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Welcome DraftMaster

by lord of 13

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Welcome DraftMaster

Postby Huggybaby » 08 Jan 2010, 08:34

I just wanted to post and say welcome to our newest developer lord of 13, and bring everyone's attention to this new forum.

Yes, DraftMaster does have AI, that's why I put it here. I usually think of AI as something you play against, but in this case the AI is used for an entirely different purpose:
DraftMaster is designed for use as a drafting application and possesses superior logic and a new and unique AI for the player's rival drafters. At the end of your draft, when you save your draft, DraftMaster automatically creates a deck for you that fits your two most commonly drafted colors and provides a sideboard should you wish to revise it.
Now, I know nothing about drafting other than a lot of people dig doing so, so maybe lord of 13 or someone can elaborate on exactly how AI and logic are used in this case. I'd also like to hear how it compares to the other drafting venues out there. I know there are websites and maybe other apps that perform this function.

That said, it's a great looking app with a nice interface and I know lots of people will derive much benefit from its use.
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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby Incantus » 09 Jan 2010, 01:17

I for one am interested as well in hearing about the drafting AI!
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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby lord of 13 » 09 Jan 2010, 02:47

DraftMaster's Artificial Intelligence comes from its Player Rating System, which takes the average turn a player picked a card and, if the card has been drafted at least 10 times, is used by the Logic to evaluate the card instead of the default rating. This allows for DraftMaster to adapt to a player and their valuation of cards. For example, if you force red every time and highly pick red cards, over time, the AI will start drafting red more often, leaving you with fewer red cards than you used to get. As you stabilize, the AI will stabilize to your values, and become more "entrenched" in its old "ways of thought", making it harder for you to change its perception of a card's rating or value.
That's from DraftMaster's googlecode project. If more people show an interest in the AI and Logic, I'll talk more about, and maybe put up a project wiki page about it.
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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby Huggybaby » 09 Jan 2010, 04:41

Check your iconfactory link, it goes to iconfactor, a different place.

And I wish you wouldn't wait to talk about your AI, but if you insist...

Some interesting topics on that subject are here: viewforum.php?f=27
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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby lord of 13 » 09 Jan 2010, 07:32

Check your iconfactory link, it goes to iconfactor, a different place.
Thanks for letting me know; I fixed the link. My apologies.

I wish you wouldn't wait to talk about your AI
OK, I'll talk about it tomorrow. Also, I looked up the definition for AI, and DraftMaster does not have AI, but more complex logic than most websites or programs that allow drafting. :oops: However, I am looking at finding more about basic AI theory, so I will read the AI discussion forum; however, because of the aforementioned non-AI of DraftMaster, as well as the forums focus on AI for playing (rather than drafting) MtG, I don't know if it's the right place to post about the NPC Logic.

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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby Huggybaby » 09 Jan 2010, 08:54

I'll move this forum then but please post anything you want about the logic you use, it's a similar and fascinating topic. The idea is just to share your thoughts and see what others can learn from it, or maybe give you some constructive comments.
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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby lord of 13 » 23 Aug 2010, 21:07

Sorry to necropost, but Huggybaby, DraftMaster is deader than a squirrel that's been run over by a truck. Could you please take this forum down? Thank you, Lord of 13.
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Re: Welcome DraftMaster

Postby Huggybaby » 30 Aug 2010, 16:03

OK, I'll move it somewhere.
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