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Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results [Juzamjedi won]

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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Cognis » 15 Feb 2011, 22:21

240sxforever vs Stroggoii 3-0

Game 1: A quick and aggro win.
Game 2: Decided to keep a 5 land hand with 3 fetchlands and Terramorphic Expanse becaue of Emeria Angel, I got one more angel and a crap load of tokens pumped with Glorious Anthem.
Game 3: Another quick and efficient game.

Stroggoii vs 240sxforever 3-0

Game 1: I wouldn't stand a chance without Worship.
Game 2: A close game but 2 Bitterblossom and Ajani Goldmane prevailed.
Game 3: I'd lose this one but the AI had only Soul Warden which got exiled and Emeria Angel that shared the same fate + 5 pumping enchantments and lots of land so 2 Bitterblossom kept attacking while one blocked the AI's token, it was close but 2 Elixir of Immortality kept me alive, although barely.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby aww1979 » 16 Feb 2011, 20:37

GROUP D: SHANTAK vs ASWANJAGUAR 3-0 (shantak +5 pts)
Game 1: I had an absolutely killer hand and won by turn 5. Virtually no deck could have survived it, much less in a limited environment. The entire game took 96 seconds of video.
Game 2: Except for missing my 3rd land drop for a few turns, it was basically like game 1. A Meekstone worked wonders against the AIs two Glorious Anthem; had it only played one anthem, I might've been in trouble, but as it was I could let the 3/x creatures hit me once and then forget about them.
Game 3: The AI did well here, but not well enough. Shantak's deck is really strong, and I can't help wondering why I didn't build a similar one. I do recall thinking it would suck in the metagame I was expecting... but I've always been poor at judging the metagame.

ASWANJAGUAR vs SHANTAK: 0-3 (shantak +5 pts)
Game 1: (LOSS) I played Bitterblossom on turn 2 and 3. AI used Blightning and Hellfire Mongrel, and I lost too much life too quickly. Had I kept the blossoms in hand, I suspect I'd still have lost.
Game 2: (LOSS) I just can't deal with all the quick discard. I did my best, but got overwhelmed.
Game 3: (LOSS) I was ROBBED!!! I thought I had the win this time. We were both at 3 life, and I would've won next turn, and AI topdecked Blightning.

GROUP E: 240SXFOREVER vs STROGGOII 3-0 (240sxforever +5 pts)
Game 1: I could've won a turn sooner, but I screw up the order of my plays.
Game 2: Long game, but I ended up the winner. AI could've been using Ajani, but didn't bother most turns, so I didn't bother attacking ajani, and went straight for the AIs throat.
Game 3: Easy win. Had a great hand and AI was stuck at 2 mana, and felt the pain of 'Bloodghast can't block' :p (there was about a minute or two where I got up from my computer and forgot to pause, so just be aware that it was on my end, and not your playback)

STROGGOII vs 240SXFOREVER 3-1 (stroggoii +4 pts, 240sxforever +1 pts)
Game 1: Nothing too surprising here. Straightforward win.
Game 2: (LOSS) AI just had too many creatures, and I drew THREE Worship, yet still died to my own Bitterblossom, unable to get a Soul Warden to save my life, quite literally. (games 1 and 2 in the same video file)
Game 3: Longer game, but I got the win, carefully balancing chump blocks with bitterblossom loss of life and when to use the different ajani abilities to come out on top.
Game 4: Stayed alive due to Soul Warden/Bitterblossom/Worship and won with faerie tokens when AI kept attacking with everything and leaving itself open to faerie tickling. Topdecking ajani got me the win one turn earlier than expected, which was key, since AI had Path to Exile on top, and if it had killed Soul Warden, then I'd have died to Bitterblossom instead of winning.

This group has a big enough points gap that my result likely won't matter, so I'll leave it be unless it either gets closer due to other results, or someone requests me to play it tomorrow.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Salbei » 16 Feb 2011, 21:57

Round 2 is over!

Round 3
(best of 5)

Group G (final)
Shantak (won Group D)
240sxforever (won Group E)
Juzamjedi (won Group F)

Deadline for reports : Feb 27 (Sunday)

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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Salbei » 16 Feb 2011, 22:27

Round 3

Group G

Shantak +5 +1 +1 +1 = 8 points
240sxforever +0 +4 +1 +0 = 5 points
Juzamjedi +4 +4 +4 +5 = 17 points

Shantak vs 240sxforever 3-0 (embedded Videos!) 18.02.2011
notes | Open
Game 2 was very close and should be interesting to watch.
game2: very close game!
game4: -
game5: -

240sxforever vs Shantak 3-1 (embedded Videos!) 18.02.2011
notes | Open
Made a severe mistake by playing Honor of the Pure while Meekstone was on the table.That misplay cost me game1.
game1: loss

Shantak vs Juzamjedi 1-3 (embedded Videos!) 21.02.2011
notes | Open
game1: loss
game3: loss
game4: loss
All pretty close games. Juzamjedi "survived" most of the time due to Elixir of Immortality. Once Gravetitans enter the field it is just game over right there.Also tough to race Trusty Machete + Bitterblossom.

Juzamjedi vs Shantak 3-1 (embedded Videos!) 21.02.2011
notes | Open
game2: loss

240sxforever vs Juzamjedi 1-3 (embedded Videos) 26.02.2011
notes | Open
Lots of times i just drew Lands and Enchantments but no threats. When i finally play creatures Path to Exile or Nekrataal takes care of it.I should have won game 3 but opted to play a Creature over a Pump Enchantment, completely my bad...really thought i had that game then Grave Titan stole it.Played those games 7 o´clock in the morning and clearly was not ontop of my game.
game2: loss
game3: loss
game4: loss

Juzamjedi vs 240sxforever 3-0 (embedded Videos) 26.02.2011
notes | Open
Very one-sided games.Always had removal for the few Creatures the AI played. Grave Titan + Bitterblossom just overwhelmed the AI.
game4: -
game5: -
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Shantak » 17 Feb 2011, 06:53

Round 3

Group G

Shantak +12
240sxforever +4
Juzamjedi +14

Shantak vs 240sxforever 3-1
notes | Open
game1 - 1-0: Good combination of discard and removal. In the end, two Hellfire Mongrels damaged AI to death (though Loxodon Hierarchs slowed me down).
game2 - 1-1: I pushed enter too quickly one turn and missed casting Blazing Specter before attack phase. That missing damage, discard and blocker might have cost me the game, but it was pretty even.
game3 - 2-1: Initial land problems. Luckily AI had a slow hand and I catched up but would have died without that Lightning Bolt + Hellfire Mongrel damage finish.
game4 - 3-1: Like the first game, good discard, Hellfire Mongrel and Bolt to take out Emeria Angel.

Loxodon Hierachs caused big problems in two games. They give AI enough life to survive and get a creature when I'm already out of removal. That 2 damage per turn by Mongrel feels so little, when Hierarch entering the game can bring 5 with Soul Warden trigger as well.

240sxforever vs Shantak 3-2
notes | Open
game1 - 0-1: My only creature was an eventually 7/7 Loxodon Hierarch, but AI had too many attackers combined with Blightning and Mongrel damage.
game2 - 1-1: I would have died if I hadn't attacked with 5/5 Hierarch, causing AI to block it with two Mongrels and a Rat. With the Mongrels out of the way, my Watchwolf was enough to win.
game3 - 1-2: Was drawing just land when I would have needed creatures. Specter and Mongrel finished me.
game4 - 2-2: One Honor of the Pure and beefy 4/4 creatures (when compared to AI's 2/2 critters).
game5 - 3-2: Two 4/4 Watchwolfs did all my damage, but would have died to two Blazing Specters next turn.

When faced with the choice of discarding Emeria Angel or Loxodon Hierarch, I always discarded the Angel, knowing that it's in Lightning Bolt range and really needing the Hierarch Life. Sometimes, even when I had big creatures, my hand was empty and I was so much behind in life that I couldn't win.

Shantak vs Juzamjedi 3-0
notes | Open
game1 - 1-0: Thanks to discard, AI never got to six land and my smaller creatures were enough.
game2 - 2-0: My initial Duress couldn't discard anything. This time AI had land but no Grave Titans. Mongrel damage + Bitterblossom finished him.
game3 - 3-0: Again, Duress only told me the cards. With AI's Vampire Nighthawk (+ Trusty Machete) beating me, even three Blazing Specters attacking and Hellfire Mongrel damaging I didn't seem to do enough damage. Then at the last turn, I was at 2 life, attacked with all creatures, Bolted AI and just brought him to 0. Whew!

Luckily I didn't have to face Grave Titan in any of the games - I don't think I could have survived it. Otherwise discard seemed to do the trick, though opponent's big life total and Nighthawks really made it hard.

Juzamjedi vs Shantak 3-1
notes | Open
game1 - 0-1: I was at 5 life and AI at 22, with AI's Mongrel and My Bitterblossom in play. Then I topdecked Ajani who started lifesupporting me. I managed with some five turns like that, AI always damaging Ajani and tokens blocking. Then I finally get Grave Titan in play, but I'm already in three life, Ajani dead and with Mongrel damage die to my Bitterblossom.
game2 - 1-1: I lose all my cards, think that I can recover when I play Nighthawk, but lose it to Lightning Bolt. Luckily I then draw another Nighthawk, trick AI into blocking it with two Specters and Path the other. When I get Ajani in play, my victory is secured.
game3 - 2-1: My Nighthawk gets bolted and hand discarded. Luckily I draw Bitterblossom and it, combined with Trusty Machete, helps me to victory.
game4 - 3-1: My hand goes away soon, but AI has no Mongrels and I have two Trusty Machetes that help a Nekrataal and Solemn Simulacrum to beat AI.

Really tricky, really hard. Grave Titan is such a bad card in opening hand since I always end up losing it. Nighthawks are the best, even if they are lightning rods. Somehow, I didn't have much use for removal or maybe I was forced to discard it always.

240sxforever vs Juzamjedi 0-3 18.2.2011
notes | Open
game1 - 0-1: Elixirs slowed me down but I got AI to one life with two boosted Watchwolfs. Then Grave Titan came down. AI had too many blockers for me to get through. Then he cast another Grave Titan. My almost sure victory was turned into a bitter defeat :(
game2 - 0-2 : Nekrataals slowed me down so that AI could get Grave Titan to play. I exchanged it to a 6/6 Hierarch but AI already had too many creatures in play, including Vampire Nighthawk carrying a machete. With Soul Warden in play, we were both in 20+ life for a long time, but eventually AI chipped down my life with his Nighthawk and then had enough crew to strike me down in one big attack. After that, AI was in 57 life.
game3 - 0-3: Again! I had bigger creatures thanks to three boosters, but AI had so many more creatures (thanks to Nekrataals) and then got Grave Titan which I just couldn't race.

Sorry about these, 240sx. AI seemed to always Nekrataal my Emeria Angel or Loxodon Hierarch and overrun me when he got to Grave Titan.

Juzamjedi vs 240sxforever 3-0 18.2.2011
notes | Open
game1 - 1-0: In this game, the strangest thing happened. AI had my Grave Titan Oblivion Ringed and I thought I would be losing soon for AI had couple of big ones in play. Then it cast another Ob Ring. I used my Elixir, just in case, but as the Ring hit play, it targeted the other Oblivion Ring that was keeping my Grave Titan away. Surprise Grave Titan wins the game. Thanks, AI.
game2 - 2-0: AI had one creature in play at a time (thanks to my removal). I had plenty (thanks to Grave Titan). Easy victory.
game3 - 3-0: Bitterblossom. Grave Titan. Ajani Goldmane. Meanwhile, AI was casting mostly Glorious Anthems.

This seemed too easy for Juzamjedi's deck, but like I said during the first round, this is the winner deck. Most of the time, I was hoping I would draw Judgment Day (not that any of the decks had that, I think). Board sweeper would have been good.
Last edited by Shantak on 18 Feb 2011, 18:16, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby juzamjedi » 17 Feb 2011, 14:54

General notes about my games.

In the games with Shantak's deck I kept note of who was on the play vs. on the draw (I honestly didn't think about it before, but it makes sense that a discard deck is better on the play). I have decided that the AI is terrible playing against Blightning; they always discard lands and hang on to "good cards" and eventually have to discard the "good cards" anyway because they don't have lands to cast their spells.

The games of my deck vs. 240sxforever were removal-fests. With my deck I was using Bitterblossom, Solemn Simulacrum, etc. to bait the AI's removal spells and landing a Grave Titan later than normal to secure the win. With 240sxforever's deck the only way to sandbag threats is make sure you can play Emeria Angel + land on the same turn (so at least you get a bird token out of the deal). There were a couple games that I had multiple anthems in play, but no creatures.

Shantak vs. 240sxforever win 3-1 | Open
Game 1: I'm on the play. T2 Ravenous Rats and AI discards a land, EOT path's my rat. AI misses it's T2 land drop :-/ Now I have 4 mana and play T3 Blazing Specter, T4 Blightning for an easy win.
Game 2: LOSS - I'm on the draw. I mulligan into a 3 land hand with Hymn and 2x Blightning's. AI plays Soul Warden and Glorious Anthem before I can empty his hand. I draw a Doom Blade to answer his Watchwolf, but AI plays another Glorious Anthem and Soul Warden beats me down a few turns later.
Game 3: I'm on the play. I mulligan into Hymn, Hellfire Mongrel, Blazing Specter and lands. YES! My Hymn hits a Glorious Anthem and Oblivion Ring. AI gets Watchwolf + Glorious Anthem + Honor of the Pure in play. He doesn't play any more creatures though and I am able to outrace with my team.
Game 4: I'm on the draw. T2 Ravenous Rats (path'd), T3 Blazing Specter, T4 Blazing Specter, T5 Blazing Specter, T6 Hellfire Mongrel. And then I punched him in the face and kicked his dog.

240sxforever vs. Shantak win 3-0 | Open
Game 1: I'm on the play. T1 Soul Warden, T3 Glorious Anthem, T4 Loxodon Hierarch. AI discards me, but doesn't play many creatures so I outrace pretty easily from there.
Game 2: I'm on the draw. AI plays T1 Meekstone and suddenly my hand looks pretty bad. AI wrecks my hand and starts beating me down. Amazingly, it stops playing the game though. Eventually I rip Emeria Angel + Fetchland and win with bird tokens. I peak right before I win and AI has Blazing Specters and Blightning. :-/
Game 3: I'm on the play. AI doesn't do much while I have Glorious Anthem + 2x Emeria Angel. First one dies, second one lives and bird tokens beat down.

Shantak vs. Juzamjedi win 3-1 | Open
Game 1: On the play. Keep Hymn, Blightning, Hellfire Mongrel, lands. YAUS! Hand goes perfectly and I win easily.
Game 2: LOSS - I'm on the draw. I flood a little bit and the only discard I play is Blightning. AI gets to cast a Grave Titan and I have a Meekstone in play. Then AI plays another Grave Titan :-/ I double bolt one of them and the other is tapped down. My 2x Hellfire Mongrel hold the 6x zombie army at bay! Nekrataal comes down and kills a Mongrel. Life totals now 15-12. I draw yet another land and AI finally decides my 1 Mongrel can't stop his team after all.
Game 3: On the play. T2 Ravenous Rats, T3 Blightning, T4 Ravenous Rats + Meekstone, T5 Blightning. Easy win.
Game 4: On the draw. T2 Hymn, T3 Blightning, T4 2x Ravenous Rats, T5 Blazing Specter. I win easily; the only spell cast by AI is Trusty Machete.

Juzamjedi vs. Shantak win 3-0 | Open
Game 1: On the play. I mulligan into Bitterblossom, 2x Solemn Simulacrum and lands. AI has some hand hate, but not enough pressure to beat Bitterblossom. I topdeck Vampire Nighthawk, equip it with Machete and cruise to an easy win.
Game 2: On the draw. AI doesn't make me discard at all until Blazing Specter connects on turn 5. I play Bitterblossom. The game goes long, and eventually AI stops playing and I win a close one. I peek right before I win and AI's hand is Blazing Specter (could have blocked my guys!) and Blightning. I had Vindicate for Specter, but human would have made it a closer game.
Game 3: On the play. I keep a hand without black mana. AI has a slow start and I am able to get Bitterblossom + Ajani in play. I bring my life total up to a healthy 20 and then start giving my faeries vigilance and counters. Meekstone doesn't beat Ajani :)

240sxforever vs. Juzamjedi win 3-2 | Open
Game 1: T1 Soul Warden gets path'd. And AI plays T2 Bitterblossom. I O-ring Bitterblossom. AI plays Nighthawk and I O-ring it too. AI plays 2x Nekrataal while I am drawing Glorious Anthems with no other creatures in play. After AI plays 3 Nekrataal I topdeck a Watchwolf that is a 6/6. AI plays Bitterblossom and I play another Watchwolf. I'm at 8 life when I draw... Emeria angel (DING) I play a fetchland and suddenly I am in control now. AI has a big army, but my bird tokens stabilize me just enough to take it down.
Game 2: T2 Watchwolf, T3 Watchwolf + Path a Nighthawk, T4 Watchwolf, T5 Honor of the Pure. What a beating.
Game 3: LOSS - T2 Watchwolf (Path'd), T3 Glorious Anthem + Soul Warden (Nekrataal'd), T4 Emeria Angel (Vindicate'd). Now I'm drawing Anthem's without creautres in play. AI plays a Grave Titan (I path it). I topdeck Loxodon Heirarch; AI plays another Grave Titan (I path it). AI has a lot of 2/2's now and attacks; I survive this attack, but I topdeck land and die to 2/2's the next turn.
Game 4: LOSS - I mulligan. T2 Watchwolf (Path'd), T3 Loxodon Hierarch (Path'd), T4 O-ring AI's Nighthawk, Honor of the Pure, Soul Warden (Nekrataal'd). T5 Emeria Angel (Nekrataal'd). I have nothing left now so Nekrataal's start beating down and AI casts a Grave Titan and now I'm just dead.
Game 5: T2 Watchwolf (Path'd), T3 Loxodon Heirarch, T4 Loxodon Hierarch, T5 Watchwolf. AI plays Ajani so I O-ring his only blocker and kill Ajani. AI Path's my Hierarch and plays a Nighthawk. I topdeck Glorious Anthem and attack AI down to 3 (killing Nighthawk). AI has Grave Titan, but I topdeck Emeria Angel, put 2 bird tokens into play and AI can't stop me now.

Juzamjedi vs. 240sxforever win 3-0 | Open
Game 1: I keep a really slow hand, but it has Solemn Simulacrum + Grave Titan. T4 SS (Path'd) + Bitterblossom (O-ring'd). T5 I play another SS and chump block a Loxodon Hierarch. T6 Nekrataal to kill Hierarch (Path'd). T7 Grave Titan. T8 I Vindicae O-ring, returning Nekrataal and kill Loxodon Hierarch with it. AI then Path's a Zombie token (???) AI only has Watchwolf, and Soul Warden in play so I trade Grave Titan for both of them. My Zombie army of 2/2's plays clean up after all the other creatures are dead.
Game 2: I keep a 1 land hand with 2x Vampire Nighthawk, Bitterblossom, Path, Elixir, and Trusty Machete. I topdeck the land I need and put Bitterblossom to work and start equipping Faerie tokens. AI plays a few removal spells and once a Faerie lives I play 2x Vampire Nighthawk. The only creature played by AI all game is a Watchwolf so pretty easy to win.
Game 3: T1 Elixir, T2 Bitterblossom, T3 Nighthawk (Path'd), T4 Solemn Simulacrum, T5 Grave Titan and Path the AI's Soul Warden, T6 play another Bitterblossom and activate Elixir. The only creature for AI is Loxodon Hierarch and I have a ton of token creatures. AI can't block them all and I win it easy.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby jatill » 17 Feb 2011, 17:51

Round 3

Group G


Shantak vs 240sxforever 3-0
240sxforever vs Shantak 3-1
notes | Open
loss 1:
AI killed every creature I palyed and picked away with Rats and Hellfire Mongrel.

Shantak vs Juzamjedi 3-2
notes | Open
I had the AI with no cards in hand or play, except 4 lands. Unfortunately, the AI topdecked well, and I got clobbered by BB, Nighthawk, and Titan.
Severe flood. I died with 20 cards left in deck, only 1 of which was land.

Juzamjedi vs Shantak 3-1
notes | Open
I got blown out by discard and Specter before I could get an offense online. Had to discard both Grave Titans.

240sxforever vs Juzamjedi 3-1
notes | Open
Loss 1:
A surprise loss where the Ai dealt with all of my creatures, and BB got me dead. AI was at 1 when I died.-------------------

Juzamjedi vs 240sxforever 3-0
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Shantak » 18 Feb 2011, 06:53

Salbei wrote:Shantak vs 240sxforever 3-0 (embedded Videos!) // 18.02.2011
Game 2 was very close and should be interesting to watch.

240sxforever vs Shantak 3-1 (embedded Videos!) // 18.02.2011
Made a severe mistake by playing Honor of the Pure while Meekstone was on the table. That misplay cost me game1.
Wow. And I thought I made a mistake including Meekstone in the deck. In these games it was totally worth it.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Salbei » 18 Feb 2011, 07:19

It saved your a** in both of these games.So it was worth it :)
Especially that game2 would have been 100% lost without it.
Best game i recorded so far - really worth watching it.
I wonder how other people would have handled this situation.

BTW: I love your deck choice. Blightning , Specter and Mongrel are very potent Cards in this format.The synergy is just unreal - especially when people got low start HP.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby ALEX Ryugami » 18 Feb 2011, 09:27

Round 3

Group G

Shantak 0+0+5+1=6
240sxforever 5+5+1+0=11
Juzamjedi 0+4+4+5=13

Shantak vs 240sxforever 0-3
notes | Open
Game 1: Discard clears and removals clears my way. But the AI has an unanswered Watchwolf and my creatures keep exiled, so I lost the game.
Game 2: Meekstone keeps AI creatures tapped, but they are big enough thanks to Glorious Anthem and Honor of the pure. Now I lose because I am short of threats.
Game 3: Same with last game.
Game 4: -
Game 5: -
240sxforever vs Shantak 3-0
notes | Open
Game 1: I have bigger and more threats than the AI so I can win easily.
Game 2: Same with last game, with the difference is both players haven't draw any threat for some turns. Then I win with a lone big Watchwolf
Game 3: Even discard almost emptying my hand, I still have an unanswered Loxodon Hierarch on the battlefield and win with that. :D
Game 4: -
Game 5: -
Shantak vs Juzamjedi 3-0
notes | Open
Game 1: Meekstone really helps me to keep Grave Titan tapped. And three(!) Hellfier Mongrels really gives me reach to kill the opponent.
Game 2: Mongrel does the damage to the opponent. Even AI kills it with Nekrataal, it doesn't have much life so I kill it with Blazing Specter.
Game 3: AI is manascrewed and I can win via direct damage.
Game 4: -
Game 5: -
Juzamjedi vs Shantak 3-1
notes | Open
Game 1: Trusty Machete plus Nighthawk Vampire keep my life on stable state, and kill AI with it + Bitterblossom tokens.
Game 2: Bitterblossom rules even I don't have any cards left in hand
Game 3: I have no threats and killed by discards.
Game 4: Bitterblossom for the win! :D
Game 5: -
240sxforever vs Juzamjedi 1-3
notes | Open
Game 1: I lost to the pumped armies of Faerie tokens.
Game 2: I exile every Grave Titan on the sight, then I kill AI with pumped Emeria Angel and a Bird token.
Game 3: I lost because I have less threats than the AI (especially with Grave Titans around.)
Game 4: Same with last game. Sigh.
Game 5: -
Juzamjedi vs 240sxforever 3-0
notes | Open
Game 1: I kill every threat the AI has, and win with Grave Titan.
Game 2: Same with last game. Removals plus Grave Titan is very good.
Game 3: Same with last game again :P
Game 4: -
Game 5: -
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby Aswan jaguar » 18 Feb 2011, 18:35


Shantak vs 240sxforever 3-0 | Open
Comments:only first game was tough AI brought me to 2 life.

240sxforever vs Shantak 2-3 | Open
[b]GAME 1I pathed a Hellfire Mongrel,Oblivion Ring a Blazing Specter but a second Hellfire Mongrel+Blighting+Lightning bolt on me,end of story.
GAME 2 Soul Warden gets bolted,I path Hellfire Mongrel and Blazing Specter,AI answers and paths Loxodon Hierarch.I play another but gets stopped by meekstone.2nd Hellfire Mongrel and 2nd Blazing Specter seal the deal for AI.
GAME 3AI bolts Soul Warden and 2 Lightning bolt on Loxodon Hierarch
but Emeria Angel comes in play to stop Hellfire Mongrel and 4 pump enchantments boost me to win.
GAME 4This was an exciting game,the advantage on board changed hands few times.2 Emeria Angel s gave some benefit but Hellfire Mongrel got me to 4
life I traded Emeria Angel for 2Blazing Specter s and next turn I will finish him off.AI bolts my ass and I am at 1life AI pays mana to cast and I fear of Hellfire Mongrel ...relieved to see rats.
GAME 5 2 Doom Blades get Soul Warden and Watchwolf.2Blazing Specter s and Blightning seal the deal for AI.My Watchwolf cant outrace them.

Shantak vs Juzamjedi 3-2 | Open
GAME 1 -
GAME 2 AI paths my Hellfire Mongrel while I am attacking for the kill,! Then in his turn casts Grave Titan in 2turns zombies with machete finish me off :shock:
GAME 3 Bitterblossom and Nekrataal this time kill me.
GAME 5 AI can't get white mana in play or 4land so Hellfire Mongrel and Blazing Specter do it for me.

Juzamjedi vs Shantak 3-2 | Open
GAME 1I can't get anything in play or anything to stay in my hand.
GAME 2 2Blazing Specter s,2Blightning and my Bitterblossom finish me off.
GAME 3 2 Bitterblossom and Ajani Goldmane win for me.
GAME 4 Bitterblossom and a Vampire Nighthawk which came just in time to survive to that awful Hellfire Mongrel.
GAME 5 Ajani Goldmane pumps Bitterblossom and Vampire Nighthawk for the win.


240sxforever vs Juzamjedi 0-3 | Open
GAME 1 Totally overpowered.
GAME 2 Destroyed 2 Grave Titan s but the 3nd was too much to handle+ Bitterblossom + Ajani Goldmane.
GAME 3 Besides 2 Watchwolf s from start who got removed,I was only drawing pump enchantments and lands.

Juzamjedi vs 240sxforever 3-0 | Open
GAME 1 -
GAME 2 AI put up a good fight with Emeria Angel and I won just in time.
GAME 3 Bitterblossom and lots of removals deliver this win.

Shantak 13
240sxforever 2
Juzamjedi 15
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: Feb Tournament (Limited Shop) Results

Postby 240sxforever » 22 Feb 2011, 03:25

Round 3

Shantak vs 240sxforever (3-2)
| Open
Game 1
AI topped more creatures than I had removal (3 Emeria angels...) Still managed to put the AI at 6, after 2 soul wardens, though.

Game 2
Used the AI's own reluctance to attack to hold the ground, then won by Hellfire Mongrel.

Game 3
Discard only does so much, the deck also needs to draw removal.

For what it matters, this is the first You Tube video I have ever uploaded...

Game 4
3 Blightning + 2 Blazing specter = WIN.

Game 5
Enough discard and burn to see the game through.

240sxforever vs Shantak (3-2)
| Open
Game 1
AI had 3 Blazing specter, I had 5 pump enchantments and only 1 creature the entire game.

Game 2
6/6 Emeria angel and 7/7 Hierarch were too big for the AI to deal with.

Game 3
Bad top decks, that is death against Shantak.

Game 4
Saved by the power of the almighty top deck. 2 Emeria angels hold off the attackers then Hierarch digs me out of a hole.

Game 5
2 Hierarchs take deal with most of the AI position, but get locked down or killed. I was saved at the last second by an Emeria angel.

Shantak vs Juzamjedi (2-3)
| Open
Game 1
Not a tough match altogether.

Game 2
Got to stare at a 4/4 Nighthawk with Doom blade and Lightning bolt in my hand. It undid all my hard work, then killed me.

Game 3
Managed to pull a win against Bitter Blossom and 2 Machetes,

Game 4
Beaten to death by Faerie tokens.

Game 5
Night hawk undid all my hard work and without a lightning bolt to deal with it, killed me.
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