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Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby vinnie » 03 Apr 2022, 05:41

1) However it is a good choice and if the sprites are left clear maybe one day someone will try to make a graphic mods.
2) great! and do the stores change the cards provided over time or do they statically always provide the same ones?
3 good idea, but sometime there are also damaged or incompleted pictures, I don't know if it is possible to tell forge to redownload a card
4 I agree with you, also because there are also points where shandalar can be improved. For example, one flaw in shandalar for me is that at some point you accumulate too many cards. You could maybe allow a player to own a village/castle and be able to leave a subdivided deck from their card pool to guard it.
5 true, but this may be another point where you don't necessarily have to respect shandalar.
Forge already has a great generator and aside from a shop option you could start even providing a draft/sealed to the player
6 sorry for my mistake
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby vinnie » 04 Apr 2022, 06:59

I have tried the pc version but unfortunately I have encountered these problems:
1) I cannot see the figures of the cards.
2) when I win a game at the time when you have to turn the cards won the game crashes.
3( the linux startup script still has the windows line terminators and i have to replace them to make it work.
This is what I can see in the terminal at runtime:

Code: Select all
vinnie@ki:~/software/forge/forge-gui-desktop-$ sudo ifconfig
[sudo] password di vinnie:
eth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 00:e0:4c:68:44:67  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

eth1: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 00:e0:4c:68:44:68  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 32  bytes 2117 (2.0 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 32  bytes 2117 (2.0 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::bedc:8765:14e7:293f  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:16:ea:85:19:f8  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 425585  bytes 591036872 (563.6 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 237037  bytes 26208617 (24.9 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby vinnie » 04 Apr 2022, 07:57

As I not said..., I have removed the configuration and the cache of forge and problems 1 and 2 are solved
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby vinnie » 11 Apr 2022, 05:57

I really enjoy this game, I always spend some time on it when I can.
I'd like to ask you if you are continuing to develop it and if you are interested in suggestions of ideas on what could be added.
Honestly I would be sorry if this mode was abandoned, I've been waiting for something like this for years.
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby robertdigregorio » 13 Apr 2022, 02:32

I've played 500+ games on hard mode. Here's some feedback:

1. Losing life is pointless and annoying. The result is that you have to walk back to the inn after every lost fight. Losing half your money is bad enough.

2. It would be nice to be able to buy more max health from the inn, instead of healing. Being stuck at low life doesn't make the game any harder, but rather, just limits what sort of decks you can run. After all, life points is just a resource and rarely matters compared to control of the board, and the only time you ever really notice life points exist is when you're starting with only 8 and your opponent lava axes you.

3. The game very quickly becomes "too easy". Early on, you learn what enemies are easy, and what enemies are hard, and just grind easy enemies until you can buy every broken card from the 4 billion shops. At that point, you simply steam roll everything, with no real challenge. Also, once you figure out that the shops restock when you close the app, you're basically playing constructed vintage with no restricted list vs draft decks.

4. There's no difficulty curve at all! The enemies start out hard and then become easy. There's no harder monsters to build up to, and no final boss so to speak. Maybe this is because the game is early in development, but the monsters really need to get harder as you go along. It would also be nice if they gave better rewards, too. I don't even bother with anything not guarding a chest anymore.

5. This is the big one: a huge amount of time is spent going from shop to shop. The "procedural generation" just results in too many shops, and a billion copies of the same easy one room dungeons. I did find a larger dungeon, and was super disappointed when I killed everything in it and there wasn't any final boss. Anyway, you need less shops, and better card selection. I've been to every single shop and never found a lightning bolt. With 6 billion shops, I have no idea what's going on there.

tl;dr: no hp loss on death, have the inn sell more hp instead of healing you, and make monsters progressively harder, and have the hard ones give you lightning bolt drops because they're not in any of the 4 billion shops.
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby kevlahnota » 13 Apr 2022, 09:52

robertdigregorio wrote:I've played 500+ games on hard mode. Here's some feedback:

1. Losing life is pointless and annoying. The result is that you have to walk back to the inn after every lost fight. Losing half your money is bad enough.

2. It would be nice to be able to buy more max health from the inn, instead of healing. Being stuck at low life doesn't make the game any harder, but rather, just limits what sort of decks you can run. After all, life points is just a resource and rarely matters compared to control of the board, and the only time you ever really notice life points exist is when you're starting with only 8 and your opponent lava axes you.

3. The game very quickly becomes "too easy". Early on, you learn what enemies are easy, and what enemies are hard, and just grind easy enemies until you can buy every broken card from the 4 billion shops. At that point, you simply steam roll everything, with no real challenge. Also, once you figure out that the shops restock when you close the app, you're basically playing constructed vintage with no restricted list vs draft decks.

4. There's no difficulty curve at all! The enemies start out hard and then become easy. There's no harder monsters to build up to, and no final boss so to speak. Maybe this is because the game is early in development, but the monsters really need to get harder as you go along. It would also be nice if they gave better rewards, too. I don't even bother with anything not guarding a chest anymore.

5. This is the big one: a huge amount of time is spent going from shop to shop. The "procedural generation" just results in too many shops, and a billion copies of the same easy one room dungeons. I did find a larger dungeon, and was super disappointed when I killed everything in it and there wasn't any final boss. Anyway, you need less shops, and better card selection. I've been to every single shop and never found a lightning bolt. With 6 billion shops, I have no idea what's going on there.

tl;dr: no hp loss on death, have the inn sell more hp instead of healing you, and make monsters progressively harder, and have the hard ones give you lightning bolt drops because they're not in any of the 4 billion shops.
Try latest snapshots, it has 5 boss + 1 final boss (you must get keys to unlock the final boss. Still WIP but latest snapshots have the main story and equipments
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby robertdigregorio » 13 Apr 2022, 20:29

I've downloaded the latest snapshot, and you can STILL restock stores. Currently, I'm doing this by:

1. buying a card
2. saving
3. loading
4. the card is now restocked!

Is this intended? I actually think it's good for stores to restock, but I don't want to abuse something that's just going to get patched later. I'm figuring with the new game+ feature, I'll be able to migrate old saves to newer versions, and I'm likely to do that. Ideally, the shops would have infinite of each card in a shop, or restock in some other way (with different cards, possibly). Otherwise, there's no reason to ever revisit a town.

Also, some strategy tips! When starting a fresh game, you can find one of the robot dungeons and kill those guys fairly easily (I started with a red deck and kill them fast, with them usually only playing 1 or 2 creatures). Worst case you can save before each fight to guarantee you don't lose any gold.
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby griffin2 » 20 Apr 2022, 01:19

Iam new here and don't really understand if this is THE topic about the adventure mode and his author. But yea, awesome idea, That old mtg game was so good and this emulates quite well. Obviously IF it could have diablo 1 graphics... would be perfect.

Iam enjoying the mode, there could be a little guide so we know who to fight but fk it...we get there by trial and error, i know by now most of wizards are the easiest enemies and will go from there.

another thing i dont understand is, i can go to any of the colored areas, are they higher level? by comon sense iam assuming middle is lower level.

I dont dislike losing life, but why not respawn at city when losing life? why not have a way to teleport to a city at all times by the way.

While i dont mind the chaotic enemies of high levels all around, i would like to know where i can get lower levels.

Thanks for the awesome programming, i would help if i knew xD
Forge is a great app, who only could use faster loadings.
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby Zercrow » 22 Apr 2022, 06:43

kevlahnota wrote:
robertdigregorio wrote:I've played 500+ games on hard mode. Here's some feedback:
Try latest snapshots, it has 5 boss + 1 final boss (you must get keys to unlock the final boss. Still WIP but latest snapshots have the main story and equipments
Mind telling me where exactly we can find these bosses with keys? I'm tired of entering random dungeons in the hopes of encountering one. Maybe a picture of the type of dungeon we can find them in? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby kevlahnota » 22 Apr 2022, 08:14

Zercrow wrote:
Mind telling me where exactly we can find these bosses with keys? I'm tired of entering random dungeons in the hopes of encountering one. Maybe a picture of the type of dungeon we can find them in? Thanks in advance!
download latest snapshots (as of this writing, then press new game+, select the save file to use... it should start in the center of the map displaying the final boss location..

new game plus.jpg
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby Zercrow » 22 Apr 2022, 20:30

kevlahnota wrote:
Zercrow wrote:
Mind telling me where exactly we can find these bosses with keys? I'm tired of entering random dungeons in the hopes of encountering one. Maybe a picture of the type of dungeon we can find them in? Thanks in advance!
download latest snapshots (as of this writing, then press new game+, select the save file to use... it should start in the center of the map displaying the final boss location..

new game plus.jpg
That I know, but I cant get to the final boss since he's sealed. So how can I find the other bosses? Do they have any distinct features?
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby kevlahnota » 22 Apr 2022, 21:31

Zercrow wrote:
That I know, but I cant get to the final boss since he's sealed. So how can I find the other bosses? Do they have any distinct features?
roam the map usually in the middle of each colors, they have mana icons, the colorless castle is randomly placed in the world so you need to find it... the castles are easy to distinguish but if you have problem, here are them...

Click to View Boss Buildings | Open
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby Zercrow » 25 Apr 2022, 06:13

After finishing the new content I got to say it was great. Would love to see more items (maybe some that boost specific archtypes instead of just health, speed, mana...). I have noticed an issue with the multicolored dungeon, if you don't finish it in one go, save midway and close the app, next time you load the game the dungeon resets and you have to recollect the keys.
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby vinnie » 25 Apr 2022, 07:25

robertdigregorio wrote:tl;dr: no hp loss on death, have the inn sell more hp instead of healing you, and make monsters progressively harder, and have the hard ones give you lightning bolt drops because they're not in any of the 4 billion shops.
Losing a match should confer some malus on the player, i.e. it should be made more difficult to do certain things in the game.
For example, as in the original game, you could add the possibility to avoid fights by negotiating with opponents; the possibility to win in the negotiation could depend on the player's general fame, on how many victories he has had with that opponent, and maybe on how much life he has at that moment.
To make it more compelling, you could, as in the original game, add the possibility to know the location of secret dungeons, or the possibility to ask the opponent for a specific card from his deck.

Another thing that I would fix is the difficulty curve, I would try to find a way to make the initial battles easier, depending on the opponent's deck but also changing the stakes of the match.
For example, based on the identity of the color of our deck and the race of our character you could make possible friendly battles with characters to whom we are more sympathetic where if you lose you do not lose money or life and if you do not lose too badly we are given a card of encouragement.

Another thing I would change (or at least I would put in the customization of the game) is the number of cards won and for sale, currently the game is based on having to choose from a large amount made available, although this system makes the game more various on the other hand lengthens a lot of the management of the deck and I would look for a way to make this phase faster.
I would remove the large number of types available in each village, in order to give more sense to the huge number of villages generated.
I would indicate in some way on the map what kind of cards a village can offer, maybe when you come to discover it by visiting the village or asking an opponent for directions.

One very interesting thing I would do is that I would add the ability to recover life by camping, but as time goes on the villages change the supply of cards so as to make the life recovery penalty more interesting.
Maybe to recover life in villages instantly instead I would put a price to pay.

Also if you don't have money to buy a specific card in a village maybe I would put the possibility to block the card from disappearing from the store but increasing the cost over time until you have the money to buy it (and this would make the penalty of loss of life more interesting).

I would also put agents to search for cards that, for a payment for the search, search for cards with specified characteristics (for example a zombie, cards with regeneration, spells that give life...).

I would add quests like the original game and I would put them in time to increase the weight of the penalty of loss of life and the importance of being able to skip encounters with diplomacy.

In addition, as I said in the other message I would try to make sense of the enormity of cards that you begin to accumulate with time by being able to use them in another way besides selling them, such as being able to become the owner or protector of some villages / castles and being able to use the cards to defend these places, or being able to hire subordinates by providing the cards to deal with opponents.

Other scattered ideas could be:
- include other types of fights in the game such as draft and sealed, commander, puzzle, vanguard and more.
- make it an mmorpg with people fighting in the world (I know this would be very difficult, but it would become an immortal game :D).
- change a bit the rules of magic allowing you to play games with irregular decks at least at the beginning, that is composed of fewer cards, this is to make the initial clashes much easier and the growth of the deck more gradual
- putting a bit of history (unlikely!) for example adding a way to script quests so that people can create their own missions or diversifying in some way the races
- make it possible for more players to fight at the same time, all against all when there are more characters in the area and maybe even with an allied character if for some reason this one sympathizes with us or they are our allies/employees.

There could be many ideas, but I understand that the developers may not have enough time to even consider the proposals.

However, it is already wonderful as it is, makes forge much more exciting.
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Re: Forge Adventure mode like Shandalar

Postby DamSF » 03 May 2022, 01:21

How to acquire equipment apart from the ones available from the shop and defeated bosses?
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