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TODO LIST: 0.99n

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TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Jorbes » 22 Oct 2009, 21:13

moved to Release Thread - 0.99n
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby zola79 » 24 Oct 2009, 14:37


First time: sorry for my knowledge of english.

We play with a hungarian collectible cards game. The OPT program is good for this game, because opt is very universaly. But i have some problem, and wish or how to question:
1. graveyard and rfg zone dont move and resize free. / they weight linked with playzone :( /
2. if i look at x cards on top of library, and i put back this cards in library tops take by: "library > to top", then sequence is round.
Example: my sequence of cards in library: 1. xyz, 2. xyy, 3.yyy. I look this card, and i put into my library top. Next time i draw a card, and i draw the "yyy" card.
3. I should like my face down card apperence in hihglight cards zone.
4. I should like resize the cards, whats are in playzone. /too large the size of card in playzone/
5. I should like free and seperate move the icons of gamepanel /library, hand, graveyard, rfg...etc/
6. I should like, that card apperence whole /if cover a others card/, what last moved, not the last played.
7. I shold like free move the reveal and look at zones.
8. Card link or attach a other card: this is very interesting, and i dont understand. If i attach a card /take a shift button/, than card attached. This is ok. But if i attach falls, then remove from card, and i attached again correctly, the upper card not changed. Card is upper always, what first was upper. Why? I close opt and restart opt, and i link a cards, what i linked ago, upper cards is not changed. Bad cards stay above. As if the opt note the link. But where??
8. I should like retool the roll dice from d20 for 2d6.
9. We like play direct connection, without server.

And a question for end:
OPT is open-source software?

p.s.: sorry about the post, but the wish topic is closed...
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Jorbes » 29 Oct 2009, 17:14

zola79 wrote:Hi!

zola79 wrote:First time: sorry for my knowledge of english.
It's not that bad really, I can understand

zola79 wrote:We play with a hungarian collectible cards game. The OPT program is good for this game, because opt is very universaly. But i have some problem, and wish or how to question:
I didn't know you could use it for other games too, nice to know people are creative.

zola79 wrote:1. graveyard and rfg zone dont move and resize free. / they weight linked with playzone :( /
Being able to move grave and rfg was never a high priority, but yeah, they could be changed so the can be moved like 'look', 'reveal' and 'stack' zone

zola79 wrote:2. if i look at x cards on top of library, and i put back this cards in library tops take by: "library > to top", then sequence is round.
Example: my sequence of cards in library: 1. xyz, 2. xyy, 3.yyy. I look this card, and i put into my library top. Next time i draw a card, and i draw the "yyy" card.
Nice bug, I think it has to do with the order of selecting, but yeah, when you select all cards you are looking at and put them back, they should go back in the same order.
zola79 wrote:3. I should like my face down card apperence in hihglight cards zone.
After thinking about this, I will make this possible for permanents that are 'morphed' or permanents that you have set to 'allow peek'. This because some cards make you put cards from library into play face down (well, it usually is RFG, but players like to use the play area as RFG) and you are not allowed to know what they are, so it cannot apply for all face down cards, hope that is OK.
zola79 wrote:4. I should like resize the cards, whats are in playzone. /too large the size of card in playzone/
This was changed for multiplayer in 0.99m, but for 2 players, the size of the cards is "the size that will make 13 fit on a single row". This has to be the same for all players, because else cards could be 'hidden' when you use very small sizes. Imagine you can have 30 cards in a single row in play, but the other player uses big size so it can only have 10 cards in a row. Now there is no way that player could see all 30 cards at the same time and that player is not able to move them around due to the need to keep the layout of cards on the tabletop equal. (like, when you move cards around to show they are blocking, etc)

zola79 wrote:5. I should like free and seperate move the icons of gamepanel /library, hand, graveyard, rfg...etc/

This is possible, I will write a tutorial on this, please remind me if it takes too long, just PM me hehe ;)

zola79 wrote:6. I should like, that card apperence whole /if cover a others card/, what last moved, not the last played.
Yeah, this is a good idea, I will have this for last moved by default, but I will also make a short cut for "bring to front" and "send to back"

zola79 wrote:7. I shold like free move the reveal and look at zones.

Again, this is possible, I will write the howto soon.
zola79 wrote:8. Card link or attach a other card: this is very interesting, and i dont understand. If i attach a card /take a shift button/, than card attached. This is ok. But if i attach falls, then remove from card, and i attached again correctly, the upper card not changed. Card is upper always, what first was upper. Why? I close opt and restart opt, and i link a cards, what i linked ago, upper cards is not changed. Bad cards stay above. As if the opt note the link. But where??
The attached cards are sorted internally by OPT, placing Aura behind. This may be a problem for your games, so I will rethink this way of sorting to something that is more in the user's control
zola79 wrote:8. I should like retool the roll dice from d20 for 2d6.
I want to make a 'last rolls' list where you can just click the most used rolls and it will do that roll again. It is possible to roll 2 dice that have 6 sides

zola79 wrote:9. We like play direct connection, without server.
The protocol always needs a server. (even direct connection uses a player that acts as a server, but you dont really see this server, because it is inside the program for like MWS)
I will release the server later though, with a small guide, it's not that hard to run it.
zola79 wrote:And a question for end:
OPT is open-source software?

Thanks for trying Online PlayTable and for helping with ideas to improve it.

zola79 wrote:p.s.: sorry about the post, but the wish topic is closed...
This is actually the right thread to put this questions hehe
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Strainer » 04 Nov 2009, 12:15

Hi Jorbes!

I have tried out OPT 0.99m for the last few days and had some ideas to make it even better:

1. Drafts: I think it would be good to store drafts in seperate txt files with "Draft M10M10M10 040920091222". In this file you also have stored all names of players and their security codes. I think this would give players a good overview of drafts and make OPT useable for online ligas like magic-league.

2. Sealed: I like how easy it is to build Sealed Card Pools in OPT. My thoughts for Sealed go in a similar direction as for Draft: Have Sealed Games open like Draft games, in the Table Lobby with a set amount of players. As soon as all players have joined, everyone must press "Open Packs" instead of "Start Draft". As soon as all players have clicked, they get all their sealed cards viewable like in Draft mode. They also get their OPT security codes printed in the message box and in a .txt file again. Once again, I guess this could prevent cheating and is also a very easy and intuitive way of playing Sealed card pools.

3. Highlighted Pictures in multiplayer (3-6 player) games: I reported this once, but I guess it was overlooked: The highlighted pictures of cards (the ones in the top right corner) are smaller for multiplayer games than for single player games. I like the size those pictures have in Draft mode, so maybe you could increase the size similar to Draft size.

4. Maximized window size: When OPT is started, it is starting in maximized mode. The windows is a little offset although, reaching about 1 cm into the taskbar and leaving 1 cm open on top of the screen. This way, I can't read what I'm typing in the message bar, only solution is to adjust the window myself.

5. Priority system: I like the way OPT handles priority, it is way superior to what MWS did (or didn't). I just think that many players are used to the fast style gameplay of MWS and won't use the "Pass Priority" feature of OPT that much. One thing that came to my mind to solve this problem is: Having the ability to set custom "stops" on your and the opponents turn, just like Magic Online offers. This way, you could just automate all steps you don't want priority in.


You could set the stops on your turn to: Main Phase 1, Declare Attackers, Main Phase 2, End Turn
And the ones on your opponents turn: Upkeep (If you play with Silence f.e.), Main Phase 1, Beginning of combat, Declare Blockers, Main Phase 2, End Turn

That way, OPT could handle Untap, Upkeep and Draw Step (automatically untapping your permanents and drawing you a card) and then go to your Main Phase. I like that it already automatically skips blockers and combat damage step when there are no attackers.

This system should be customizeable within a running game though, for cards that trigger during the upkeep step (Verdant Force f.e.), Cards that draw you extra cards in draw step (Howling Mine f.e.) etc.

I like the way you implemented the Stack. Especially that you can turn the Stack on and off all the time during the game. That way, you can use it against counter-heavy decks, which is the best use for this feature imho.

6. Automating simple card-interaction: What I mean by that is to automate actions you will often take: Basic-example: Cards with the line "enters the battlefield tapped" should enter the battlefield tapped as soon as they hit the battlefield. (MWS used to do this with "comes into play tapped" but doesn't anymore due to the Oracle changes)
Other things that come to my mind are: Automatic counter placement (cards that read enters the battlefield with 2 +1/+1 counters could automatically have those counters placed on them(and maybe even have their Pwr/Tgh edited automatically), same is true for all other types of counters.
It would also be nice if OPT could automatically sort your hand cards by CMC from left to right. (Or maybe even have customizeable settings, sorting by CMC, Color, Rarity, Expansion, etc.)

I think this covers all of my suggestions for future versions of OPT. As I said, most of them came up while playtesting within OPT 0.99m and comparing it to other (imho good ) solutions in other programs. This program is by no way comparable to any other free app out there, I especially like the fast progress it makes. Hope you like my suggestions and see why I came up with them in the first place.


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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Strainer » 13 Nov 2009, 02:51

Processed into TODO LISTs

OK, after using OPT a lot more for the past few days (while writing the tutorial), i also came up with a new feature request and a small bug:

-) Support for "Special" formats like Planechase or Vanguard (this would require some kind of second library for Planes)

-) Being able to host Draft- and Sealed-Tournaments, though choosing Swiss or Elimination and OPT automatically calculates the matchups and keeps track of them (similar to what MTGO does)

-) A user on magic-league pointed out an issue: OPT security code doesn't depend on whether the card is in sideboard or mainboard. The problem is that you can't prevent sideboarding before the 1-st match with this system. So especially in limited formats, players could use extra information for their advantage without the other player knowing they sideboarded.

-) After playing a few more matches, it sometimes happened that a player ended his turn twice (double clicking the arrow) and thus, coming right back from his end step to his untap step without you being able to do anything.

-) I don't know if this should already work, but I was never able to join a Table after i left it (which would be an awesome feature to have)

So much for now.

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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Jorbes » 25 Nov 2009, 15:13

Processed into TODO LISTs

Strainer wrote:-) Support for "Special" formats like Planechase or Vanguard (this would require some kind of second library for Planes)
Nice idea, but too big to put into OPT untill after 1.0

Strainer wrote:-) Being able to host Draft- and Sealed-Tournaments, though choosing Swiss or Elimination and OPT automatically calculates the matchups and keeps track of them (similar to what MTGO does)
Also, too big to put into 1.0 The server will be able to do this eventually though, not much change for the client needed.

Strainer wrote:-) A user on magic-league pointed out an issue: OPT security code doesn't depend on whether the card is in sideboard or mainboard. The problem is that you can't prevent sideboarding before the 1-st match with this system. So especially in limited formats, players could use extra information for their advantage without the other player knowing they sideboarded.
I guess both methods have some holes here and there.
In the end, these codes will become obsolete, as the server will give you your deck/cards when you need them. That said, Im just going to leave the current method.

Strainer wrote:-) After playing a few more matches, it sometimes happened that a player ended his turn twice (double clicking the arrow) and thus, coming right back from his end step to his untap step without you being able to do anything.
I'll look into this, but again, the turn structure will move to the server one day, making this no longer an issue.

Strainer wrote:-) I don't know if this should already work, but I was never able to join a Table after i left it (which would be an awesome feature to have)
Added to todo list.
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby kburts » 15 Dec 2009, 03:56

i made a short little list of tweaks that I found while playing, they are not very important though, but they are also (i think) not very hard to do

[*]begin bottom bar at full card image, or make the settings more obvious. What i mean is your hand, at the bottom starts, or at least for me; with only a little bit of the card, but if you hold {CTRL+Mouse Wheel} you can zoom on the Y axis


this should definately be easier accessable option, but I guess if you already know how to do this, it won't be very useful, but nevertheless, i think it should start in the "after" position

[*]everything seems to have some sort of a delay, drawing a card, it is not very bad, but lets say for some reason, you want to draw 14 cards, it goes DRAW... chugga chugga... DRAW ... chugga chuggs... and so on, this may want to be an option or something, but I do not find it too useful, maybey make is a sort of an eye-candy option, but it gets kind of cumbersome..

[*]The chat bar, I dont think, should be at the bottom of the page, but instead underneath the chat box (i would assume) also custimizable buttons would be nice :)

[*]cards in your library should be able to be "hidden cards" so lets say you are looking in your library, and you put a card in it, it should be, in my opinion, not able to be see, but still there, so instead of it saying Baneslayer Angel it says OPT Hidden Card, or something. Furthermore, when you shuffle all the cards should be hiddedn, so there are no misdescrepencies

[*]MAIN POINT!!! when you switch phases VIA. clicking, it makes a nice likke 'tick' sound, but if you do it by pressing ctrl+space, it makes no sound!! wierd!
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Jorbes » 15 Dec 2009, 09:22

kburts, how fast is your pc? min req. would be around 1Ghz pc.
Delays would also happen on the server if the distance between you and the server in "time" is too long.

the "not showing of the full card in hand" issue, is actually a _fix_ for people complaining about the hand taking up too much space, it's an easy setting, not going to bother changing it.

The chat bar could become a dockable object some day, just not in this release. I'll put it in post 1.0, since it's not a bug preventing you from playing the game, which is where my focus is now.

Cards in your library, when you are looking at your library should be what they are when you play IRL, that is, visible.
When you browse your libr. IRL, you don't look at the card backs.

The sound belongs to the button, not the "action", so not that weird. Compare it to clicking the life bar to set your life and using the shortcut key or the /l command for it.
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby kburts » 30 Dec 2009, 02:09

really REALLY big drafts, but I really don't know if this will be big server wise, I just think it would be quite fun to get together with 27 other people (or more) and draft mill xD.. or in M10 draft Megrim/Burning Inquiry xDXDXD
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Re: TODO LIST: 0.99n

Postby Jorbes » 30 Dec 2009, 20:31

kburts wrote:really REALLY big drafts, but I really don't know if this will be big server wise, I just think it would be quite fun to get together with 27 other people (or more) and draft mill xD.. or in M10 draft Megrim/Burning Inquiry xDXDXD
I like this idea, but I am going to put it into the post 1.0 todo list.
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