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Need help - German language

by Nate and Snacko

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Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 16 Nov 2012, 20:39

Hi there!
Sorry for my english - i'm from Austria!
I post in the wrong forum, and skibulk send me to this forum.
The problems are:
1. I try to make same Sets in German (4E, 8E,...) but i cannot find out how to type vowels(ö,ä,ü) in Cardname, Cardtext,...
Skibulk told me to change the config.txt "output.language = german" but it has no effect.

2. I cannot find a way to place the rarity on my cards.

Sorry, i tried to read the forums, but i couldn't find help - and its hard to find something helpfull for me and my english ;)

thx E.
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Snacko » 17 Nov 2012, 19:33

1) You need to edit cards-german.csv and cards-german-flavor.csv in data folder, because most of the older sets aren't translated in gatherer. It's in utf-8 format; after that you can set "output.language = german" and all card will render in german

2) rarity is read from cards.csv
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 17 Nov 2012, 23:07

Thanks for reply, Snacko!
I tried to edit the .csv files, but i didn't understand how!
1. Which programm do i need to open the files - is Excel okay?
2. Should i write a new entry on the end of the file?
Like "Deflection, Ablenkung, Verändere das Ziel eines Zauberspruchs deiner Wahl, der nur ein Ziel hat."
3. Or should i write the utf-8 Code in my entry? Like "Deflection, Ablenkung, Verändere das Ziel eines Zauberspruchs deiner Wahl, der nur ein Ziel hat."

At last i wanna tell you, how i use the HQCG:
I answer all question to card data (Card type, Title, Casting cost,...)
When i reach legal text, i write the text from the original card! Like "Verändere das Ziel..."
I also enter the Flavor text this way.
After creating the card, everything ist okay! Only the ä and the rarity ist missing.

Why editing the .csv-file. Is it not possible to enter the text directly in the HQCG?

Can you tell me a link or else to a tutorial about working with the HQCG?

Sorry, sorry, sorry for my english - Hope you can read it with humor :mrgreen:
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Snacko » 18 Nov 2012, 00:03

1) Any good text editor notepad++, vim, etc. I don't know of any csv editing software that would work without destroying either the encoding of the file or general field structure.

2) Preferably at the end as translations are applied in order they appear. So anything you add will replace entries that already exist.
Also there are some rules:
* if you need " (double quotes) in your text you have to escape them ie. Some ""text"" here.
* if a comma appears in text you have to enclose it in quotes ie. "Felix, the Cat",Feline,"Some text, because we can!"
3) If you use a proper text editor see 1., then you write your text as normal (it will get written as utf-8) ie. Verändere

Yes, however due to cmd.exe limitations (it doesn't support utf-8 all that well) all non latin characters won't work. This means that unless you input English text you won't get what you want, and in some situations you can't use all special characters in English text either.

The only solution to this problem is editing csv files so that your text is properly utf-8 encoded. For translated cards you only need to edit the text and flavor files.
the format is pretty self explanatory

English name,Translated name,Translated text

English name,Edition,Flavor

There are many cards already translated so you don't need to add cards unless you need old or very new sets.
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby skibulk » 18 Nov 2012, 01:30


For another project here on the forums, Magic Album, we have compiled a bunch of set spoilers in German. These set spoilers contain card text as printed (not just Oracle text). If you finish off the sets we're missing, I will trade to you what has been completed. Note that we are compiling them in Excell Spreadsheet format (.xls), you would have to process them further in order to use them with the HQCG. has some basic, incomplete text for our to-do sets. I've pre-compiled this text as a starting point, but it needs to be corrected and finalized. It needs to be checked for accuracy against the printed cards, in some cases (parenthesized) text needs to be added, symbols need to be wrapped with brackets (i.e. "{R}"=Red, "{T}"=Tap, etc), and correct punctuation needs to be added ("—" not "-" for flavor attributions, correct quotes), etc, etc. has low-quality scans of most german cards. You could use this site to verify the text.

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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 18 Nov 2012, 07:26

Thanks again, Snacko and skybulk!
Okay, i've edited the .csv-files (i use PSPad).
My only question for now is how can i get the edited text on my card.
For example:
1. i start the "createCard.bat" in the "misc"
2. must i use the english or the german card-name and card-type?
3. i enter all data - do i have to enter the card-text again? When i do this the text is in the end, without äöü and the rarity is also still missing - so i think the programm didn't use the .csv-files!?

Sorry for asking again, but i think with your help i'm on a good way :D

Have fun, E.

Edit: Hhmmm, when i'm right, then i have to use the "generateAll.bat" in the misc
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 20 Nov 2012, 19:49

Okay, everthing is fine - only the flavor text is making problems!
I do it this way:
1. i have deleted all cards beside the 8ED-Cards from the cards.csv-file (i found only this way, to make cards from only one edition, but it's okay - i will make different card.csv files for every set i want to play with octgn)
2. i have changed the config.txt to output.language = german
3. i have edited the cards-german.csv and the cards-german-flavor.csv
4. i start the generateAll.bat in the misc-folder

When the cards are finished, the flavor-text is missing. I've tried a lot, and somethimes the flavor text was there, but on wrong places, or only a part ot the text! Changing the output.english.flavor.text = 0 to output.german.flavor.text = 1 for example dosn't help. Also deleting the english card-text in the cards.csv-file and entering the german-card-text dosn't help.
But hey, the rarity-symbol is shown correct - also the rest of the german text (cardname, cardtext,...)!

Would be great, if you could help me once again!

thx 'n have fun, E.

Edit: Uuups, found one more! The artist isn't shown correct - the english name of the card is standing there!

This time i've tried to make cards from 10E - i've copied the text from the original files "cards.csv, cards-german.csv and cards-german-flavor.csv" to my edited files "cards.csv, cards-german.csv, cards-german-flavor.csv"! The 10E cards are perfect - text, flavor, rarity everything is okay (only the problem with the artist-name is also there). The card from the 8E (Deflection) ist still missing the flavor text. So i think, maybe the deflection-cards-text is too long!? I will try this later - (creating an other card from the 8E).

Edit: The artist-name is now shown correct - i had to change "output.english.title.on.translated.card = 1" in the config.txt to "output.english.title.on.translated.card = 0"

Edit: I found a way to show the german flavor-text:
1. i change "output.english.flavor.text = 0" in the config.txt to "output.english.flavor.text = 1"
2. i replace the english-flavor-text in the cards.csv with the german text of the card

So i could make my cards now - but i think my way is a little complex?!
Before starting, i make a folder ie. "csv-backup" und copy all .csv-files from the folder "data" into it - after that i delete all .csv-files beside the card.csv, fontSizes.csv, format.txt, mtgoldToTitle.csv, sets.txt, sets-pre8th.txt, titleToLandColors.txt and the folder "eighth" in the data-folder!
But at once i still have the zip-files when i damage or delete the original-files :D

1. i edit the config.txt (output.language = english; output.english.flavor.text = 1 output.english.title.on.translated.card = 0) - this way i do not need to use the output.language = german!
2. i delete all cards in the cards.csv-file beside the cards of the set i want to create (ie. i delete all cards, but not the 8E cards)
3. i replace the english cards-text and flavor-text with the german-text in the cards.csv (the one with only the 8E-Cards)
4. i use generateAll.bat in the "misc"-folder
5. after the set is created, i make a folder named ie. "8E.german.card.csv" and backup the cards.csv inthere.
6. i take again the original card.csv an make the same with an other set

This way i do not need to create cards-german.csv and cards-german-flavor.csv, but i need time to delete all cards from other sets in the original cards.csv - not so hard, with the search-button, but it takes time). The cards have at last no problems - rarity is shown, german-text with vowels ä,ö,ü is also shown!

If there is an easier way, please don't stop helping me
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Snacko » 22 Nov 2012, 18:03

1) Make a csv or mws deck with all cards in a set
2) & 3) the same; edit cards-german.csv and cards-german-flavor.csv
4) use generateCards.bat

You must make some kind of error while modifying the flavor text as it should work just fine. You can upload sample files so I can have a look. Most important is cards-german-flavor.csv and which cards miss flavor.

To disable English title on artist field set output.english.title.on.translated.card = 0
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 22 Nov 2012, 22:16

Okay, i did it like you told me, Snacko!
1. config.txt output.language = german;"
2. used MWS to create a small deck with 3 Cards for testing
3. edited the cards-german.csv and the cards-german-flavor.csv
4. used generateCards.bat

Flavor-text is still missing on the cards. The generateCards.bat come with "Error matching card data for card:Parsing decklist: 8E-Testkarten", but the images have been done - without flavor!
Here are the .csv-files (my entries are on the end of the file): ... german.csv , ... flavor.csv and the config.txt
And here is one card-image: ... pecter.png

And here is another question: The text in the brackets ie. Abyssal Specter "Fliegend (Diese Kreatur...)" is printed cursive on the original card - can i do this in the HQCG?

Edit: When i change the config.txt to "output.english.flavor.txt = 1 the flavor is on the cards but in english! However, it looks like the programm dosn't use the "cards-german-flavor.csv"
When i create an existing card ie. Angel's Feather,10E the german-flavor is shown correct - hmmm, whats wrong with my entries - couldn't find it out, everything looks same!
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Snacko » 23 Nov 2012, 09:21

There was an error and flavor text had to use only base set ie. 8ED only. I've fixed it so you can either change all 8E->8ED or apply this patch
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 23 Nov 2012, 16:04

Bad luck that i try the 8E first - isn't it? :wink:

So i tried the patch, but the folder-structur is very different to the older one!
I replaced all files with the new one from the patch, but when i try to generate a card, there are some error-steps:
1. the cards.csv was missing - i could solve this
2. the folder output was not found - i could solve this
3. error message while generateCards.bat: ERROR: Symbol image not found: brush_0,0,0 - this is a problem! I didn't find the file where this command was generated! So i couldn't solve this!

Don't be angry with me, i'm very happy with the first way you told me (change all 8E>8ED) but i thougt maybe you are interested in feedback. Probably it's only an error on my side :mrgreen:
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Snacko » 23 Nov 2012, 17:27

There were some changes along the way so a bit more recent images resources can be found
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 24 Nov 2012, 08:13

Great work, Snacko!
Now it works nearly perfect! There are only two more questions:
1. after changing language to german in the new card-gen-file, there are a lot of errors before he makes the cards "Error matching card flavour for card: Water Servant, Warlord's Axe, ... After the error messages, my own cards, are done well - with german-card-text and german-flavor-text :D Should i do something to solve this problem, or should i ignore?
2. is there any way to write the card-text partial cursive? ie. the original german cards-text on Abyssal Specter is "Fliegend (Diese Kreatur kann nur von fliegenden Kreaturen geblockt werden.) Immer wenn das Unterweltgespenst einem Spieler Schaden zufügt, wirft dieser Spieler eine Karte aus seiner Hand ab."
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Snacko » 24 Nov 2012, 11:17

1)Error matching card flavour for card
This means that the card can't be found. This most likely is because the selected edition card doesn't exist in cards.csv. Most of the time this is just an information, however this can be a bug in either cards-*-flavor. As long as you don't care about the selected card this can be ignored and doesn't influence other cards. What is surprising is that the cards you list are all M11 and they should be matched with the database just fine.
2) Yes, by default rule text is normal and flavor is cursive, however you can invert the current formatting by using #, ex. Fliegend #(Diese Kreatur kann nur von fliegenden Kreaturen geblockt werden.)# Immer wenn das Unterweltgespenst einem Spieler Schaden zufügt, wirft dieser Spieler eine Karte aus seiner Hand ab."
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Re: Need help - German language

Postby Earthling » 24 Nov 2012, 17:23

Well done!
Now everything is perfect - and i only have to say a few words!
First of all, thank you very much, Snacko! You helped me much and give me the possibility to have a new kind of fun with my magic-cards!
At last i wanna say, that the HQ Card Generator is a great tool! The images-quality is fantastic, and i love the text-mode of the tool - make a great charm! So the work with the tool makes more fun and give me more deeper examination than most of the todays games :wink:

So long, thanks to all working on this tool and the forum! Have a great time! E.

P.S.: Are you interested on my edited cards-german.csv-files when they are done?
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