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Multiplayer Syncing Tool

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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Xander9009 » 18 Feb 2015, 00:46

No. The "Multiplayer Syncing Tool" is for multiplayer. It can be used to sync certain decks via saving a profile with certain decks, then saving a new profile with different decks, but that's not what it's meant for, and it's not otherwise useful for single player. Which deck are you trying to use? Also, a problem I've encountered (a lot, actually) is having to click "Deck Manager" before my custom decks work in-game. I don't know why, as I've never seen that issue with anyone else's decks and I don't recall ever hearing about that issue elsewhere, but I would suggest trying that. You don't have to edit a particular deck, just clicking "Deck Manager" so you see the list of decks in the manager is always enough for me.

That has never caused crashing, though. So, which deck are you trying to use (I'll make sure it works on my end and make sure there aren't any other requirements)? Are you certain you have the CW in your game folder?
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Rikkies » 18 Feb 2015, 13:01

Xander9009 wrote:No. The "Multiplayer Syncing Tool" is for multiplayer. It can be used to sync certain decks via saving a profile with certain decks, then saving a new profile with different decks, but that's not what it's meant for, and it's not otherwise useful for single player. Which deck are you trying to use? Also, a problem I've encountered (a lot, actually) is having to click "Deck Manager" before my custom decks work in-game. I don't know why, as I've never seen that issue with anyone else's decks and I don't recall ever hearing about that issue elsewhere, but I would suggest trying that. You don't have to edit a particular deck, just clicking "Deck Manager" so you see the list of decks in the manager is always enough for me.

That has never caused crashing, though. So, which deck are you trying to use (I'll make sure it works on my end and make sure there aren't any other requirements)? Are you certain you have the CW in your game folder?
I used the Deck Manager technique and it works!

EDIT: But I have made a custom deck on my own (Red,Black,Green), and that deck doesn't work if you play it with Zorislav (Mask of Dimir). Other decks work properly. Sadly the deal is that player two, likes the Zorislav deck so much, she doesn't wan't to change decks :(
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Xander9009 » 18 Feb 2015, 14:53

If we're going to help, we seriously need more info lol. "It doesn't work" doesn't really tell us much except that something went wrong. What happened when you tried? Was it the same problem you were having with other decks, but the Deck Manager doesn't fix it? Is it a different problem? Does the game crash?

If I had to take a stab in the dark, you might not have made your content pack enabler. In Riiak's Deck Builder, if you click "Tools->Generate Content Pack Enabler", it'll make a special file which will make any decks you make with the ID you provided in the settings work in-game.
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Rikkies » 19 Feb 2015, 16:48

If I enter Two-headed Giant.
Choose my deck (Dragondeck(Red,Black,Green),player 2 uses Zorislav deck(Black,Blue), AI 1 and AI 2 use random decks.
Click Start Game, loading screen with loading circle appears. It keeps loading like forever:(
Melding from DotP2014 pops up on my screen with a .dmp file. This file is stored in My Documents. The only thing you can do is click 'OK', If you switch back to DotP2014.exe the game is still loading and after a couple of minutes (ruffly 10 minutes) the game freezes, the screen turns white and the game shuts down.

However when I play the game with an other deck let's pick Heroes of Theros deck, and Naya Shaman, the game works.
But the AI has a bug, think... The AI has no picture, no information on how many cards the have in their hands or in the graveyard. The AI name is simply shown as []....

I'm trying to make you a screenshot, probably easier.
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Xander9009 » 19 Feb 2015, 16:57

No need. I know the issue. That happens when the AI information for that deck hasn't been properly made. All of the decks I made (have the prefix 9009) should be fine, and I can't imagine any of the others would be messed up, but I'll check Heroes of Theros and Naya Shaman.

The crashing is probably not being caused by your decks, but by the opponents' decks. Yours are base game decks (I think, I don't remember off hand with certainty). No official decks are known to cause crashes in any way as far as I'm aware. Only way to make progress there would be to change it from random to specific decks until you find one that crashes the game and tell me all of the decks used.

EDIT: I've checked those two decks, and they seemed fine. Best guess in that case is to try waiting longer before starting the game. Riiak recently shed on light on the probable cause of a certain issue, and this could be related. Give the game an extra 30 seconds or so before starting the game. (My system only needs an extra 5-10 seconds, but I have a pretty good laptop, so it might or might not be a good comparison for your system.)
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Rikkies » 20 Feb 2015, 12:32

I use a custom Inspiron 15R Special, I had to cut my budget so I replaced my I7 for an I5 ](*,).
But ill try to not to use Random Decks! Thank you man! You saved my life again :D :D :D
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby AngelLestat » 23 Feb 2015, 16:56

Wow xander, this is great. I was busy for long time and I dint check this forum by months.
Your comunity wad and decks idea is reaping its benefits.

I keep playing with my friends (a normal group of 4) using my google drive..
But it seems that you have done all more clear.. without cards repeat.

If I found time, I will join to this group.
PD: Do you experience some crash when you try to make a multiplayer match? Me and my friends we experience some times that, we need to enter (the match creator) to the multiplayer lobby using a official deck, then change it. I wanna know if you had the same issue with your comunity wad or is fixed due not repeated cards.
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Xander9009 » 23 Feb 2015, 17:33

I can't say if that's fixed or not. I've only been able to test the multi-player tool myself a few times before I released it and I haven't played multi-player since then. I do plan to play multi-player when my friend goes home tomorrow. However, I will say that a number of people have unfortunately experienced crashing. I've found another slew of missing bits (if you code, they were missing token registrations), but I fixed all of those. I have only experienced a few crashes since then, but I don't know what causes them. I've been taking it easy the last few days, but I'll be getting back to it tomorrow or Wednesday, when I'll be trying to narrow down the source of the crashes. I do not, however, recall many crashes in multi-player. I recall mostly crashes in single-player.
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby lilqi » 23 Feb 2015, 18:37

Hey, do you guys use ICQ? My UIN is 19478100, feel free to add me to test the multi-player syncing tool :)


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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby lilqi » 25 Feb 2015, 17:36

noone? i really would like to try multiplayer over tunngle with some of u guys
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Kejyas » 02 Mar 2015, 11:37

Hi i'm having a problem with the tool :(

When i run it it just says "Retrieving: Commnuity Decks path..."

I tried using the working ini file but no dice ( I did edit everything and even doublechecked if the directory was accesible)

my friend has no problems using it (it opens in less than 10 seconds while mine is forever)

At the moment i've tried several things to troubleshoot .

Reboot computer
Change directory of "Magic 2014"
Change directory of DotP multiplayer sync.exe
Change directory of Google Drive folder
Tried friends Sync.Exe
Run as admin/Win7/vista
Turning off windows smartscreen

I'm using windows 8 on my computer

Any help ASAP is much appreciated
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Xander9009 » 04 Mar 2015, 19:27

That means it's looking for your Google Drive folder. If you want to set it manually so it skips that, you need to open your ini, change the Google Drive folder path to your google drive path. The path should be directly to the Community Wad Decks folder like the example. The example isn't really a "working" ini except that it works on my computer.

In other words, if your google drive folder is in your user folder (the default), and you added the Community Wad Decks folder directly to your Google Drive folder (also the default if you added that specific folder and not ALL CW folders), then your path should be something like this: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Google Drive\Community Wad Decks

I'll put in a kill switch for when that takes too long or otherwise fails.

As for the OS, I'm on 8.1, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Sorry for the delay, I've been mostly without internet for a few days.
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Kejyas » 05 Mar 2015, 13:33

OMG thank you for replying!

It seems i was unclear (sorry for bad english..)

I've actually done that , editing the .ini file but still the problem isn't solved. I changed the .ini to
"Google Drive/Community Wad Decks "

And i tried putting the Wad Decks onto my c:/ drive so it'd look like this .

c:/Community Wad Decks but still it just says retrieveing community decks path...

it seems that no matter what i actually input on the ini file the msgs is still the same "Retrieving community decks path"

Do i need to install something to be able to run this ? This is actually my first computer and i feel like i might be missing something to run these kinds of application .
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby Xander9009 » 06 Mar 2015, 18:42

Well, I'm not 100% certain why it wouldn't be working. Are you sure you typed the path correctly? Did you use forward slashes or backslashes? URLs use / (which is what you typed in your post), but file paths use \. Note that it will try to find the right path even if you have C:\Community Wad Decks typed correctly IF that folder doesn't contain a folder called User Decklists.

Also, you can't move the folder out of Google Drive. If you do, then it will no longer sync with Google Drive, meaning anyone you try to play against using the utility won't have your proper decklist, and thus the utility won't work. If you're just interested in using the decks, then you don't need the utility.

To run the file, all you should need installed is Google Drive. The exe doesn't rely on any other programs to run.

You could try posting your ini file, and then I'd be able to see what's going on.

Either way, I've updated the multiplayer sync utility.

Now, there's a cancel button to skip any part of the initialization process that might take awhile.

I've also added a feature so the text labels on the path fields change if the path appears valid. It checks for the User Decklists in Community Decks, it checks for DotP_D14.exe in Game Folder, and for Your Decks, it simply checks that the folder itself exists.

That text color changing effect can also now be seen on the labels for Opponent IDs. If the file is valid, the text will be green.

Final change was very minor: if the OIDs are put in out of order (opponent 2 or 3 is filled without filling 1, or 3 is filled without filling 2), then they're moved up so they're handled properly (they only move when they become valid while typing or when sync is pressed to avoid them moving while you're typing the ID).

This is version 2. I last modified it at 1:35. After uploading two versions, I made the final changes (the color and moving of OIDs), and uploaded that last one ten minutes or so after the first two. I used the same version (2) for all of them because it seems silly to update the version for such a small change so quickly after uploading. Anyway, if you don't see these two changes, that might be why. Just download again and they should work.
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Re: Multiplayer Syncing Tool

Postby flavioj » 27 Oct 2015, 19:31

Xander9009 wrote:Well, I'm not 100% certain why it wouldn't be working. Are you sure you typed the path correctly? Did you use forward slashes or backslashes? URLs use / (which is what you typed in your post), but file paths use \. Note that it will try to find the right path even if you have C:\Community Wad Decks typed correctly IF that folder doesn't contain a folder called User Decklists.

Also, you can't move the folder out of Google Drive. If you do, then it will no longer sync with Google Drive, meaning anyone you try to play against using the utility won't have your proper decklist, and thus the utility won't work. If you're just interested in using the decks, then you don't need the utility.

To run the file, all you should need installed is Google Drive. The exe doesn't rely on any other programs to run.

You could try posting your ini file, and then I'd be able to see what's going on.

Either way, I've updated the multiplayer sync utility.

Now, there's a cancel button to skip any part of the initialization process that might take awhile.

I've also added a feature so the text labels on the path fields change if the path appears valid. It checks for the User Decklists in Community Decks, it checks for DotP_D14.exe in Game Folder, and for Your Decks, it simply checks that the folder itself exists.

That text color changing effect can also now be seen on the labels for Opponent IDs. If the file is valid, the text will be green.

Final change was very minor: if the OIDs are put in out of order (opponent 2 or 3 is filled without filling 1, or 3 is filled without filling 2), then they're moved up so they're handled properly (they only move when they become valid while typing or when sync is pressed to avoid them moving while you're typing the ID).

This is version 2. I last modified it at 1:35. After uploading two versions, I made the final changes (the color and moving of OIDs), and uploaded that last one ten minutes or so after the first two. I used the same version (2) for all of them because it seems silly to update the version for such a small change so quickly after uploading. Anyway, if you don't see these two changes, that might be why. Just download again and they should work.
Mr Xander9009 the program link is offline.
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