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Creating a CCG, and looking for partners.

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Creating a CCG, and looking for partners.

Postby chexwithraisins » 04 Dec 2011, 22:12

I just came across this forum while browsing, so I hope I am placing this post in the appropriate area.

I am currently developing a new CCG called Sphere CCG that will exist entirely online. The Sphere site can be visited at When complete the Sphere game client is designed to properly execute and handle game events properly. I have made significant progress in the 4 months I've spent programming the game.

I am creating the program in Java and am using Netbeans IDE. I have around 120 (out of 292) working cards, with which you can create a deck and play an opponent. The reason that I am posting is because I am looking for a skilled programmer or two to partner with and collaborate on this project. I will also need beta testers soon as well.

I am including a couple of screen shots of a sample game that was played recently (me vs myself). ImageImage

I need help in these areas: Swing programming (making the game more polished and user-friendly), Server creation and maintenance, Graphical Design, understanding of Security issues, web design. Any insight in these areas is appreciated. I see that a lot of those here have similar projects, but I think that if a few of us put our heads together we can create a polished product.
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Postby LeoFresko » 06 Nov 2024, 21:25

Ive written a plugin called Horizontal Featured Posts with Thumbnail which is designed to be used in the header to display a 1-6 featured posts with their Featured Image and an excerpt. Im looking for a couple beta testers to try it out and give me some feedback before I release it.

If you are interested in trying it out, send me a PM and Ill point you at the plugin.
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