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NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 05 Jul 2017, 14:50

Added 1 NEW deck:
Devout Jazal

Made substantial modifications to Devoted to Obliteration -- added Nykthos and focussed more on that aspect, so removed cards that rely on swamps like Lashwrithe and Mutilate, added some extra firepower in the card draw department, and adjusted some other little things here and there.
Made modifications to Devotion to the Flame -- added borderposts for increased devotion.

EDIT: I'm wondering if I went overboard by putting Necropotence in Devoted to Obliteration. I think I did. I replace one with a Phyrexian Arena and see how that goes; if it's still too powerful I might replace them both.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby Xander9009 » 10 Jul 2017, 05:09

I tried out Devoted to Obliteration and it seems really good. I like the concept a lot, and the card choice seems pretty on point. Are the borderposts just for extra devotion? If so, I'd suggest using the non-MM version of those. The non-MM version still has the manual mana tapping ability, but it also has the auto-tapping ability (plus the ability to disable it if you don't want it used for some reason). So, you end up with all of the same options, plus some more, and less hassle from turn to turn. In fact, in case you're not aware, every card with a simple mana choice should have that same functionality in the non-MM version.

Also, seeing this deck in action has made me put Necropotence on my to-do list for checking into whether or not its ability would work as a "firebreathing" ability (where you can activate it and have the game automatically ask you how many times to use its ability, but each instance is still separate; very handy for abilities you want to use several times in a row).

I also tried Swimming with the Fishes. I like this. I really love theme decks like Elves and Merfolk, and Merfolk all having the same +1/+1 ability makes them really powerful. Adding in the shrine really speeds it up since so many of them have multiple symbols.

Another suggestion I'd make would be to use the Deck Builder's ability to override colors so that Devoted to Obliteration and Devout Jazal show up as pure black and pure white decks, respectively. Speaking of Devout Jazal, I hadn't noticed this one, but I love this idea. I'm going to try it out now, but it reminds me a bit of my Transcension deck, which is among my favorites. I really like the idea of simply ignoring your opponents' attacks, which Hedron-Field Purists, Dawn Elemental, and even Runed Halo can do. Transcendent Master can, too, if you get it to its indestructible state.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 10 Jul 2017, 12:45

Xander9009 wrote:I tried out Devoted to Obliteration and it seems really good. I like the concept a lot, and the card choice seems pretty on point. Are the borderposts just for extra devotion? If so, I'd suggest using the non-MM version of those. The non-MM version still has the manual mana tapping ability, but it also has the auto-tapping ability (plus the ability to disable it if you don't want it used for some reason). So, you end up with all of the same options, plus some more, and less hassle from turn to turn. In fact, in case you're not aware, every card with a simple mana choice should have that same functionality in the non-MM version.

Also, seeing this deck in action has made me put Necropotence on my to-do list for checking into whether or not its ability would work as a "firebreathing" ability (where you can activate it and have the game automatically ask you how many times to use its ability, but each instance is still separate; very handy for abilities you want to use several times in a row).

I also tried Swimming with the Fishes. I like this. I really love theme decks like Elves and Merfolk, and Merfolk all having the same +1/+1 ability makes them really powerful. Adding in the shrine really speeds it up since so many of them have multiple symbols.

Another suggestion I'd make would be to use the Deck Builder's ability to override colors so that Devoted to Obliteration and Devout Jazal show up as pure black and pure white decks, respectively. Speaking of Devout Jazal, I hadn't noticed this one, but I love this idea. I'm going to try it out now, but it reminds me a bit of my Transcension deck, which is among my favorites. I really like the idea of simply ignoring your opponents' attacks, which Hedron-Field Purists, Dawn Elemental, and even Runed Halo can do. Transcendent Master can, too, if you get it to its indestructible state.
Thanks for the tips (and the compliments on the decks), I'll try to incorporate some of them. I didn't actually know about the ability to change the deck colours in the deck editor but I've wanted that feature for a very long time (please don't tell me it was always there!); I used to go in and do it manually, but I got sick of doing that every time I exported a deck. There's probably a ton of decks where I should replace the MM lands now, but that's going to have to be a job for another day.

I actually saw your Transcension deck just a few days ago when you posted in your deck thread -- that was actually the first time I noticed your deck thread. When I saw your Transcension deck I was very aware of the similarities. I've used a couple of your decks before as inspiration for my decks ('stream of thoughts' and 'titania, protector of the loam'), but this time it was pure coincidence. I was surprised how similar the two are, but they are still somehow quite different. I haven't tried your deck yet, but I will soon as I'm interested to compare how it plays.

EDIT: oh right, I still had v1.4 of the deck builder. Updated now! 8)
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 14 Jul 2017, 14:26

I made major modifications to the deck Consortium of Minds. It now has a single focus -- the Jace-Nicol combo. No messing around with Birthing Pod; I want to make another deck "abusing" that card (so I'll essentially be splitting this deck in two, like I did with No Pain, No Gain/Vizkopa Mafia, or whatever the original deck was called then, many moons ago).

The new version of Consortium of Minds now has so much more synergy, and a few extra neat little combos (Eternal Witness to take Jace for another spin; Vampiric Tutor + Brainstorm for instant fetch, etc. [take a look]). I never noticed it before, because I don't think I ever had more thana single Doubling Season in play when I set the combo off, but if you have two then you get to use Jace's ability twice before he goes to the g/y, and if you have three you get to use it 4 times! Also, with three, Garruk produces 8 beasts!!

EDIT (16/07/2017): fixed land distribution in Consortium of Minds.

Also made substantial modifications to Sustained Concussion -- replaced 4x Bonfire of the Damned with 4x Damnation and 4x Reforge the Soul with 4x Quest for the Nihil Stone; among some other little changes.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 15 Aug 2017, 13:47

made significant changes to the deck Spore. No longer does it include the janky Sporemound + Life and Limb combo. It's now a streamlined, cohesive, spore-making machine.

A little while ago I also made some small changes to the decks Tezzacotta Army (added more fetch to increase consistency), Hell Rising, and No Offence (replaced the titans with walls).

EDIT: made some minor adjustments to the new Spore
EDIT2: I really want to do for fungi what I did with the persist mechanic; to add an autoskip function that skips if it's activated 2 or 3 times for any creature in play that you control -- that'll make Spore so much more enjoyable (i.e. less of a time sink) to play with.
EDIT3: Damn, it's happened again! I just realised the image for the deck is now of a card that isn't even in the deck anymore! This deck has become what Cordyceps Brain Infection should've been!! I so want to change the name and "theme" (i.e. aesthetical theme only) to Cordyceps Brain Infection, and remove "Spore" (i.e. actually what is currently known as Cordyceps Brain Infection), but I know that would probably cause a lot of confusion for people. But I do want to make a different version of the old Cordyceps Brain Infection, similar mechanics but different theme, so replacing the current version with Spore would suit that. hmm...
Last edited by nivmizzet1 on 19 Sep 2017, 13:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 19 Sep 2017, 13:21

woohoo! 16000 views! To celebrate I want to polish off this mod -- currently I have two different systems in place for Deck Personalities, which I want to reduce to one. EDIT: I also need to change the deck image on the decks that no longer use the cards in the deck image. I might also do what I said I'd do with the Spore deck and have it replace Cordyceps Brain Infection. Some other decks may also get some upgrades, including Only a Myth, which I recently tried again and found severely lacking. EDIT: I was going to do all this gradually, but this seemed like a good occassion to motivate me.

I should also mention that I've made some moderate modifications to a few decks over the past month or so that I thought weren't performing up to par, or were missing certain cards should've been obvious to include, or just re-adjusting lands. The modified decks are Revegetation, Memory Leak, and The Western Way.

EDIT: started the polishing...13.8% complete (minus the deck upgrades)
EDIT: polishing...22.4% complete (minus the deck upgrades); and The Meaning of Life has received a substantial makeover (EDIT: is it too good now?)
EDIT: unfortunately there is going to be a delay due to some unforseen events IRL
EDIT: polishing...27.6%; and Luxuria has received an extreme makeover (only 4 cards the same). It was too slow and weak, and didn't even embody what I wanted, which was pure burn. With Chandra's Phoenix and Kiln Fiend it was just a poor man's version of Fire and Lightning. Now it's basically just a Legacy burn deck. Is it too good now though? Oh yeah, to go with the completely different build it now has a different name -- Corona.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 15 Oct 2017, 09:05

*** Important ***
Renamed "Luxuria" to "Corona" after making substantial modifications to it.
This has important consequences; if you want to use it, remove Luxuria from your game directory and add Corona -- they use the same ID number so there will be a conflict if you don't replace them!

made substantial modifications to Evil Goblins, The Last March of the Ents, and to some extent Spore.
Changed the land base (added in some Cavern of Souls) in Captivated by Blood, The Western Way, and A Horrible Night.

Unfortunately, the AI can't use Cavern of Souls at all, so decks like Evil Goblins and The Western Way that were able to be driven by the AI to good effect are now poop when driven by the AI. Fortunately, my decks have never been built to accommodate AI driving, so hopefully this won't affect too many users of my decks.

EDIT: polishing now 34.5% complete.
Last edited by nivmizzet1 on 10 Oct 2019, 12:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 58 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 28 Oct 2017, 15:13

*** Important ***
Sorry to keep doing this, but I've gone and blown up another deck. Unfortunately, some decks just don't pass muster anymore (generally due to power creep as I introduce new decks and revise older decks). Sometimes a deck can be revised to increase its power level while keeping its core theme, but for other decks, given the certain theme/gimmicks in them they will never be competitive in my mod's evolving meta -- but I want every deck to be competitive. So I do this.
The deck that was formerly known as Vizkopa Mafia is now Clerics of Orzhova. Yes, the religious fanatics have moved in and taken over the mafia territory, a little bit like that season in game of thrones if you replace the mafia with the monarchy (not much difference between them though).
This has important consequences; if you want to use the new deck, remove Vizkopa Mafia from your game directory and add Clerics of Orzhova -- they use the same ID number so there will be a conflict if you have both!

Last edited by nivmizzet1 on 10 Oct 2019, 12:06, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks [1 NEW, 5 July 17]

Postby nivmizzet1 » 11 Nov 2017, 14:59

*** Important ***
Yet another renaming.
The deck that was formerly known as Grimgrin's Mortician is now Grimgrin's Colossus. Grimgrin fired his mortician for not preforming well enough. TBH the deck would probably perform even better without Grimgrin too, but I still try to keep some flavour.
This has important consequences; if you want to use the new deck, remove Grimgrin's Mortician from your game directory and add Grimgrin's Colossus -- they use the same ID number so there will be a conflict if you have both!



I've also moved Mail-Order Eldrazi back into the main mod (it also received a minor modification). With recent revisions to a lot of the other decks, I don't think it will be OP.

other decks to receive modifications include Forest Chant, She's a Maniac, and Flash Point (and maybe some other decks I've forgotten)

polisinhg now 43.1% complete
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

Postby nivmizzet1 » 10 Oct 2019, 12:14

I'm back! (although in limited capacity and perhaps not for very long)
And to mark this occasion I've given a fresh coat of paint to my deck It's Getting Stuffy In Here (irony unintentional). It's gone from irritatingly poor (I was considering it for the chopping block), to actually enjoyable to play (EDIT: and dare I say it, maybe even one of my favourites).

polishing now 54% complete also.

I'm hoping to get to 100% before I disappear again -- I really want this mod to be a complete entity, even if some of the decks I wanted to make and other things I wanted to do won't ever get done. I only have a month of free, so I need to finish before then...
Last edited by nivmizzet1 on 10 Oct 2019, 14:29, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

Postby Xander9009 » 10 Oct 2019, 12:28

Isn't free if you get it through their website?

Anyway, gotto go. Got some dolls I think I want to play with...
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

Postby nivmizzet1 » 10 Oct 2019, 12:30

Xander9009 wrote:Isn't free if you get it through their website?

Anyway, gotto go. Got some dolls I think I want to play with...
I think it is on older windows (it used to be). But if you have Windows 10 as I do then it makes you download via the microsoft store -- you get 1 month free trial then you have to pay!
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

Postby Xander9009 » 10 Oct 2019, 12:40

nivmizzet1 wrote:
Xander9009 wrote:Isn't free if you get it through their website?

Anyway, gotto go. Got some dolls I think I want to play with...
I think it is on older windows (it used to be). But if you have Windows 10 as I do then it makes you download via the microsoft store -- you get 1 month free trial then you have to pay!
You don't have to use the store version. In the blog post where the store version was announced, there's actually a question about it, and the creator specifically says that the free download version is the same program, it's mostly just the updating and reliability of installing said updates that encourage payment. On the website download page, just use the link for the classic version.
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

Postby nivmizzet1 » 10 Oct 2019, 13:42

Xander9009 wrote:
nivmizzet1 wrote:
Xander9009 wrote:Isn't free if you get it through their website?

Anyway, gotto go. Got some dolls I think I want to play with...
I think it is on older windows (it used to be). But if you have Windows 10 as I do then it makes you download via the microsoft store -- you get 1 month free trial then you have to pay!
You don't have to use the store version. In the blog post where the store version was announced, there's actually a question about it, and the creator specifically says that the free download version is the same program, it's mostly just the updating and reliability of installing said updates that encourage payment. On the website download page, just use the link for the classic version.
Okay, thanks. I did try that, but my problem was I couldn't follow all the links -- it felt like it just kept returning me to the same page, but it seems that I just missed the link. I have the free version now. Thanks again!
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Re: NivMizzet1's Deck Mods -- 59 Decks

Postby nivmizzet1 » 15 Oct 2019, 14:16

I just found out that one of my decks would have been crashing the game if using only the community WAD (i.e. not my mod's CW_LITE WAD) because at some point the filename for Capsize was changed from CAPSIZE_CW_4691.xml to CAPSIZE_CW.xml. I've updated the affected deck so this problem should now be resolved.

EDIT: The only affected deck was Mako Spring, so just re-download this and it should all be good.
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