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MRD Tournament Results!

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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 25 Dec 2010, 14:04

Juzamjedi: 9 points (won: Aww, Nicdanger;)
Cognis: 9 points (won: Shantak, Aww, Grinnin; lost: Jatill)
Jatill: 8 points (won: Cognis)
Monopman: 8 points (won: Aww)
Shantak: 7 points (won: Grinnin; lost: Cognis)
Nicdanger: 6 points (lost: Juzamjedi)
Grinnin: 5 points (lost: Shantak, Cognis)
Aww1979: 4 points (lost: Juzamjedi, Monopman, Cognis)

Juzamjedi: A great deck that is one of the favourites of the tournament, could use some more fish and then it’s nigh unstoppable. A problem to defeat and very easy to lose to. I think it will definitely make it into the final 4.

Cognis: I didn’t expect to be so highly ranked but the AI seems to be able to play it fairly correctly and there are some tricks players can use to their advantage but I think it will be really hard to progress further.

Jatill: The deck is easy to defeat but almost impossible to lose with. They are many tricks a player can use and if the AI Tinker ‘s for Inkwell Leviathan it can decide the game like it did in the match up with me. I don’t know will it make it to the final 4 but it has a shot just because it doesn’t loose matches.

Monopman: Another deck I’m confident will make it into the final 4. This deck gave me some of the most frustrating moments when I played against it because it has a solution for everything and a lot of times I thought I won the game when the tables would turn with just one card.

Shantak: A good deck that has some nice tricks and a bunch of fatties. The AI can play it decently enough and it has a solid chance making it into the final 4. Interestingly only this and my deck both won and lost matches.

Nicdanger: A solid weenie deck that lacks consistency to be a contender for the final 4. It can win in a few turns but under the right circumstances. The AI is pretty good with it but it lacks some game turning cards later in the game if it doesn’t win the game fast. It can defeat anybody, but can also lose to anybody.

A surprisingly good deck. I thought it would be dead last but it played some great games and would be much better if the AI had any idea how to play it. If it passes to the next round I’d definitely pull Necropotence out because the AI basically commits suicide with it and I never even played it. Under the right circumstances it can really crush you in a few rounds. Much better than I expected and lots of fun to play.

Aww1979: I’m kind of disappointed how this deck did. I thought it would be one of the favourites but only one Oath of Druids without a real back up plan hurts it too much. There is off course Leyline + Helm but it only works for human players. The only creatures this deck has are game turning but are also so expensive that without Oath of Druids are almost impossible to play. It’s surprising how bad the AI is with this deck. I expected more but you can’t win them all, and in the end I had fun playing with it.

It's hard to say who'll progress further because the scores wary from player to player so until we get them all collected best to lay of predictions.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 25 Dec 2010, 14:45

Standings so far after six players have completed all the matches.

Nicdanger: 6 + 8 + 12 + 7 + 7 + 10 = 50
Cognis: 9 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 8 = 49
Monopman: 8 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 6 = 43
Juzamjedi: 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 43
Shantak: 7 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 42
Grinnin: 5 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 7 = 40
Jatill: 8 + 5 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 = 39
Aww1979: 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 5 = 30

The points go in this order: Cognis, Jatill, Nicdanger, Aww1979, Juzamjedi, Shantak.
Not much has changed except that Grinnin has a 1 point advantage and is progressing through at this moment, only two more reports to go.
Last edited by Cognis on 31 Dec 2010, 12:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby aww1979 » 27 Dec 2010, 06:09

I thought people would do very well with my deck on the human side, but it's no surprise to me that it sucks ass in the AIs hands. I only spent about ten minutes testing this time around, too :p
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Shantak » 31 Dec 2010, 08:41

Scoreboard of my games and some opinions about decks:

Nicdanger: 10 points (won: Shantak, Jatill, Juzamjedi, Monopoman; lost: Cognis)
Cognis: 8 points (won: Nicdanger, Grinnin; lost: Shantak)
Juzamjedi: 7 points (won: Aww1979, Grinnin; lost: Shantak, Nicdanger)
Shantak: 7 points (won: Juzamjedi, Cognis; lost: Nicdanger, Grinnin)
Grinnin: 7 points (won: Shantak, Aww1979; lost: Juzamjedi, Cognis)
Jatill: 6 points (lost: Nicdanger)
Monopoman: 6 points (lost: Nicdanger)
Aww1979: 5 points (lost: Juzamjedi, Grinnin)

Nicdanger: Fast deck with really efficient creatures, but I think it should have few more lands. As good as Fauna Shaman is, I didn't have use for it and would consider cutting it, maybe Eladamri's Call and one Armageddon effect. It could use another board sweeper in addition to Balance but that's not possible. Most Valuable Player: Gaddock Teeg.

Cognis: Jund is great! This was possibly the most fun deck to play for me. With singleton cards only, there's a lot more variance than with 4x everything Jund. I might take out Goblin Sharpshooter and maybe Quiron Dryad, but there's not really much you could replace them with. MVP: Dragonmaster Outcast.

Juzamjedi: Equipment was the key to most of my wins with this deck - it's especially good with these small, evasive creatures. It works great, but if opponent manages to get something big and untouchable or an army of creatures in play. I would consider playing Evacuation and would definitively leave Careful Consideration out. MVP: Bitterblossom.

Shantak: The deck pretty much does what I planned with it - cheat Progenitus into play and win. Survival of the Fittest works really well (even if AI does seem to have problems with it), I don't understand I only thought of it so late in the draft. I think I'm missing some early spot removal however, to deal with those fast decks. I actually forgot Woodfall Primus when creating the deck. Should I replace Novablast Wurm with it or maybe Genesis? Or maybe add Twincast? Any opinions are welcome. MVP: Natural Order.

Grinnin: For me, this was the most annoying deck to play against. It could lock you up easily with a good hand. There are plenty of cards I don't know if you should keep or change. Phyrexian Negator is amazing, but I often found myself beating AI just because he cast it. Same with Necropotence, plus I don't think it works well enough in this deck - I would rather use Greed if you had it. MVP: Tangle Wire.

Jatill: Possibly the best deck of the tournament in human hands. When I lost with it, it was due to Gaddock Teeg, but otherwise nothing could hold me. Bribery is one card I wish I could have taken for myself, since it's so great with this kind of tournament (and great against my deck). I don't know if I would change anything in this deck, but it's hard to make AI do well with it. MVP: Tinker.

Monopoman: The one deck of which I was unsure what it is about. It has plenty of lovely tricks, however. I think I might lose Emrakul and Show and Tell since they seldom end up in the same hand and since other decks have more uses for Show and Tell. I would add at least Figure of Destiny. MVP: Isochron Scepter.

Aww1979: Another deck that's nearly invincible with human playing against AI, but that doesn't work in AI's hands, probably because AI doesn't know what to tutor (and seldom casts Oath of Druids, I think). Still, AI can cast Channel for Ulamog so not all is lost. I don't really know what changed I would do here. MVP: Oath of Druids (what else).
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 31 Dec 2010, 12:09

Standings so far after six players have completed all the matches.

Nicdanger: 6 + 8 + 12 + 7 + 7 + 10 = 50
Cognis: 9 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 8 = 49
Monopman: 8 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 6 = 43
Juzamjedi: 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 43
Shantak: 7 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 42
Grinnin: 5 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 7 = 40
Jatill: 8 + 5 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 = 39
Aww1979: 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 5 = 30

The points go in this order: Cognis, Jatill, Nicdanger, Aww1979, Juzamjedi, Shantak.
Not much has changed except that Grinnin has a 1 point advantage and is progressing through at this moment, only two more reports to go.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 03 Jan 2011, 12:01

Standings so far after seven players have completed all the matches, we are only missing Grinninn's results but I didn't see a single match report from him so far.

Nicdanger: 6 + 8 + 12 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 7 = 57
Cognis: 9 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 10 + 8 + 7 = 56
Monopman: 8 + 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 51
Shantak: 7 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 7 = 49
Juzamjedi: 9 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 5 = 48
Grinnin: 5 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 7 = 47
Jatill: 8 + 5 + 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 47
Aww1979: 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 7 = 37

The points go in this order: Cognis, Jatill, Nicdanger, Aww1979, Juzamjedi, Shantak, Monopman. It's definitely close. Grinnin and Jatill are neck and neck but with some good scores and a little bad luck from the opposition they might both go through.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Shantak » 03 Jan 2011, 12:36

Cognis wrote:Standings so far after seven players have completed all the matches, we are only missing Grinninn's results but I didn't see a single match report from him so far.
I checked from grinnin's profile that he has last visited 16th of December, two and half weeks ago. I think we can afford to wait for him for some time, but maybe be prepared to continue without his results?
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 03 Jan 2011, 14:45

Well Jatill and Grinnin are tied for 6th place so we need all the results we can get but if he doesn't post I vote to let Jatill through because he tested all the matches, I know somebody docked 2 points from players if they didn't contribute to the scoring.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Nicdanger » 04 Jan 2011, 05:04

Thanks for adding up scores Cognis, I was out of town over the holidays and have been super busy since. If we don't hear from grinnin in a few days we'll drop his and Aww's decks and start round 2.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 04 Jan 2011, 10:55

No problem, glad I could help, everybody should check their scores to avoid errors but if Grinnin doesn't report it wont really matter.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby jatill » 06 Jan 2011, 13:21

Round 2 then?
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Aswan jaguar » 06 Jan 2011, 13:44

Well if you can use some more results there you go.

Shantak vs Jatill:2-0
Jatill vs Shantak:2-0 How relieved I was to see Forcefield light up when I thought game was over.Then AI cast capsize and for a moment(before choose target) I was thinking could it be that AI has a moment of genius and choose forcefield instead of 10/10 minion and lose the game?You know the rest ...

Shantak vs Aww1979:2-0
Aww1970 vs Shantak:2-1

Shantak vs Juzamjedi:2-1 My stolen Novablast Worm finished me off.
Juzamjedi vs Shantak:2-1

Shantak vs Nicdanger:2-0
Nicdanger vs Shantak:0-2 Natural Order + Progenitus both times.

Shantak vs Monopoman:2-0
Monopoman vs Shantak:2-0

Shantak vs Cognis:2-0
Cognis vs Shantak:0-2 mana problems both times (game 2 smart AI play)

Shantak vs Grinnin:0-2 1)Silly mistake+good AI play 2)mana problems+1stT Juggernaut
Grinnin vs Shantak:1-2

Jatill vs Aww1979:2-0
Aww1979 vs Jatill:2-0

Jatill vs JuzamJedi:2-1
JuzamJedi vs Jatill:2-0

Jatill vs Nicdanger:2-1
Nicdanger vs Jatill:2-1

Jatill vs Monopoman:2-0
Monopoman vs Jatill:2-0

Jatill vs Cognis:2-0 AI was mana screwed both times.
Cognis vs Jatill:2-0

Jatill vs Grinnin:2-1
Grinnin vs Jatill:2-0

Aww1979 vs JuzamJedi:2-0
Juzamjedi vs Aww1979:1-2

Aww1979 vs Nicdanger:2-1
Nicdanger vs Aww1979:2-0

Aww1979 vs Monopoman:2-0
Monopoman vs Aww1979:0-2

Aww1979 vs Cognis:2-0
Cognis vs Aww1979:2-0

Aww1979 vs Grinnin:0-2 AI played very well both times with Necropotence and won me in few turns.
Grinnin vs Aww1979:2-0

JuzamJedi vs Nicdanger:2-1
Nicdanger vs JuzamJedi:2-0

JuzamJedi vs Monopoman:2-0
Monopoman vs JuzamJedi:2-0

JuzamJedi vs Cognis:2-0
Cognis vs JuzamJedi:2-0

JuzamJedi vs Grinnin:1-2
Grinnin vs JuzamJedi:2-0

Nicdanger vs Monopoman:2-0
Monopoman vs Nicdanger:2-0

Nicdanger vs Cognis:2-0
Cognis vs Nicdanger:2-0

Nicdanger vs Grinnin:2-0
Grinnin vs Nicdanger:2-0

Monopoman vs Cognis:2-1
Cognis vs Monopoman:2-0

Monopoman vs Grinnin:2-0
Grinnin vs Monopoman:2-0 1st game was a certain loss if not for AI's surrender,AI was holding me back just with Velbucken Shukles!!!I won only when Zombie Titan came into play.

Cognis vs Grinnin:2-0
Grinnin vs Cognis:2-1

Edit I have not counted but I don't think Jatill will be happy with my results.
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby jatill » 06 Jan 2011, 16:54

Yeah, you seriously suck with my deck :)

I propose that aww and jatill get kicked off with the lowest scores, and grinn gets kicked off for not testing any matches. Play out the top 5 and kick off 1 more before single elimination starts.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby juzamjedi » 06 Jan 2011, 17:57

Apparently you had problems with my deck and lost a ton of games. My deck lost to Aww as well so it's possible I might not make it now. Le sigh.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 06 Jan 2011, 18:01

So we have 5 player group and eliminate 1. I'd rather we just go directly to 4 or something else since playing all those matches again to kick off 1 deck seems a lot of work, especially since there is another tournament in progress, or we do what was the original idea and pass 6 players through, in these case Aww and Grinnin would be dropped since Grinnin hasn't showed up for 3 weeks now.
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