent you from adding more. I get that it must be annoying to see "99 / 60", but then again it's open source, anyone is free to contribute.

> Lastly, if you load the literally latest AllPrintings.json file directly from the source, it seems to basically break things on v4.1.1.2. When you search for a specific card

Immediately after you download new data, there will be an indication of index rebuilding in the status bar, this is the horizontal bar between search output and decks. Until the indexes are rebuilt, any search or filtering will not work properly.
Typically it takes 2-5 minutes to rebuild them in my machine.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby FollowupQuestion » 03 Apr 2023, 17:13

That button works! You can also hide the main deck too and just look at the possible cards. Perfect! Thank you for clarifying the 60 vs 100 too. It does not seem to cause issues, was thinking I was missing something there too is all.

Am not downloading data using the program, just putting the new .json file there that is downloaded directly from their site and manually renaming the existing one that comes with it and then replacing it with the newer ~300 MB one. Of course restarting the program afterwards. It does not populate anything though and no indication that anything is updating. It just sits there and never updates. Seems like a small bug if you use the one you download from the website and paste it into the /data/ folder? Not sure why though?

Basically trying to update manually by copying the AllPrintings.json file there but with, it seems to cause some kind of issue when you use the latest AllPrinting.json file that seems to be related somehow to the folder names? Was able to get it to "work" briefly where it at least loaded many of the cards though some of the release dates of already released cards were in the future and while they were physically showing up if you manually browsed through (and showing their images), searching for the card by name shows nothing. Tested that several times just to make sure it was not that card and same issue happened.

When you search for a specific card with just name: "Card Name" it should only display "Card Name" but it somehow displayed a dozen or so cards that do not match. Maybe there is a way to manually add a set with the Mtgdb.Gui.xml file by specifying what folder to add? Or might be an issue with fullboarder cards?

This seems to be more of an issue with folder names and how that is setup than maybe the AllPrintings.json? But still cannot figure out how to manually copy over the newest AllPrintings.json file and have anything actually show up either which is really the only issue here. It should just let you update to the latest but instead of that it either bugs out and sort of shows them but does not let you search for them or it displays no cards at all.

Edit: Did see that the cards were in a subfolder with the same name rather than in the main folder but that did not help. Tried to put them in LQ or XLHQ (or both) and that did not fix it either. Tried editing the GUI.xml and that did not fix it either. It does update and "see" there being cards there in the updates and downloads screen. Do also see some "duplicate token ids" notification but that is probably not relevant because deleting those or all tokens does not fix the new AllPrintings.json error.

So basically use the AllPrintings.json that came with the and it works and then upgrade to the latest AllPrintings.json version and it breaks something such that every single card fails to show up, including ones in your main deck.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby hidalgo » 04 Apr 2023, 23:27

> Basically trying to update manually by copying the AllPrintings.json
Then you also need to remove the indexes manually in /data/index to initiate rebuild.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby FollowupQuestion » 05 Apr 2023, 05:13

Just renamed the entire folder and that then made a new folder and new files and that fixed the cards showing up again at least. Does not quite fix the search feature? It only makes _0 files (not _1 and _2 and so forth). Searching for name: "card name" does not seem to return anything new, it just shows all of the cards it has, as if you did not type anything in to search for? Searching for a card name that does not exist does not return nothing like it should?

You can now no longer use the bottom right button to display your deck in the main window either. Also when you scroll down the deck, it does not show all of the cards you have specified in that deck?
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby hidalgo » 07 Apr 2023, 18:27

FollowupQuestion wrote:Just renamed the entire folder and that then made a new folder and new files and that fixed the cards showing up again at least. Does not quite fix the search feature? It only makes _0 files (not _1 and _2 and so forth). Searching for name: "card name" does not seem to return anything new, it just shows all of the cards it has, as if you did not type anything in to search for? Searching for a card name that does not exist does not return nothing like it should?

You can now no longer use the bottom right button to display your deck in the main window either. Also when you scroll down the deck, it does not show all of the cards you have specified in that deck?
Can you show me the screenshot of the app after "Just renamed the entire folder and that then made a new folder", so I can make sure the index rebuild has completed?

Also please attach a .zip with whatever files in the logs directory, so if there was an error while rebuilding the indexes, I can investigate.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby FollowupQuestion2 » 12 Apr 2023, 01:01

Sorry for not getting back sooner. Tried again by doing a brand new "install" meaning just copying the entire zip file over using the one you can download directly with the now working manual link. Deleted the existing AllPrices.cache.json file that came with it. Not sure if that helped or not but after copying over the exact same images, it seems to work as it normally should. Did not change anything else and now it lets you actually search for things as you, well, normally should be able to do. You could also see it reporting it doing new indexing down near the sets count icon. So not entirely sure why it was having some issues before despite closing the program and trying many different things but sometimes a fresh install helps.

Minor issue with a larger screen and having the main deck not let you scroll up and down enough (100 cards and it thinks there are 0/30 in the lower right, next to the up down button and is called "deck panel scroll position", lets you scroll down once to the "bottom" and shows 8 cards there and skips all of the ones in the middle and then says 22/30) but that can be worked around at least because now you can put the deck into the main screen by clicking on that in the lower right. Might have to do with window size being larger? Basically does not let you see your deck in the lower part because it only shows 30 for some reason. Also a bit odd when you click on sample hand then click back to main deck, it sort of partially writes over your sample hand with your main deck (including two cards that the top part of the first card and 2/3 of the half of the second card and none of the remaining 5 cards is at all) but it also waits until you move your mouse over those cards before it shows the right ones. Tried different screen sizes, even small enough so it only shows 3 cards at a time and it does the same thing.

Edit: Spoke too soon. Now it says 0/28 and it broke again meaning it refuses to display anything in the main section some of the time. Shows your deck in the bottom but does not let you see all of the cards there as the above issue. Clicking Reset All Filters does not fix it. Something seems to break for some reason. Deleting the /data/Index folder seems to reset some of it after you give it a bit to reindex everything but doesn't quite fix whatever causes that to begin with and your main deck is now 100/0 but no cards show up after it finishes and "deck panel scroll position" now says 0/0. If you click on new hand, it draws 7. If you then click back on main deck tab, only 7 cards are somehow in your hand, the rest is just white and even after you again move your cursor over it to show the actual deck cards and not your new hand, it only shows 7 cards. You can sort of go to the deck list: adding 0 / 1 to make it show your deck again. Not sure how to get it to display all cards again though.

Does toss off some errors in the log.
Code: Select all

Error   Mtgdb.Ui.Loader   "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
   at Mtgdb.Data.PriceRepository.createCache(CardRepository repo)
   at Mtgdb.Ui.Loader.<<createLoadingActions>b__4_1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
Code: Select all
Error   Mtgdb.Gui.GuiProgram   "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index must be within the bounds of the List.
Parameter name: index
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Insert(Int32 index, T item)
   at Mtgdb.Ui.DeckEditorModel.add(Card card, Card at, Int32 newCount, Zone zone)
   at Mtgdb.Ui.DeckEditorModel.Add(Card card, Int32 increment, Card at, Nullable`1 zone, Boolean changeTerminatesBatch)
   at Mtgdb.Gui.DeckEditorSubsystem.dragAdded(Card card, Card at, Nullable`1 fromDeckZone)
   at Mtgdb.Gui.DraggingSubsystem.mouseUp(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)"   "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index must be within the bounds of the List.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby hidalgo » 20 Apr 2023, 21:16

Released, no changes in the app itself, only new data.

This should help FollowupQuestion2 since the update contains the indexes built on my machine, so they have to work fine.

FollowupQuestion2, if it does not work for you, please do attach log files in .zip archive. I mean really log files, not a bunch of text from these files, copied into the forum message. I cant help you based on just a bunch of text, I need the actual files.
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby Qumojo » 24 Apr 2023, 19:21

Hi Hidalgo! quick one, I can't seem to be able to get the card pic to show up for this one from 40k set


any idea why? some issues with the naming maybe? Thx for the last update btw =D>
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Re: Mtgdb.Gui: search MTG cards, build decks, manage collect

Postby aidscoi168 » 09 Sep 2023, 15:26

I got this error in update tab

System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer)
at Mtgdb.Data.PriceRepository.createCache(CardRepository repo)
at Mtgdb.Ui.Loader.<<createLoadingActions>b__4_1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Mtgdb.TaskEx.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<<Run>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Mtgdb.Ui.Loader.<<AsyncRun>b__3_0>d.MoveNext()
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