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August Tournament Results

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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby aww1979 » 14 Aug 2010, 14:40

Group B:
shantak vs aww AI:
Game 1: 3 island, swamp, juzam, serendib djinns, erg raiders. I think that's a keeper.
Turn 1: AI plays island. I draw Oubliette; play island.
Turn 2: AI plays swamp. Draw Serendib Djinn, play Erg Raiders.
Turn 3: AI plays island and Serendib Efreet. Draw Swamp. (nice!) Play Oubliette on Efreet, swing for 2.
Turn 4: AI plays island. Draw Flying Men, cast Juzam Djinn, swing for 2.
Turn 5: AI plays island. (wtf no spells? must all be double-black spells) Take 1 from Juzam, draw Flying Men. Play Island, Flying Men, Serendib Djinn, swing for 7.
Turn 6: AI plays island, Stone-Throwing Devils. Take 1 from Juzam, sac Island to Serendib (take 3). Draw Oubliette. (nice timing again!) Cast Oubliette on devils, swing for lethal. 1-0 (AIs next card was a swamp, hehe)
Game 2: Island, 2 City of Brass, Oubliette, Flying Men, Serendib Efreet, Serendib Djinn. Kept.
Turn 1: AI swamp, Stone-Throwing Devils. Draw Serendib Efreet, play Island and Flying Men.
Turn 2: Devils attack, I take 1. AI casts another devils. (no land drop) I draw Oubliette, play a City, and swing for 1 in the air.
Turn 3: Take 2 from the devil pair. No AI land drop. I draw Island, play Island and Serendib Efreet, and swing for 1. (I take 1 from City)
Turn 4: AI plays swamp, Cuombajj Witches. I draw swamp, play swamp, swing for 4 in the air and cast Serendib Djinn. (I could see arguments for the efreet or oublietting the witch, but I have 4 land in play + 1 in hand, 3 of which are nonisland, and if ai uses the witch, I can kill a devils, too)
Turn 5: Witches kill Flying Men; I ping Devils. AI casts a second Cuombajj Witches. I take 1 from efreet, sac City to Djinn, draw Unstable Mutation. Play City, cast Mutation on efreet, swing for 11. Cast Serendib Efreet, taking 1 from City.
Turn 6. AI does nothing. Shantak attacks and wins. 2-0

Shantak vs Jatill Cheerios:
Game 1: 2 swamp, queen, serendib djinn and efreet, flying men, city of brass. Keep.
Turn 1: Play city of brass, take 1, cast Flying Men. AI plays Underground Sea.
Turn 2: Draw swamp, play swamp, swing for 1. AI plays swamp.
Turn 3: Draw flying men. Swing for 1. Play swamp, serendib efreet, taking 1 from City; AI powersinks efreet. AI plays Island.
Turn 4: Draw Unstable Mutation. Play Swamp. I have no second blue for S-Djinn, so I play Sorceress Queen and Unstable Mutation on Flying Men. I take 1 from City, AI takes 4 from attack. AI plays Underground Sea, Control Magic on Flying Men.
Turn 5: Draw Island. Play Island, Serendib Djinn, taking 1 from City. Queen swings for 1. AI plays swamp, control magic on S-Djinn, swings for 3. (keeping queen untapped would have only stopped 1 damage, so the queen attacking was the right choice)
Turn 6: Draw Unstable Mutation. Cast Flying Men. I now have to decide whether to cast unstable mutation on them or not. Queen can handle Djinn nicely, so I think I will cast UM on the Men, so they will deter the stolen Men. Take 1 from City doing this. AI sacs swamp, attacks with Djinn. Queen makes it 0/2 and I block with Flying Men to kill it.
Turn 7: Draw and play Island. Attack with Flying Men for 3. AI attacks with flying men; queen taps to make it 0/2 and I take 0. AI casts Mahamoti Djinn.
Turn 8: Draw and play Serendib Efreet. Attack with Flying Men for 2; AI takes the hit. (Queen would make Mahamoti 0/2 if it blocked) UM kills AIs Flying Men. Mahamoti attacks; Queen makes it 0/2 and efreet blocks to kill it. AI plays Island and Hypnotic Specter.
Turn 9: Take 1 from efreet. Draw and play island. Efreet swings for 3. AI plays swamp.
Turn 10: UM kills my Flying Men. Take 1 from efreet. Draw and play Erg Raiders. Efreet swings for 3. AI plays swamp, Braingeysers itself for 6, attacks with Specter; I queen it and take 0.
Turn 11: Take 1 from efreet, draw old man, attack for the win. 1-0
Game 2: 2x queens, S-Djinn, S-Efreet, Flying Men, island, swamp. Keep, hoping to draw another land early.
Turn 1: Island, Flying Men. AI plays island.
Turn 2: Draw Oubliette. Swamp, attack for 1. AI plays swamp.
Turn 3: Draw Old Man. Attack for 1. AI plays Dark Ritual, Hypnotic Specter, but no land drop.
Turn 4: Draw swamp! Play swamp, Oubliette on Specter. (fearing Terror and a hit from the hippie if I play the Efreet, and Queen is obviously wrong play this turn) Swing for 1. AI does nothing.
Turn 5: Draw island. Play island, Serendib Efreet. (not Djinn; I can't spare the lands) Swing for 1. AI plays swamp.
Turn 6: Take 1 from Efreet. Draw S-Efreet. Attack for 4, play S-Efreet. AI plays Hypnotic Specter.
Turn 7: Take 2 from Efreets. Draw swamp, play swamp. Play Serendib Djinn. Efreets swing for 6. AI plays another Hypnotic Specter.
Turn 8: Take 2 from Efreets, sac swamp, draw Queen. Attack with everything. Specters chump djinn and efreet, AI takes 4 (2 left) Cast Old man. AI discards Mahamoti.
Turn 9: win. 2-0

aww vs Shantak AI:
Game 1: erg raiders, juzam, cuombajj, mutation, 2x swamp, island. Keep.
Turn 1: Play swamp. AI plays City, takes 1 and plays Flying Men.
Turn 2: Draw Oubliette. Play swamp, Cuombajj Witches. (looking to snipe flying men, so didn't play erg yet) AI taps City for Mutation on Men, attacks for 4. (no land drop)
Turn 3: Draw swamp. Play island, UM on my Witches, play Erg Raiders, swing for 4. AI swings for 3 and plays Flying Men, tapping City.
Turn 4: Draw island, play island. Attack for 5, play Juzam. AI swings for 3.
Turn 5: Draw Cuombajj Witches. Attack for 9 and win. 1-0
Game 2: S-Efreet, Old Man, Juzam, 2x Island, 2x Swamp. Keep.
Turn 1: Play swamp. AI plays City, takes 1 for Flying Men.
Turn 2: Draw Cuombajj Witches. Play swamp, witches. AI plays island, Unstable Mutation on Men, swings for 4. AI takes 1 from City to play Flying Men.
Turn 3: Draw Old Man. Play island. Tap witches to kill flying men; AI deals 1 to me. Cast Serendib Efreet. AI plays City and attacks. (With a 3/3 flying men? wtf?) I block with Serendib Efreet. AI plays serendib efreet, taking 2 from cities.
Turn 4: Draw Oubliette. Play island, cast Juzam Djinn. Attack with efreet; AI blocks with efreet. I tap the witches and both efreets die. AI plays swamp, takes 2 from cities to play Juzam.
Turn 5: Take 1 from Juzam, draw Unstable Mutation. Cast UM on juzam, cast Oubliette on AI juzam. Attack for 9. AI plays island, takes 1 from City to play Sorceress Queen.
Turn 6: Take 1 from Juzam, draw Oubliette. Witches kill queen; I take 1. Juzam swings for lethal. 2-0

aww vs Jatill cheerios:
Game 1: 2x devils, erg raiders, oubliette, 3x island. wtf? Did I ever mention I *hate* basic lands? Mulligan into Mutation, Flying Men, Old Man, 2x island, 1x swamp. Keep.
Turn 1: Play Island, Flying Men. AI plays Island.
Turn 2: Draw and play swamp. Cast mutation on Flying Men, swing for 4. AI plays swamp and Terrors flying men.
Turn 3: Draw and play Island. Cast Old Man of the Sea. AI plays swamp, Hypnotic Specter.
Turn 4: Draw Stone-Throwing Devils. Play swamp, devils. AI plays island, attacks with specter; I steal it with Old Man. AI plays another specter.
Turn 5: Draw island. (I forget to play Island :p) Specter attacks, specter blocks. AI plays island.
Turn 6: Draw Old Man. Play island, old man; AI powersinks it. (it could have even if i'd remembered the turn 5 land drop) Attack for 3. AI plays Island, Mahamoti Djinn.
Turn 7: Draw Cuombajj Witches, play island and witches. AI swings for 5 and plays another Mahamoti Djinn.
Turn 8: Draw and play Flying Men. Mahamoti x2 attacks; Flying Men chump one, I take 5.
Turn 9: Draw Oubliette! Play on a mahamoti. Swing for 4. AI swings for 5, casts Hypnotic Specter.
Turn 10: Draw Erg Raiders, cast them. Old Man steals Hippie. STD and CW attack for 2. Mahamoti attacks; hippie chumps.
Turn 11: Draw and play swamp. Attack for 4 (keeping Old Man back) AI down to 3. AI plays Dark Ritual and Control Magic on my witches, then attacks for the win. (i was hoping for a hippie to steal and chump with) 0-1 (very close, could've had AI at 1 if Old Man had also attacked. Might've been different if I hadn't played UM on turn 2, but I don't feel like working it out to see)
Game 2: Old Man, 2x devils, mutation, 3x swamp. Ugh. Did I ever mention that I hate basic lands with a passion? Mulligan into Old Man, Flying Men, Witches, Oubliette, Island, Swamp. Keep.
Turn 1: Island, Flying Men. AI plays swamp.
Turn 2: Draw island, play swamp. Attack for 1. AI plays island and Terror on flying men.
Turn 3: Draw island, play island and Old Man. AI plays swamp.
Turn 4: Draw devils, play devils and flying men; flying men are powersinked. Attack with Old Man for 2. AI plays island, dark ritual, and Braingeyer on itself for 4.
Turn 5: Draw Juzam. Attack for 3. AI plays swamp, Control Magic on Old Man.
Turn 6: Draw swamp! Play swamp, attack for 1. I'm torn between playing Juzam (and maybe having it stolen), baiting with Witches (which old man can take) or Oubliette on Old Man. I go with the Witches. AI plays Island, Old man steals my devils, and AI plays Mahamoti Djinn.
Turn 7: Draw and play island. Play Oubliette on Mahamoti. AI untaps old man and takes devils again, then plays Sengir Vampire.
Turn 8: Draw Erg Raiders. Play Juzam Djinn. (wishing now that I'd done that on turn 6, but AI may yet have Control Magic) AI untaps old man, takes witches, swings for 4 with sengir.
Turn 9: Take 1 from Juzam, draw swamp, play swamp and erg raiders; AI counterspells it. Juzam swings for 5. Old Man untaps, retakes witches. AI braingeysers itself for 2, sengir swings for 4.
Turn 10: Take 1 from Juzam, draw Unstable Mutation!! Cast it on devils, attack with juzam and devils. Witches chump juzam, AI takes 4. AI attacks for 6 and plays Sengir Vampire.
Turn 11: Take 1 from Juzam, draw and play swamp. Attack with both; sengir chumps juzam, devils hit for 3. AI is at 1. AI plays control magic on juzam and swings for lethal. (I wonder if it had that the whole time or not? If so, I lost no matter what I did on turn 6, if it just got it, I could've won by playing juzam on turn 6) 0-2

Jatill cheerios vs Shantak AI:
Game 1: Dark Ritual, Terror, Braingeyser, 2x island, swamp, Underground Sea. Keep.
Turn 1: Play U-Sea. AI Plays island.
Turn 2: Draw swamp, play island. AI plays island.
Turn 3: Draw and play island. AI plays swamp, S-Efreet. I terror it.
Turn 4: Draw and play U-Sea. Play dark ritual and Braingeyser myself for 4. (Mahamoti, swamp, terror, island) AI plays island and Serendib Djinn.
Turn 5: Draw terror. Play swamp. AI sacs swamp to S-Djinn, plays swamp, attacks. I terror it. AI plays Serendib Efreet and Flying Men. I terror the efreet.
Turn 6: Draw dark ritual. Play swamp, Mahamoti Djinn. AI plays swamp, Old Man, Flying Men.
Turn 7: Draw Counterspell. Play island, attack for 5. AI plays Unstable Mutation on Flying Men; I think about countering it but decide not to. AI swings for 7. AI tries to cast Juzam Djinn; I counter that.
Turn 8: Draw Counterspell. Play island, attack for 5. AI attacks for 6, then tries to cast Sorceress Queen; I counter it.
Turn 9: Draw Mahamoti Djinn. Play swamp, mahamoti, swing for 5. AI attacks with 2/2 UM-flying men (wtf?) I block with mahamoti and kill it.
Turn 10: Draw Power Sink. Mahamoti x2 attack; AI chumps one and takes 5; that's game. 1-0 (too bad it didn't have a second chump blocker... oh wait, it did, until it threw it away :p)
Game 2: Power Sink, Dark Ritual, 3x swamp, 2x Underground Sea. Not very good, but the mana curve is high in this deck, so I keep it.
Turn 1: AI plays island. I draw Dark Ritual, play U-Sea.
Turn 2: AI does nothing. I draw Hypnotic Specter, play U-Sea.
Turn 3: AI tries Flying Men; I Power Sink it for 1. Draw swamp, play island, Hypnotic Specter.
Turn 4: AI plays City of Brass. I draw Dark Ritual, play island, attack with hippie. (discards oubliette)
Turn 5: AI plays Island, taps City, plays Serendib Efreet. I draw and play Swamp.
Turn 6: AI takes 1 from Efreet, plays island, and attacks me for 3, then plays Serendib Djinn. I draw and play Sengir Vampire, and play a swamp.
Turn 7: AI takes 1 from efreet, sacs island and takes 3. AI plays City, taps 2 cities to play Juzam. I draw and play Island.
Turn 8: AI takes 1 from efreet, 1 from juzam, sacs island and takes 3. AI plays swamp, taps 2 cities to play Old Man and Flying Men. I draw terror, play swamp.
Turn 9: AI dies during its upkeep :p 2-0

Jatill Cheerios vs aww AI:
Game 1: Control Magic, Mahamoti, 2x power sink, Braingeyser, swamp, U-Sea. Ugh, hard choice whether to mulligan or not. Two power sink can stall a bit, so I'll keep it. (I'm hoping jatill would've done the same, or I may have some explaining to do if I lose this one!)
Turn 1: Play U-Sea. AI plays swamp.
Turn 2: Draw and play Island. AI plays island, Erg Raiders, which I power Sink.
Turn 3: Draw control magic, play swamp. AI plays swamp, Cuombajj Witches. I'm not sure if I should powersink that or not. I let it resolve, since it's mostly harmless against this deck. AI then casts Flying Men; I let that resolve, too.
Turn 4: Draw Dark Ritual. Play Dark Ritual, Braingeyser myself for 3. (hypnotic specter, mahamoti djinn, island) Play island. AI plays island, attacks for 2, plays Juzam Djinn.
Turn 5: Draw Braingeyser. Play Control Magic on Juzam. AI plays oubliette on juzam, attacks for 2, plays Erg Raiders.
Turn 6: Draw Braingeyser. Play Hypnotic Specter. (Could've done Control Magic or Braingeyser for 2, but I think this is best) Erg Raiders swing for 2. AI casts Juzam, then activates witches to do 1 damage to me; I do 1 damage to flying men.
Turn 7: Draw Dark Ritual. Play Control Magic on Juzam. Hypno swings for 2 (discards Cuombajj Witches, the only card it had) Witches do 1 damage to each of us; erg raiders attack into my juzam. AI plays Old Man of the Sea.
Turn 8: I take 1 from Juzam. Draw and play swamp. Attack for 7. Play Dark Ritual and Mahamoti. AI witches do 1 damage to each of us; Old Man steals Hypno, and AI plays Flying Men.
Turn 9: Take 1 from Juzam. Draw Counterspell. Attack with both djinns; Flying Men chump one. I could braingeyser, but I hold back for counter mana. AI swings for 3 (discard Counterspell)
Turn 10: take 1 from juzam. Draw and play island, swing for 10 and win. 1-0
Game 2: 2x terror, 2x mahamoti, 2x swamp, counterspell. Weird hand, and its playability is a gamble, as I have no blue mana yet, and if AI gets black creatures, I'm in trouble, so I mulligan. I get 3x swamp, terror, sengir, mahamoti, which is even worse. I don't think I can get much better going to 5, though. Sorry :(
Turn 1: AI plays swamp. I draw Hypno, play swamp.
Turn 2: AI plays swamp. I draw and play swamp.
Turn 3: AI plays island. I draw Control Magic, play swamp, play Hypno.
Turn 4: AI plays island, Juzam Djinn. I draw and play island. I have BBBU, and can't terror or control magic :( I attack with hypno. (discard island)
Turn 5: AI takes 1 from juzam, attacks for 5, plays another Juzam. I draw control magic. Play swamp and Sengir Vampire. I don't attack.
Turn 6: AI takes 2 from juzams, plays Oubliette on Sengir (ow!) and attacks with both Juzams. I chump one with Hypno and take 5. AI plays erg raiders. I draw and play swamp.
Turn 7: AI plays swamp and swings for 12, and I'm dead. 1-1 (With nothing but black creatures, keeping the other hand would've been even worse, since at least this way I got a sengir out; in the 7 card hand I'd never have cast any of those spells)
Game 3: 2x counterspell, 2x terror, sengir, swamp, U-sea. Keep, hoping to draw an island.
Turn 1: Play U-sea. AI plays swamp.
Turn 2: Draw Braingeyser, play swamp. AI plays swamp, Cuombajj Witches.
Turn 3: Draw braingeyser. AI plays Island, attacks for 1, plays Serendib Efreet; I terror it.
Turn 4: Draw control magic. AI plays island, attacks for 1, plays Juzam Djinn.
Turn 5: Draw and discard Mahamoti Djinn. (8 cards) AI takes 1 from juzam, plays swamp, swings for 6, plays Old Man of the Sea and Erg Raiders. I terror Old Man.
Turn 6: Draw braingeyser. AI takes 1 from juzam, swings for 8, plays another Juzam.
Turn 7: Draw power sink. Discard braingeyser (8 cards) AI takes 2 from juzams and swings for 13 and I'm dead. 1-2

In the two games I lost against my own deck, I made no play mistakes (there was nowhere to make a mistake) but my mulligan choices may have been questionable. In game 2, I couldn't have won with the first hand, so the only way I could've had a chance was to mull to 5, and that would've been hard even with 5 good cards. In game 3, I thought it was an okay hand, though certainly not great, but I didn't draw any land all game. I feel rather bad about it, but I did my best, and just had bad luck in games 2 and 3.

shantak vs aww AI: 2-0 (+2 shantak)
shantak vs jatill cheerios AI: 2-0 (+2 shantak)
aww vs shantak AI: 2-0 (+2 aww)
aww vs jatill cheerios AI: 0-2 (+5 jatill cheerios)
jatill cheerios vs shantak AI: 2-0 (+2 jatill cheerios)
jatill cheerios vs aww AI: 1-2 (+3 aww)

Jatill +7
Aww +5
Shantak +4
Posts: 1717
Joined: 03 Mar 2009, 19:36
Has thanked: 0 time
Been thanked: 2 times

Re: August Tournament Results

Postby aww1979 » 14 Aug 2010, 17:33

Group C:

stroggoi vs juzamjedi AI:
Game 1: Growth Spasm, Pelakka Wurm, Awakening Zone, All is Dust, Eldrazi Conscription, 2x Forest. I'd like to have another land or two, but this looks about typical for the deck will draw, so I'll keep it.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI plays swamp, Vampire Lacerator.
Turn 2: Draw Emrakul, play forest. AI takes 1 from VL, plays swamp, Gatekeeper of Malakir, and swings for 2.
Turn 3: Draw and play Forest and Awakening Zone. (not wanting to thin my deck of land just yet) AI loses 1 to VL, swings for 4, and plays another Gatekeeper, kicking it even though I have no creatures.
Turn 4: Get spawn. Draw Broodwarden. Play Growth Spasm, get another spawn. AI loses 1 to VL, plays swamp and swings for 6; I don't block. 8-17 life.
Turn 5: Get spawn. Draw Kozilek's Predator. I have a ton of options right now and I spent awhile thinking. (pelakka, all is dust, broodwarden, predator) I sac the new spawn to play Broodwarden and swing for 4. It's a huge mistake. AI plays swamp, Malakir Bloodwitch (for 4) and attacks with 3 2/2s, and I can only block one. 0-1 (I'm really sorry about that one; I didn't expect that, though I should have. Had I played the predator, I could have blocked and survived to cast All is Dust, resetting the board, and buying at least a chance, though things were looking bad even if I'd played better there)
Game 2: Awakening Zone, Pelakka Wurm, 5x forest. Loving all that land; I keep it.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI plays swamp, Vampire Lacerator.
Turn 2: Draw and play forest. AI takes 1, plays swamp, Gatekeeper, swings for 2. (deja vu so far)
Turn 3: Draw and play Eldrazi Temple, cast Awakening Zone. AI takes 1, casts Vampire Hexmage, and swings for 4.
Turn 4: Get spawn. Draw All is Dust, play Forest. AI takes 1, and swings for 6; I don't block.
Turn 5: Get spawn. Draw and play Eldrazi Temple. I could cast Pelakka Wurm (if I sac my tokens) but I play All is Dust instead. AI cast nothing last turn and did not play a land, so I think it's better than saccing tokens to play Pelakka Wurm, and I can do that next turn anyway. AI plays swamp and kicks Gatekeeper of Malakir; I sac a token.
Turn 6: Draw Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. Play forest. Sac token and cast Pelakka Wurm, gaining 7 life. AI plays Grim Discovery on the gatekeeper and casts the gatekeeper unkicked.
Turn 7: Draw Growth Spasm. Play forest, growth spasm, getting forest and spawn. Attack for 7. AI plays marsh flats, fetches swamp, attacks for 4, and casts Vampire Hexmage.
Turn 8: Draw Broodwarden. Play Forest, cast Ulamog (killing hexmage) Swing for 7. AI plays Malakir Bloodwitch. (Life total now 8-5)
Turn 9: Draw forest, cast Broodwarden. Attack with Ulamog, Pelakka and 2/2 token. (if bloodwitch blocks token, pelakka wins with trample, so this is the correct attack) AI sacs 2 swamps, gatekeeper and bloodwitch to annihilate, chumps ulamog, and takes 9. 1-1 (obviously AI could've lasted another turn, but it still would've lost)
Game 3: 2x broodwarden, pelakka, all is dust, nest invader, kozilek's predator, and one lone forest. MULLIGAN :p I get 2x forest, 2x pelakka, 2x growth spasm. Not bad. I keep that.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI plays swamp,Vampire Lacerator.
Turn 2: Draw Eldrazi Conscription, play forest. AI takes 1, plays marsh flats, attacks, fetches swamp, and I take 2.
Turn 3: Draw forest! Play forest, Growth Spasm. AI plays marsh flats, attacks, and fetches swamp; I take 2. AI casts Vampire Nighthawk
Turn 4: Draw and play Eldrazi Temple! Play Growth Spasm. AI takes 1, plays swamp and a kicked Gatekeeper, swings for 4 (gaining 2)
Turn 5: Draw Awakening Zone. Sac spawn to cast Pelakka Wurm, gaining 7. AI takes 1, and casts a kicked Gatekeeper. I sac Pelakka (drawing Ulamog's Crusher). AI swings for 4.
Turn 6: Draw Emrakul. Cast Awakening Zone. AI takes 1, swings for 8 (gaining 2) and casts Vampire Nighthawk.
Turn 7: Draw and play Forest. Cast Pelakka Wurm, gaining 7. (12-19 life) AI takes 1, plays swamp, Malakir Bloodwitch (6-24 life) and attacks with everything. I block 2 creatures but I take 6 and I'm at 0. 1-2 (only thing I could've done differently would be on turn 5 to play Awakening Zone instead of Pelakka, but I think I still lose in that scenario, as AI can still swing with lifelinked Nighthawks)

Stroggoi vs Brandon AI:
Game 1: 2x Pelakka Wurm, Ulamog's Crusher, Artisan of Kozilek, Eldrazi Conscription, Awakening zone, Eldrazi Temple. Not a chance in hell; mulliganed. Nest Invader, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Eldrazi Conscription, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, 2x forest. I'll keep that.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI plays mountain.
Turn 2: Draw and play forest, play Nest Invader. AI plays Plains, Dragon Fodder.
Turn 3: Draw and play forest. I could attack and trade, but I decide not to; I might need a target for E-Conscription. AI plays plains and Oblivion Ring on Nest Invader, and swings for 2.
Turn 4: Draw and play forest. AI plays plains, Sigiled Paladin and swings for 2.
Turn 5: Draw and play Forest. AI plays Oblivion Ring on my Spawn, and attacks for 4.
Turn 6: Draw and play Forest. AI plays plains, Ajani Vengeant, activates the 2nd ability to deal 3 damage to me, and attacks for 4.
Turn 7: Draw and play Forest. AI plays plains, swings for 4. Draw Emrakul, play Forest. My only castable spell is Eldrazi Conscription, and I have no creatures; myother cards in hand are emrakul, ulamog, and kozilek; AI wins. 0-1
Game 2: Broodwarden, 2x Kozilek's Predator, Growth Spasm, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, 2x Forest. Keep.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI Plays mountain.
Turn 2: Drawn Broodwarden, play forest. AI plays mountain.
Turn 3: Draw All is Dust. AI plays plains.
Turn 4: Draw Awakening Zone. Discard Kozilek (8 cards) AI plays mountain.
Turn 5: Draw Broodwarden. Discard Broodwarden. (8 cards) AI stupidly plays Oblivion Ring, even though the board is empty.
Turn 6: Draw Forest! Play Growth Spasm. AI plays plains and Knight of the White Orchid
Turn 7: Draw Forest! I have choices between broodwarden, kozilek's predator, and awakening zone. I go with the predator. AI plays Oblivion Ring on the Predator, and attacks for 2.
Turn 8: Draw Kozilek's Predator. Play Broodwarden, and attack for 6 with 2/2 tokens. AI plays Ajani Vengeant, Knight of the White Orchid, and vengeant activates helix to kill a spawn.
Turn 9: Draw Awakening Zone. Play Broodwarden. AI plays Bull Cerodon.
Turn 10: Draw Emrakul. Cast Awakening Zone. AI plays Sigiled Paladin, Akrasan Squire, and 'locks down' my untapped broodwarden with ajani.
Turn 11: Draw Growth Spasm. Play Awakening Zone. I'm just going to sit here until I get an army; there's nothing AI can do, but it might take awhile to win. AI plays Sigiled Paladin.
Turn 12: Draw and play Eldrazi Temple. Cast Kozilek's Predator. AI does nothing.
Turn 13: Draw Eldrazi Conscription. I have 10 attackers (2 spawn with sickness) and AI has 6 blockers, so I could do 14 damage at a minimum; AI has 17 life, so I won't make the kill. However, if I sac a bunch of spawns, I can hardcast Emrakul, which I do. I get my extra turn, cast Eldrazi Conscription on Broodwarden (due to the emrakul approximation) and attack with the uber Broodwarden and Emrakul. The game crashes at this point, but I would've won no matter what the AI did. 1-1
Game 3: Growth Spasm, Kozilek's Predator, Nest Invader, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, 2x forest, Eldrazi Temple. I like! Keep.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI plays plains.
Turn 2: Draw Awakening Zone. Play forest, Nest Invader. AI plays plains, Sigiled Paladin.
Turn 3: Draw Forest, play Eldrazi Temple and Awakening Zone. AI Plays mountain, Knight of the White Orchid, and swings for 3 (exalted).
Turn 4: Draw and play Forest, cast Kozilek's Predator. AI plays plains, Dragon Fodden, Akrasan Squire.
Turn 5: Draw and play Forest. Sac all spawn to cast Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, destroying Sigiled Paladin. Attack with Kozilek's Predator, AI takes the 3 damage. AI plays mountain and Oblivion Ring on Ulamog. Damn!
Turn 6: Draw Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. Play Forest, Growth Spasm. AI plays Battlegrace Angel.
Turn 7: Draw Artisan of Kozilek. Sac 3 spawn, cast the Butcher. (draws Nest Invader and 3x Forest) Play one of those forests. AI plays Bull Cerodon and swings with double-exalted 6/6 Battlegrace Angel.
Turn 8: Draw and play Forest. Attack with Butcher (AI sacs 2 plains, knight of the white orchid, and a goblin token) AI takes the 12. I cast Artisan of Kozilek (nothing to Resurrect, though) AI plays Knight of the White Orchid (fetching Plains) and attacks with a 6/6 Battlegrace Angel again. (5-17 life)
Turn 9: Draw and play Eldrazi Temple. Cast Nest Invader. I can only survive if AI screws up annihilator sacrifices, and sacs the Battlegrace Angel it can win with next turn. I attack with Butcher, Artisan, and a Nest Invader and Kozilek's Predator, not because it's smart, but because I'm hoping it will confuse AI into screwing up. AI sacs 2x plains, mountain, Battlegrace Angel, Knight of the White Orchid, and the Oblivion Ring that was on Ulamog. Akrasan Squire and goblin token chump the two eldrazi, and Bull Cerodon kills the predator, and the nest invader hits for 2. AI casts Akrasan Squire.
Turn 10: AI scoops what little remains of its board to annihilators and takes 36 damage from my attack, stealing an unwinnable game. 2-1

juzamjedi vs stroggoi AI:
Game 1: bloodwitch, bloodghast, gatekeeper, nighthawk, 3 swamp. KEEP!
Turn 1: Play swamp. AI plays forest.
Turn 2: Draw/play swamp, play Bloodghast. AI plays forest.
Turn 3: Draw bloodghast, play Vampire Nighthawk, swing for 2. AI plays forest.
Turn 4: Draw and play swamp. Play Bloodghast and unkicked Gatekeeper, swing for 4. AI plays Awakening Zone.
Turn 5: Draw Vampire Lacerator. Play swamp, swing for 8. Play Malakir Bloodwitch for 5. Life 29-1. AI discards Pelakka Wurm.
Turn 6: Draw Malakir Bloodwitch. Win.
Game 2: Vampire Hexmage, Lacerator, Gatekeeper, Bloodghast, Grim Discovery, 2x Marsh Flats. Keep.
Turn 1: AI plays forest. I draw/play swamp, play lacerator.
Turn 2: AI plays forest, Nest Invader. Take 1 from VL. I draw Mind Sludge, play Marsh flats, fetch swamp, and VL attacks into NI.
Turn 3: AI plays Eldrazi Temple. I draw gatekeeper, play/sac marsh flats, play Grim Discovery on VL/fetch, play VL, and attack for 2 with hexmage.
Turn 4: AI plays forest, Kozilek's Predator. I take one from VL, draw swamp, play/sac fetchland, play a kicked Gatekeeper, and AI sacs the PREDATOR instead of one of his three spawns, so I get to attack for 4 :p
Turn 5: AI sacs a spawn for no reason, then plays a Nest Invader. I take 1 from VL, draw/play swamp, play Mind Sludge (AI discards everything; predator, all is dust, conscription, broodwarden) I attack with everything; Nest Invader blocks gatekeeper and AI takes 4. (AI down to 10)
Turn 6: AI does nothing. I draw/play swamp, kill a spawn with kicked Gatekeeper, cast hasted Bloodghast, and swing for 6; AI doesn't block.
Turn 7: AI does nothing. I attack with everything for the win. 2-0

Juzamjedi vs Brandon AI:
Game 1: hexmage, gatekeeper, sorin, 3x swamp, fetch. Keep.
Turn 1: Play swamp. AI plays plains.
Turn 2: Draw/play swamp, play hexmage. AI plays plains, Knight of the White Orchid.
Turn 3: Draw Vampire Lacerator, play swamp, cast kicked Gatekeeper, killing the knight. Attack for 2. AI plays mountain, Oblivion Ring on hexmage.
Turn 4: Draw Vampire Nighthawk, play it, play swamp, play Lacerator, swing for 2. AI plays plains, Oblivion Ring on gatekeeper, and Akrasan Squire.
Turn 5: Take 1 from VL, draw/play/sac fetch, attack for 4. AI plays mountain, swings for exalted 2, plays Dragon Fodder.
Turn 6: Take 1 from VL, draw/play/sac fetch, cast Sorin Markov. Attack with all; VL trades with goblin tokens and nighthawk hits. Sorin's 1st ability kills Akrasan Squire. AI plays Mountain.
Turn 7: Draw/play bloodghast, play fetchland (saving it for bloodghast if it dies) Swing for 4 and use Sorin's 1st on AI. AI does nothing.
Turn 8: Attack for the win. 1-0
Game 2: Bloodghast, gatekeeper, nighthawk, hexmage, grim discovery, swamp, fetch. Keep.
Turn 1: AI plays plains. I draw and play swamp.
Turn 2: AI plays plains and Sigiled Paladin. I draw hexmage, play swamp and hexmage.
Turn 3: AI plays plains and Knight of the White Orchid. I draw/play/sac fetch and attack with hexmage, trading with one knight, then play Gatekeeper to kill the other knight.
Turn 4; AI plays plains. I draw gatekeeper, play/sac fetch, swing for 2, play Bloodghast, play Grim Discovery (hexmage, fetch)
Turn 5: AI plays mountain, Battlegrace Angel. I draw/play/sac fetch, play a kicked Gatekeeper (kills angel) and a Hexmage, and swing for 4.
Turn 6: AI plays plains, Bull Cerodon, and swings with it for 5; I take the hit. I draw/play/sac fetch, play Nighthawk and hexmage, and attack with everything. Bull Cerodon blocks & kills hexmage, and AI takes 6.
Turn 7: AI plays Ajani Vengeant and Akrasan Squire, and attacks with Cerodon; nighthawk blocks and trades with it. During combat, I sac the hexmage to kill Ajani Vengeant, which AI did not use precombat. I draw lacerator, play it and swamp, attack with everything. AI trades Akrasan Squire with Bloodghast and takes 4 (I should've saved that swamp for postcombat)
Turn 8: AI plays Sigiled Paladin. I draw Grim Discovery, attack with everything. Paladin kills a gatekeeper and AI takes 4 damage, which is lethal. 2-0

brandon vs stroggoi AI:
Game 1: Battlegrace Angel, Elspeth, Akrasan Squire, 3x plains, mountain. Keep.
Turn 1: AI plays forest. Draw elspeth, play plains and Akrasan Squire.
Turn 2: AI plays forest, Nest Invader. I draw Oblivion Ring, attack, and trade.
Turn 3: AI plays forest. I draw O-Ring, play plains.
Turn 4: AI plays Eldrazi Temple, sacs spawn, plays Broodwarden. I draw Bull Cerodon, play mountain and O-Ring on Broodwarden.
Turn 5: AI does nothing. I draw Knight of the White Orchid, and play Elspeth and make a soldier.
Turn 6: AI plays Eldrazi Temple and Growth Spasm. I draw KotWO, play it, fetch a plains, play another KotWO, fetch another plains, pump my soldier with elspeth and swing for 4.
Turn 7: AI plays Growth Spasm. I draw/play plains, play Bull Cerodon, pump it with Elspeth, and attack with everything; AI chumps one knight with one spawn and takes 11.
Turn 8: AI plays Eldrazi Conscription on a Spawn and attacks. I sac 2 plains and take 10, and attack for the win on my turn. 1-0
Game 2: 2x ajani vengeant, akrasan squire, dragon fodden, angelic benediction, elspeth, plains. Mulliganed due to land problems. I get 2x O-Ring, 2x Battlegrace, Sigiled paladin, and plains. Ugh. I mull again and get 2x KotWO, Elspeth, Sigiled Paladin, Mountain. Oops, should've kept the last one. I have to mull this now, too, and get Sigiled Paladin, Elspeth, and 2x plains, which is the best hand of the bunch, and more than I could have hoped for in 4 cards.
Turn 1: AI plays forest, I draw KotWO and play plains
Turn 2: AI does nothing! I draw/play plains and Sigiled Paladin.
Turn 3: AI discards Growth Spasm. I draw Bull Cerodon, play plains, KotWO, and swing for exalted 3.
Turn 4: AI discards Ulamog the Infinite Gyre. I draw/play plains, play elspeth, pump a knight and swing for 7.
Turn 5: Ai discards Awakening Zone. I draw/play mountain, pump a knight and swing for 7.
Turn 6: AI discards broodwarden. I win on my turn. 2-0

Brandon vs juzamjedi AI:
Game 1: 2x elspeth, battlegrace, Sigiled Paladin, 2x plains, mountain. Keep.
Turn 1: Play plains. AI plays swamp, Vampire Lacerator.
Turn 2: Draw battlegrace, play plains, Sigiled Paladin. AI takes 1 from VL, plays swamp and Hexmage.
Turn 3: Draw/play mountain. AI takes 1 from VL, plays swamp, kicks a gatekeeper on my paladin, and swings for 4.
Turn 4: Draw Ajani Vengeant, play mountain, elspeth, make soldier. AI takes 1, plays fetch, attacks elspeth with everything. I chump one with soldier and elspeth is down to 1 loyalty.
Turn 5: Draw/play mountain, play Battlegrace Angel, make soldier. AI takes 1, plays swamp.
Turn 6: Draw Akrasan Squire. Play Battlegrace Angel, pump other BA with elspeth and attack. BA deals 9 and I gain 18. AI takes 1 from VL, plays swamp, casts Malakir Bloodwitch, and in response sacs its hexmage, targeting I don't know what, but it wasn't Elspeth :p
Turn 7: Draw Bull Cerodon. Pump one BA with elspeth; AI uses fetchland in response. (8) I attack with 7/7 and 4/4 angels. Bloodwitch blocks and kills the 4/4 one, and AI takes 7. I play Ajani Vengeant and he does 3 to AI. 1-0
Game 2: 2x KotWO, Elspeth, Dragon Fodder, 3x plains. Keep.
Turn 1: AI plays swamp, Lacerator. I draw paladin, play plains.
Turn 2: AI takes 1, plays/sacs marsh flats, attacks for 2, plays hexmage. I draw mountain, play plains and Sigiled Paladin.
Turn 3: AI takes 1, plays swamp, bloodghast. I draw dragon fodder, play KotWO, fetch plains, play mountain, dragon fodder, attack with 3/3 exalted paladin and hit for 3.
Turn 4; AI takes 1, plays verdant catacombs and Vampire Nighthawk. I draw a plains, purposely don't play a land (KotWO in hand) and play Elspeth, who pumps KotWO and I attack with it for 6.
Turn 5: Ai takes 1, plays verdant catacombs, attacks elspeth with Vampire Nighthawk (and doesn't gain 2 life) I draw Angelic Benediction, play KotWO, fetching Plains, play plains, play Angelic Benediction, pump the first KotWO, and attack with it for 7 for the win. 2-0

stroggoi vs juzamjedi AI: 1-2 (juzamjedi +3)
stroggoi vs brandon AI: 2-1 (stroggoi +1)
juzamjedi vs stroggoi AI: 2-0 (juzamjedi +2)
juzamjedi vs brandon AI: 2-0 (juzamjedi +2)
brandon vs stroggoi AI: 2-0 (brandon +2)
brandon vs juzamjedi AI: 2-0 (brandon +2)

Juzamjedi +7
Brandon +4
Stroggoi +1
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby aww1979 » 15 Aug 2010, 19:11

IE crapped out and I lost the play-by-play. However, here are my results for group D: (which fortunately were in notepad :) )

jatill landho vs salbei AI: 2-0 (Jatill landho +2)
jatill landho vs cognis AI: 2-1 (Jatill landho +1)
salbei vs jatill landho AI: 2-0 (salbei +2)
salbei vs cognis AI: 1-2 (cognis +3)
cognis vs jatill landho AI: 2-0 (cognis +2)
cognis vs salbei AI: 2-0 (cognis +2)

Cognis +7
Jatill +3
Salbei +2

As jatill: Wins mostly came from early Plated Geopedes and landfall, with help from baloths and terras stompers in some games.

As salbei: Wins came from various sources, the most spectacular of which was the win against cognis where I got two 16/3 spitfires on the last turn. Johnny was happy.

As cognis: Wins came from being twice as fast with weenies. The games were so fast I don't think I ever got out a baneslayer or titan.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby scherbchen1 » 15 Aug 2010, 19:58

gonna have to pass on testing the first round. work and family eat away at fun-time.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby jatill » 16 Aug 2010, 12:19

Round 1 Final Standings:

Group A
jatill 39
monopman 21
(scherbcneh 20)

Group B
jatill2 47
aww 25
(shantak 16)

Group C
juzamjedi 32
brandon 26
(stroggoli 19)

Group D:
cognis 34
jatill3 25
(salbei 23)

aww and brandon win a bonus prize card each.

Round 2 pairings are:
Bracket Alpha: jatill vs jaill3 (boo...)
Bracket Beta: jatill2 vs brandon
Bracket Gamma: juzamjedu vs aww
Bracket Delta: cognis vs monopman
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby jatill » 16 Aug 2010, 18:01

jatill (2-1) vs jatill3
Game 1: Turn 5 Inferno Titan, turn 6 DF. Academic.
Game 2: Kept an all-ramp hand, and never drew a non-ramp card in 13 turns. Bad beats.
Game 3: Garruk keeps me alive and Slimes mana screw the opponent

jatill3 (2-0) vs jatill
Game 1: Mulligan. Turn 4 Terra Stomper holds off the beats long enough for double Lavaball Trap to clean up.
Game 2: Triple Primeval Titan has me on the ropes, but a pair of Lavaball Traps resets the board. I immediately topdeck Terra Stomper and finish with it.

jatill2 (2-0) vs brandon
Game 1: We both have great hands, but my cards trump their.
Game 2: I almost lost when my first creature (turn 4 Mahamoti) was sent to Oblivion. I landed another just on time on turn 6, and chained Braingeysers for the win.

brandon (2-0) vs jatill2
Game 1: AI chooses not to Power Sink a turn 4 Elspeth (I checked after the game ended), and my exalted jumped Paladin attacked for 20.
Game 2: I have the perfect curve of Squire -> Paladin -> Knight -> Battlegrace and the AI doesn't draw enough to stop me.

juzamjedi (2-1) vs aww
Game 1: I have 5 creatures in play on turn 4. The AI has 1 land.
Game 2: I keep 5 land + Mind Sludge + Bloodwitch. I thought the deck would bail me out, but I drew only land uintil I died.
Game 3: Despite cast creatures turn 1-3 followed by 3 Gatekeepers (kicked), I would have lost this game if the AI didn't active Witches 3 times when it was at 3 life... Old Man of the Sea of such a beating in this matchup.

aww (2-0) vs juzamjedi
Game 1: I draw and play the nigh-unstoppable Sorceress Queen, and kill the AI before my Djinns kill me.
Game 2: I have turn 2 and 3 Witches to stop the early attack, and I manage to have the Oubliette in time to stop the AI's Bloodwitch.

cognis (2-0) vs monopman
Game 1: I mulligan into guys + Ajani, and Ai never gets past 3 lands.
Game 2: I mull into Ajani again, but no guys until my turn 6 Sun Titan. It gets wrathed so I make a 27/27 Avatar (keeping Ajani Alive still). AI has condemn. I am under no pressure, but AI does have Scroll Thief going now. Vengeful Archon also meets a Condemn, so I follow up with Palace Guard. AI taps out to Sun Titan returning Jace (not bad...), so I double Armored Ascension and attack for 19/20. Of course then the AI has Condemn #3. Finally, Squadron Hawk shows up and finishes it.

monopman (2-0) vs Cognis
Game 1: Turn 3 Scroll Thief draws a card every single turn while the AI is never able to keep a creature in play thanks to bounce and counters.
Game 2: Ai's first 4 plays are 4 Squardon Hawk, which is surprisingly effective. I go to 5 and am force to Wrath. The AI reloads, and my 2 Condemn aren't enough to save me. I rip.... Jace. Draw a card... Wrath! Woot. It was easy to come back from there.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Cognis » 16 Aug 2010, 20:54

Bracket Alpha

Jatill Titans vs Jatill Land-Ho 2-0
Jatill Land-Ho vs Jatill Titans 0-2

Jatill Titans: 7 points
Jatill Land-Ho: 0 points

Match 1 (Jatill Land-Ho AI)
Game 1:
I overran the AI with Inferno Titan. AI played Plated Geopede and nothing else.
Game 2: I was mana flooded and hard pressed by 2 Plated Geopede but 3 Garruk Wildspeaker helped me stall for Destructive Force. After that I controlled the board and won easily.

Match 2 (Jatill Titans AI)
Game 1:
Had to mulligan since I didn’t have red mana for 2 Plated Geopede. AI had a fast hand and overrun me with titans in no time.
Game 2: This time I had a faster hand but the AI was too good. In the end Inferno Titan finished me off.

Bracket Beta

Jatill Cheerios vs Brandon 2-0
Brandon vs Jatill 2-0

Jatill Cheerios: 2 points
Brandon: 2 points

Match 1 (Brandon AI)
Game 1:
I had to mulligan a one land hand into a turn 1 Hypnotic Specter. I play another one and decimate the AI’s hand. I also play 2 Control Magic for a comfortable victory.
Game 2: I had to mulligan into Swamp and blue cards so I had a slow start. AI overwhelmed me but the AI started to save it’s creatures and not attacking when I was at 2. I stalled and eventually took the win.

Match 2 (Jatill AI)
Game 1:
A few good creatures and Ajani Vengenant secured a comfortable win.
Game 2: It was a long game but I won the race in the end.

Bracket Gama

Juzamjedi vs Aww1979 2-0
Aww1979 vs Juzamjedi 2-0

Juzamjedi: 2 points
Aww1979: 2 points

Match 1 (Aww1979 AI)
Game 1:
Game stalled a bit and in the end the AI’s djinns hastened its defeat.
Game 2: This game was a tight race till the end but I edged out because of Bloodghast and Gatekeeper of Malakir.

Match 2 (Juzamjedi AI)
Game 1:
Sorcerers Queen, Juzam Djinn and Serendib Effereet made it easy.
Game 2: AI basically killed itself with 2 Vampire Lacerator.

Bracket Delta

Cognis vs Monopman 2-0
Monopman vs Cognis 2-0

Cognis: 2 points
Monopman: 2 points

Match 1 (Monopman AI)
Game 1:
It was a long match with lots of removal but with 2 Crystal Ball and Sun Titan to reanimate Squadron Hawk I had a comfortable victory.
Game 2: AI had me hard pressed with BSA but I had pumped knights so it played Day of Judgement, followed by Sun Titan the next round and I thankfully top deck Pacifism. We both play with Crystal Ball and mount armies. I don’t attack because I fear Condemn but all 4 Squadron Hawk enter the field in the same round while I have Ajani goldmane. I Crystal Ball into Pacifism, start pumping hawks and attack for the win in one swing. A very close match, I had real fun playing this match, a real test of skills.

Match 2 (Cognis AI)
Game 1:
A little counter and a little removal plus 2 BSA make it a comfortable win.
Game 2: A very good match where both of us had a lot of creatures but in late game the AI didn’t stand a chance.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Brandon822 » 17 Aug 2010, 14:13

Bracket Alpha

Jatill vs Jatill3 2-0

Game 1: Garruk Tokens pound AI to ropes and Inferno Titan finishes the job.
Game 2: AIs early Plated Geopede s bring me down to 8, but then Inferno Titan comes and kills them and destroys AI.

Jatill3 vs Jatill 2-0

Game 1: Three Destructive Force makes game very long. Finally I got my sixth mana and cast Terra Stomper. AI is stuck in four mana and we don't see titans anymore.
Game 2: Three Garruks and his tokens vs Rampaging Baloth tokens. Well mines are 4/4 and I have almost unlimited supply.
Bracket Beta

Jatill2 vs Brandon 2-1

Game 1: Great start with dark ritual + Hyppie. Turn three AI Oblivion Ring it(Elspeth and Ajani got discarded). I haven't gotten lands since starting hand Swamp and Island. Terror, 2 Mahamoti djinn, Sengir and terror in hand, but AI keeps casting knights and goblin tokens. Power Sink counters Elspeth, but it's not enough.
Game 2: Third turn Sengir Vampire keeps AIs little critters home and sixth turn Mahamoti Starts pounding to victory.
Game 3: AI hits hard and fast me to 6. Then he makes a mistake casting Battlegrace Angel that Ajani can't kill(it killed my two hyppies already. Next turn I cast Sengir Vampire and counter his angel. Few turns and I win.

Brandon vs Jatill2 2-0

Game 1: Knights hit hard and fast. Battlegrace Angel finishes.
Game 2: AI wastes two Terror in goblin tokens and Steals Sigiled Paladin, but doesen't have a chance against Ajani and Battlegrace Angel.
Bracket Gamma

Juzamjedi vs Aww1979 2-1[/b]

Game 1: I have a decent start fith 4 mana and Vampire Nighthawk, Vampire Hexmage and Malakir. AI exiles VN, kills VH with witches and steals Butcher of Malakir. AI keeps hitting land drops and creatures. Well, I draw five lands in a row and AI hits me dead with Efreet and other creatures.
Game 2: Fast win with small vampires and Gatekeeper of Malakir deals with Juzam Djinn.
Game 3: Easy win. AI doesen't do much and VN race to victory.

Aww1979 vs Juzamjedi 2-1

Game 1: Unstable Flying Man and Serendib Efreet made this game easy.
Game 2: GM makes me sacrifice two Efreets. I don't have means to stop Nighthawks after I exile Bloodwitch.
Game 3: Almost identical to game 1:
Bracket Delta

Cognis vs Monopman 2-0

Game 1: Boosted Squadron Hawks ends game quickly.
Game 2: AI stalls the inevitable with three Day of Judgement, then saves two matchballs with condemn. Finally third BA is too much.

Monopman vs Cognis 0-2

Game 1: AI overhelms me quickly with boosted birds and knights. Never saw Day of Judgement.
Game 2: Same story. DoJ evade me again. Sorry mate.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby aww1979 » 17 Aug 2010, 16:12

jatill titans vs jatill landho AI:
Game 1: Primevan Titan, Destructive Force, Garruk Wildspeaker, Llanowar Elves, Mountain, 2x Forest. Keep.
Turn 1: Play forest, elf. AI plays forest.
Turn 2: Draw garruk. Play forest, attack for 1. AI plays mountain.
Turn 3: Draw cultivate. Play mountain, garruk, make beast. AI plays forest.
Turn 4: Draw/play Mountain. Use garruk to untap lands, cast Primeval Titan, attack for 4. AI plays forest, Oracle of Mul Daya, misty rainforest.
Turn 5: Draw/play Mystifying Maze, play Cultivate. Garrul makes beast. Beast/titan attack for 9. AI plays Arid Mesa.
Turn 6: Draw Inferno Titan, play forest, titan, kill oracle and 1 to AI. Attack for 13 for the win. 1-0
Game 2: Acidic Slime, Birds of Paradise, 3x Llanowar Elves, 2x Mountain. (basic lands suck balls) Mulliganed. Inferno Titan, Garruk Wildspeaker, Llanowar Elves, Mountain, 2x Forest. Keep.
Turn 1: Play forest, elf. AI plays mountain.
Turn 2: Draw Cultivate. Play forest, cultivate for RG. AI plays forest, Plated Geopede.
Turn 3: Draw Primeval Titan. Play forest, garruk, make beast. AI plays Scalding Tarn, attacks garruk with geopede. I chump with elf and AI sacs the tarn.
Turn 4: Draw/play Forest, use garruk to cast Primeval Titan. Beast hits for 3. AI plays misty rainforest.
Turn 5: Draw Inferno Titan. Play mountain, titan, kill geopede and 2 to AI. (AI didn't use fetchland in response :D) Garruk untaps lands, attack for 9; AI sacs fetch in response. AI plays misty rainforest.
Turn 6: Draw Destructive Forest. Garruk overruns, pump Inferno Titan to max, attack for 30+3 for the win. 2-0

jatill landho vs jatill titans AI:
Game 1: Terra Stomper, KHE, 2x Oracle, 2x, Mountain, Forest. keep.
Turn 1: Play forest. AI plays forest, elf.
Turn 2: Draw forest, play mountain, KHE. AI plays forest, Birds.
Turn 3: Draw Rampaging Baloths. Play Forest. AI plays mountain, Acidic Slime, destroying my mountain.
Turn 4: Draw Burst Lightning. Play mountain, cast BL on slime. AI plays Forest, Primeval Titan, fetching RR.
Turn 5: Draw Harrow, cast it saccing G to get GR. Sac KHE to get RG. AI plays Slime, destroys a mountain, attacks for 7 (not fetching any lands) and plays Birds.
Turn 6: Draw Terra Stomper, cast Oracle, play mountain topdeck. AI plays forest, attacks for 6, fetching RG; I take the hit.
Turn 7: Draw KHE. Cast Terra Stomper. AI does nothing.
Turn 8: Draw Terra Stomper. Play Arid Mesa topdeck, play KHE, play Arid Mesa topdeck, Sac both mesas only to find there are no more mountains in my deck. Damn. Cast Oracle. AI does nothing.
Turn 9: Draw Harrow. Cast Rampaging Baloths. Play Scalding Tarn off topdeck. (not saccing it this time :D) Attack with Terra Stomper. AI blocks with Acidic Slime and Primeval Titan; kill both creatures rather than trample. AI casts an elf.
Turn 10: Draw geopede. Cast Terra Stomper, attack with 2x oracle, baloth, beast. 2x elf trade with an oracle, birds chump beast, AI takes 8. AI casts Primeval titan, fetching RG.
Turn 11: Draw Lavaball Trap. Attack with TStomper, baloth, beast, oracle. Titan blocks baloth, birds chump beast, AI takes 10. Cast Terra Stomper. AI does nothing.
Turn 12: Attack for the win.
Game 2: Harrow, Oracle, KHE, Burst Lightning, 2x Forest, Misty Rainforest. Keep.
Turn 1: play forest. AI plays MMaze.
Turn 2: Draw/play forest, KHE. AI plays forest.
Turn 3: Draw/play mountain. AI plays mountain, Cultivate (mountain) EOT I play Harrow, saccing G to fetch GG, then sac KHE to fetch RG.
Turn 4: Draw/play Forest, Oracle, play Tarn topdeck (see L-Trap topdeck) and sac tarn because L-Trap sucks :p AI plays forest.
Turn 5: Draw Terra Stomper. Play/sac Misty Rainforest, play forest from hand, play Terra Stomper. Oracle attacks and is mazed. AI plays Forest, taps maze for no reason, and casts Birds.
Turn 6: Draw Lavaball Trap. Attack for 10. Cast Lavaball Trap (Maze, Mountain) The damage doesn't resolve immediately, so AI is able to cheat and play mountain, tapping the 'dying' birds, and cast Inferno Titan, targeting the 'dying' oracle for 2 and me for 1.
Turn 7: Draw KHE. (AI at 10) Attack with Terra Stomper. When AI doesn't block, I cast kicked Burst Lightning at its face to win. 2-0

jatill cheerios vs Brandon AI:
Game 1: Braingeyser, Power Sink, Sengir Vampire, Control Magic, Swamp, 2x Island. Keep, though it's not great.
Turn 1: Play island. AI plays plains.
Turn 2: Draw/play swamp. AI plays plains Sigiled Paladin, which I Power Sink for 1.
Turn 3: Draw Power Sink. Play Island. AI plays Mountain.
Turn 4: Draw/play Swamp. AI plays mountain, Akrasan Squire. I can only Power Sink for 3, and AI has 3 untapped, so I let it resolve.
Turn 5: Draw Control Magic. Play swamp, Sengir Vampire. AI plays Plains, Battlegrace Angel.
Turn 6: Draw Terror. Cast Control Magic on Angel. Sengir swings with BA exaltedness. AI plays plains, Battlegrace Angel.
Turn 7: Draw Hypnotic Specter. I'm an asshole and Control the other Angel, then I attack for 8. AI plays Akrasan Squire, Ajani Vengeant, and locks down one of my lands. LOL. (not that it would help to lock a creature, I have enough to win without one)
Turn 8: Draw Power Sink, attack for 12, AI at -5. Win. 1-0
Game 2: Mahamoti Djinn, Sengir V, Control Magic, Counterspell, Braingeyser, Swamp, Underground Sea. Mulligan; I don't want to risk being manascrewed. Get Mahaomti, Hypno, Control Magic, Dark Ritual, Swamp, Island. Keep!
Turn 1: Swamp, Ritual, Hypno! :D AI plays plains.
Turn 2: Draw sengir, play island, swing for 2. (Discards sigiled paladin) AI plays plains, Knight of the White Orchid.
Turn 3: Draw/play Underground Sea, swing for 2. (Discards Oblivion Ring) AI plays mountain, Sigiled paladin, swings for 3 with exalted.
Turn 4: Draw/play Swamp. Control Magic the Sigiled Paladin. Swing for exalted 3. (Discards Dragon Fodder) AI plays Plains, Elspeth, makes soldier.
Turn 5: Draw/play Swamp, cast Sengir Vampire. Attack opp for 3 with Hypno. (Discards Dragon Fodder) AI plays O-Ring on Control magic, recovering its paladin.
Turn 6: Draw Terror. Attack for 6. (no discard; AI hand empty already) AI pumps KotWO with Elspeth, casts Sigiled Paladin, attacks with everything; I Terror KotWO and take 3.
Turn 7: Draw Island, attack for 6 for the win. 2-0

Brandon vs jatill cheerios AI:
Game 1: Battlegrace Angel, KotWO, Sigiled Paladin, 4x Plains. Keep.
Turn 1: Play plains. AI plays U-Sea.
Turn 2: Draw KotWO. Play plains, paladin. AI plays U-Sea.
Turn 3: Draw Akrasan Squire. Play plains, squire, KotWO; AI powersinsk KotWO. Attack for exalted 4. AI plays swamp, Hypno.
Turn 4: Draw Akrasan Squire, play plains, squire, KotWO. Paladin swings for 5 with exalted. AI plays swamp, Control Magic on my Akrasan Squire (uhh...) and swings for exalted 3 with hypno (discard battlegrace angel)
Turn 5: Draw Bull Cerodon, attack with everything. Squires trade, AI takes 4. AI control magics Sigiled Paladin, swings for exalted 3 with hypno (discard cerodon)
Turn 6: Draw/play mountain, swing for 2. AI plays swamp, swings for 4. (nothing to discard) AI casts Sengir Vampire.
Turn 7: Draw/play plains. AI attacks for 6 in the air.
Turn 8: Draw/play plains. AI plays swamp, controls my KotWO, swings for 8, and I'm dead. 0-1
Game 2: KotWO, 3x Oblivion Ring (!!), 2x Plains, Mountain. KEEP.
Turn 1: Play plains. AI plays U-Sea.
Turn 2: Draw Angelic Benediction. Play plains, KotWO. AI plays Swamp.
Turn 3: Draw Battlegrace Angel. Play mountain, swing for 2. AI plays island.
Turn 4: Draw KotWO. Keep it hoping to fetch a plains next turn, attack for 2. AI plays Terror on my KotWO on its turn. (no land drop :( )
Turn 5: Draw/play plains, play KotWO. AI plays swamp, Control Magic on KotWO.
Turn 6: Draw battlegrace. Cast O-Ring on control magic. AI controls KotWO again.
Turn 7: Draw Dragon Fodder. O-Ring control magic. AI controls KotWO AGAIN.
Turn 8: Draw Elspeth. O-Ring control magic AGAIN. AI Terros KotWO.
Turn 9: Draw/play Plains, Battlegrace Angel; it's powersinked. AI plays island, taps out for Sengir.
Turn 10: Draw/play Plains, Battlegrace Angel. AI plays swamp, Sengir.
Turn 11: Draw Akrasan Squire, play it, play Angelic Benediction.Attack with 7/7 angel and tap one sengir; AI takes 7. Sengirs swing for 8.
Turn 12: Draw/play mountain. Cast elspeth, pump angel, swing for exalted 10 for the win. 1-1
Game 3: 7 spells; mulligan. Angelic Benediction, O-Ring, Elspeth, Akrasan Squire, Plains, Mountain. Keep.
Turn 1: Plains, A-Squire. AI plays swamp.
Turn 2; Draw KotWO, play mountain, swing for exalted 2. AI plays swamp, terrors squire.
Turn 3: Draw O-Ring. AI plays Island, Dark Ritual, Sengir Vampire.
Turn 4: Draw/play Akrasan Squire. AI plays swamp, swings for 4.
Turn 5: Draw elspeth, swing for exalted 2. AI swings for 4.
Turn 6: Draw Ajani Vengeant, swing for exalted 2. AI swings for 4.
Turn 7: Draw KotWO, swing for exalted 2. (8 cards;discard elspeth) AI plays U-Sea, Control Magics the squire, swings for exalted 5.
Turn 8: Draw ajani vengeant, discard it. AI swings for 5 and I die. 1-2 (sorry brandon, but there wasn't much I could do that game, couldn't get that 3rd land for O-Rings)

juzamjedi vs aww AI:
Game 1: Vampire Lacerator, Malakir Bloodwitch, Gatekeeper of Malakir, 3x Swamp, Marsh Flats. Keep.
Turn 1: Swamp, VL. AI plays swamp, Stone-Throwing Devils.
Turn 2: Take 1, draw/play swamp, attack for 2. AI plays island, attacks for 1.
Turn 3: Take 1, draw Mind Sludge, cast kicked Gatekeeper, swing for 2. AI plays Island, Serendib Efreet.
Turn 4: Take 1, Draw/play/sac Marsh Flats. AI takes 1, plays swamp, Oubliette on gatekeeper, swings for 3.
Turn 5: Take 1, play swamp, swing for 2. I now have a choice between Malakir Bloodwitch and Mind Sludge. I go for the Sludge, since I can empty AIs hand and next turn Bloodwitch can stop the efreet. (AI discards Oubliette, Old Man of the Sea, Island, Cuombajj Witches) AI takes 1, swings for 3, plays Cwitches.
Turn 6: Take 1, draw Sorin Markov, play/sac Marsh Flats, Bloodwitch. AI takes 1, plays island.
Turn 7: Draw bloodghast. Play Sorin Markov, drain AI for 2. AI takes 1 from efreet, does nothing.
Turn 8: Draw Malakir Bloodwitch. Attack with MBloodwitch. AI blocks with efreet, uses witch to tim bloodwitch, and I deal 1 to AI. Cast bloodwitch, use Sorin on AI. AI plays swamp.
Turn 8: Draw nighthawk, Sorin drains AI for the win. 1-0
Game 2: 2x Lacerator, Bloodghast, 4x swamp. Keep.
Turn 1: Swamp, VL. AI plays swamp, STDevils.
Turn 2: Take 1, Draw marsh flats, play swamp, Bloodghast, swing for 2. AI plays island, swings for 1, plays Erg Raiders.
Turn 3: Take 1, draw swamp, play/sac marsh flats, play VL. AI plays island, attacks with Erg Raiders; both VL block, Raiders and one VL dies. AI plays Flying Men and Erg Raiders
Turn 4: Take 1, draw Grim Discovery, cast it to get back VL and marsh flats, play both of those and sac the flats. AI attacks with FMen and Erg, 2x VL block erg, one dies and erg dies; I take 1 from Men. AI casts Old Man of the Sea.
Turn 5: Take 1, draw Vampire Hexmage, play swamp and hexmage. AI swings for 1 with Men, then steals Hexmage. (I could sac it in response, but AI would only take another guy next turn)
Turn 6: Take 1, draw marsh flats. AIEEE I don't want more land. Play/sac it. AI untaps Old Man, takes my bloodghast, casts Unstable Mutation on Flying Men, and swings for 4.
Turn 7: Take 1, draw hexmage, play swamp, hexmage. Attack with hexmage, AI blocks with Devils. AI untaps old man, plays swamp, oubliettes my hexmage, and attacks with old man and 3/3 flying men. I'm at 4, so I'm forced to chump old man with VL.
Turn 8: Draw/play swamp. Ugh. Attack for 2 with bloodghast. AI swings for 4 and I'm at -3. 1-1.
Game 3: 3x Bloodghast, 2x Fetch, hexmage, VL. Keep.
Turn 1: Fetch/sac, VL. AI plays swamp, STDevils.
Turn 2: Take 1, draw/play swamp, hexmage, attack for 2. AI plays island, Flying Men, STDevils.
Turn 3: Take 1, draw Grim Discovery, play/sac fetch. Play bloodghast. I could attack with hexmage, but keep it back for now. (thinking Bloodwitch will hit harder later if i don't trade stuff early) AI plays island, swings for 1, serendib efreet.
Turn 4: Take 1, draw Mind Sludge, play Bloodghast. Ai takes 1, swings for 4, plays Old Man of the Sea.
Turn 5: Take 1, draw/play swamp, bloodghast. AI takes 1, old man steals hexmage, swings for 4. AI casts Old Man.
Turn 6: Take 1, draw hexmage. Nothing I can do, as I'll take 4 in the air next turn, and making the trade on turn 3 wouldn't have made any difference. Using Grim Discovery to recover a fetchland on turn 4 would've let me Mind Sludge turn 5, but that doesn't deal with the stuff already on the board. AI swings for lethal. 1-2

aww vs juzamjedi AI:
Game 1: S-Efreet, Old Man, Devils, Flying Men, 2x swamp, island. Keep.
Turn 1: Swamp, devils. AI plas swamp, Lacerator.
Turn 2: Draw/play island, Flying Men. AI takes 1, plays swamp, unkicked gatekeeper.
Turn 3: Draw devils, play island, old man. Flying Men swing for 1. AI takes 1 from VL, plays fetch, bloodghast, sacs fetch.
Turn 4: Draw Unstable Mutation. Play swamp. Old Man takes gatekeeper. Cast UM on my devils ,attack with devils and flying men, AI takes 5. Cast Serendib Efreet.
AI takes 1, plays Hexmage.
Turn 5: Untap old man, take 1, draw/play swamp, STDevils, take hexmage; AI sacs hexmage in response. Attack with UM-Devils, Flying Men, Efreet; Gatekeeper chumps devils and AI takes 4. AI takes 1 from VL, plays swamp, bloodghast, swings for 2 with VL.
Turn 6: Draw old man, swing for lethal since bloodghasts can't block anything. 1-0
Game 2: S-Efreet, Cuombajj, Old Man, UM, swamp, 2x island. Keep.
Turn 1: AI plays swamp, lacerator. Draw swamp, play island.
Turn 2: AI takes 1, plays swamp, swings for 2, plays hexmage. Draw juzam, play swamp. (I could've led with 2 swamps to get turn 2 witches, but decided to go for turn 3 old man instead)
Turn 3: AI takes 1, plays fetch, attacks for 4, sacs fetch. Draw S-Efreet, play Old Man.
Turn 4: AI takes 1, plays fetch, sacs hexmage for no reason, plays a kicked Gatekeeper killing Old Man, swings for 2 with Lacerator. Draw Flying Men, play swamp, Flying Men and Serendib Efreet. (not juzam, fearing another gatekeeper)
Turn 5: AI takes 1, plays swamp, Bloodghast. I take 1, draw/play Island, play Juzam, cast UM on efreet, swing for 7.
Turn 6: AI takes 1, does nothing. I take 2 (efreet, juzam), draw C-Witches, cast them, cast efreet, attack with men, efreet, juzam. Gatekeeper chumps juzam, AI takes 6.
Turn 7: AI plays swamp. I take 3 from my dudes and swing for lethal. 2-0

cognis vs monopoman AI:
Game 1: Vengeful Archon, 2x Ajani Goldmane, Baneslayer, Elite Vanguard, 2x plains. I'll keep it, but I'm really hoping I get some more land or early plays.
Turn 1: Plains, vanguard. AI plays Glacial Fortress.
Turn 2; Draw Elite Vanguard, play plains, vanguard, attack for 2. AI plays plains.
Turn 3: Draw/play Squadron Hawk, attack for 4. AI plays island, Aethet Adept, bouncing a vanguard.
Turn 4: Draw/play plains, play vanguard, hawk. Attack with vanguard, hawk; AI trades vanguard with adept, takes 1 from hawk. AI plays Scroll Thief, Terramorphic expanse/sac for plains.
Turn 5: Draw/play plains, cast Ajani Goldmane, pump, attack; AI takes 7. AI plays plains, Day of Judgement.
Turn 6: Draw/play plains, cast Baneslayer Angel, gain 2 life. AI does nothing.
Turn 7: Draw white knight. Play knight, hawk (hawk manaleaked) Pump with ajani, attack for the win.
Game 2: Ajani's Mantra, Vengeful Archon, Pacifism, Honor of the Pure, Armored Ascension, 2x plains. Keep.
Turn 1: AI does nothing... I draw white knight, play plains.
Turn 2: AI plays Glacial Fortress. Draw Ajani's Mantra, play plains, White Knight.
Turn 3: AI plays Glacial Fortress. Draw/play plains, Honor of the Pure, attack with knight and it gets condemned
Turn 4: AI plays Island, Scroll Thief. Draw Crystal Ball, cast Pacifism on Scroll Thief.
Turn 5: AI plays Scroll Thief. Draw/play Palace Guard.
Turn 6: AI plays Crystal Ball. Draw Pacifism, Play Crystal Ball.
Turn 7: AI plays Brittle Effigy. During my upkeep, I activate Crystal Ball, see plains, vanguard. Plains top, vanguard bottom. Draw/play plains, Ajani's Mantra. AI plays Aether Adept postcombat, bouncing my guard. During my upkeep, use crystal ball, see Ajani Goldmane, Elite Vanguard. Vanguard bottom, Goldmane top. Gain 1 life, draw Goldmane, play Palace Guard.
Turn 8: AI does nothing. Gain 1 life, draw Pacifism. Play goldmane, pump, attack for 3.
Turn 9: AI plays plains, and uses Brittle Effigy postcombat to kill Palace Guard. During upkeep, use Ball, see Goldmane, Honor of the Pure. Gain 1 life. Put both on bottom, draw Sun Titan. Cast Pacifism on Scroll Thief #2, gain 2 with Ajani.
Turn 10: AI attacks ajani for 2. Gain 1, use Ball, see vanguard, Honor of the Pure. Vanguard top, honor next. Draw/cast vanguard; it gets countered by Mana Leak. Cast Pacifism on Adept, gain 2 with Goldmane.
Turn 11: AI does nothing. Gain 1, use ball, see Honor of the Pure, Sun Titan. Titan bottom, Honor top. Draw Honor, cast Ajani's Mantra, gain 2 with goldmane.
Turn 12: AI uses ball, casts Aether Adept, bouncing its own Pacified Scroll Thief. Gain 2 from mantras, use ball, see Ball, Baneslayer. Ball bottom, Baneslayer top, draw Baneslayer. Cast Honor, gain 2 with goldmane.
Turn 13: AI plays island, attacks goldmane for 2, casts baneslayer angel. I Gain 2 with mantras, don't use ball (praying for plains; it's likely since I've balled a lot of spells to the bottom) and draw a plains and play it. Cast baneslayer, pump with ajani.
Turn 14: AI plays another Baneslayer Angel. I gain 2 with mantras, use ball and see Armored Ascension and Squadron Hawk. AA top, hawk bottom, draw AA, cast on my Angel, pump with goldmane, attack with a 14/14 BA; AI takes the hit.
Turn 15: AI plays BA #3. Gain 2 with mantras, use ball in upkeep, see two plains, put both on top. Draw/play plains, cast AA on BA, gain 2 with goldmane. Attack with 21/21 BA; opponent chumps with a BA.
Turn 16: AI attacks Goldmane with everything for 12, then plays Day of Judgement! Gain 2 from Mantras, draw/play Plains, cast Vengeful Archon.
Turn 17: AI casts Sun Titan, bringing back Scroll Thief. My 9/9 archon attacks for the win. 2-0

monopoman vs cognis AI:
Game 1: Jace, Day of Judgement, Brittle Effigy, Mana Leak, 3x island. Keep.
Turn 1: Island, effigy. AI plays plains.
Turn 2: Draw/play Glacial Fortress. AI plays plains.
Turn 3: Draw/play island. I could play Jace, but hold back to keep Mana Leak open. AI plays plains, Palace Guard; I mana leak it.
Turn 4: Draw/play plains, play Jace, draw Mana Leak with the -1 ability. AI plays plains, Crystal Ball.
Turn 5: Draw/play island. Draw Aether Adept with -1 jace. AI casts Honor of the Pure; I let it resolve; AI responds with Crystal Ball activation. AI casts Elite Vanguard; I let it resolve, since I have Aether Adept in hand.
Turn 6: Draw plains, play island, Aether Adept on vanguard. Use +2 ability of Jace (he has 1 loyalty) and draw Glacial Fortress. AI plays plains, Pacifism on Adept, (AI has 3 mana left so I let it resolve) AI responds with Ball. AI recasts Vanguard; I mana leak it.
Turn 7: Draw Day of Judgement, play Glacial Fortress, use -1 of jace, draw island. AI plays plains, Sun Titan, Resurrect on Palace Guard.
Turn 8: Draw Scroll Thief. Play Island, use jace -1, draw Baneslayer. Cast Day of Judgement, cast Scroll Thief. AI casts Baneslayer.
Turn 9: Draw Mana Leak. Use +2 on jace, draw Condemn. Play island, use Effigy on BA. Attack for 1 with Scroll Thief, draw Condemn. Play island, Baneslayer. AI plays Crystal Ball #2.
Turn 10: Draw plains, use jace -1, draw/play Glacial Fortress. Attack for 6, draw/play Brittle Effigy off Scroll Thief. AI does nothing.
Turn 11: Draw DoJ, play plains, use jace -1, draw/play Scroll Thief, attack for 6, draw/play Sun Titan, Resurrect Aether Adept, who bounces himself (at least getting into my hand; AI has no creatures, and the other cards were mana leaks and DoJ) AI does nothing.
Turn 12: Draw/play plains, attack for the win. 1-0
Game 2: 2x Sun Titan, Jace, Scroll Thief, Glacial Fortress, Plains, Terramorphic Expanse. Keep.
Turn 1: AI plays plains. Draw T-Expanse, play G-Fortress.
Turn 2: AI plays plains, White Knight. Draw Brittle Effigy, play T-Expanse, fetch island, play Effigy.
Turn 3: AI plays plains, Crystal ball, swings for 2. Draw/play Island, play Scroll Thief.
Turn 4: AI plays Palace Guard. Draw Condemn. Place Jace, use -1, draw T-expanse, play Plains.
Turn 5: AI plays Ball #2, attacks jace with WKnight and PGuard. I Condmen the knight and block the guard with Scroll Thief. Draw plains, play T-expanse, sac for island. Jace -1 draws plains, attack with Scroll Thief, draw Sword of Vengeance.
Turn 6: AI plays plains, attacks jace with guard, I use effigy on it. Draw DoJ, use Jace +2, draw/play Glacial Fortress. Cast Sun Titan, bring back T-Expanse, sac for Island. Thief attacks for 1, draws Aether Adept.
Turn 7: AI does nothing. Draw Aether Adept, play Plains. Jace -1 draws Mana Leak. Attack for 7, bring back T-Expanse, sac it during combat for island, draw island with thief. Cast Sun Titan, bring back T-expanse, sac for plains. Discard plains (8 cards).
Turn 8: AI does nothing. Draw Jace, attack for 13 and win. 2-0

jatill titans vs jatill landho AI: 2-0 (+2 jatill titans)
jatill landho vs jatill titans AI: 2-0 (+2 jatill landho)

jatill cheerios vs brandon AI: 2-0 (+2 jatill cheerios)
brandon vs jatill cheerios AI: 1-2 (+3 jatill cheerios)

juzamjedi vs aww AI: 1-2 (+3 aww)
aww vs juzamjedi AI: 2-0 (+2 aww)

cognis vs monopoman AI: 2-0 (+2 cognis)
monopoman vs cognis AI: 2-0 (+2 monopoman)
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Shantak » 17 Aug 2010, 18:12

Round 2:

jatill vs jatill3 (AI) - 2-0 (jatill +2 points)
Denied AI one land and he never cast anything more than an Oracle the turn before losing. 1-0

Similar game meaning that AI didn't cast anything else than that Oracle again... 2-0

jatill3 vs jatill (AI) - 2-0 (jatill3 +2 points)
After taking a kicking, I'm in 5 life, AI at 20 with some birds and elves untapped and all attackers tapped. It's my turn and I have two Geopedes, two almost primed Khalni Heart Expeditions in play. I draw and play a fetchland and attack with the 3/3 Geopedes. As you probably guessed, they're not blocked. Then I break the fetchland. Then I use Expeditions. My Geopedes turn into 13/13 creatures and AI goes to -6. It was too close but really cool! 1-0

Next game, AI goes to two on fourth turn with 13/13 Plated Geopede and doesn't recover. 2-0

jatill2 vs brandon (AI) - 2-0 (jatill2 +2 points)
Was losing first, but after gaining card advantage with Braingeysers, it was easy to win. 1-0

Stayed in control, flew past ground troops, controlled or countered any threats. 2-0

brandon vs jatill2 (AI) - 2-0 (brandon +2 points)
I had three Battlegrace Angels at best and AI had no blue mana. 1-0

Again only black mana and now only two swamps for the evil deck. Too easy, I would have liked a fight. 2-0

juzamjedi vs aww (AI) - 2-1 (juzamjedi +1 point)
Vampires win. But if AI had not untapped Old Man every turn, he could have killed my Sorin Markov, and the game might have ended differently. 1-0

Lost, after Unstable Flying Men did 10 damage over the first four turns and two Erg Riders helped him. My first useful card was a Bloodwitch, and with her and Markov, managed some turns but no longer after AI cast Oubliette on my witch. 1-1

Was losing initially, but after I cast Mind Sludge and Bloodwitch, I took control of the game. 2-1

aww vs juzamjedi (AI) - 0-2 (juzamjedi +5 points)
I cast Oubliette on AI's second Bloodwitch, but it cast another, draining more of my life. Then my own efreets and djinn killed me. 0-1

Crappy game :( - everything in my hand cast two black mana, but I had only one swamp. Should have mulliganed one more time, I guess, but figured that would be too dangerous. Sorry, aww. 0-2

cognis vs monopoman (AI) - 2-1 (cognis +1 point)
Squadron Hawks did 19 damage until AI cast Day of Judgment. After some turns (and another DoJ) a Baneslayed did it for me. 1-0

Did two mulligans and never got more than one land. Scroll Thieves gave AI huge card advantage. Even if I had Pacifism for larger threats, I died pitifully. For every creature I cast, AI had Brittle Effigy ready. 1-1

Last game, Ajani-boosted Squadron Hawks killed AI quickly. 2-1

monopoman vs cognis (AI) - 2-0 (monopoman +2 points)
For some reason, Terramorphic Expanse gave the land to my hand in this game. Also, the game crashed. Maybe I shouldn't have responded to that IM I got from a friend, but it hasn't crashed Manalink for me before. So 0-0, though I guess I had the advantage in this game.

In rematch, Baneslayer Angel dual-wielding two Swords of Vengeance did the final blow. 1-0

Argh, another crash in this game, likely related to AI using Squadron Hawk. Well, this time I think I had disadvantage. Still 1-0

Crap! Third crash! Again with the Squadron Hawk AI casts. Still 1-0

Now AI had only two mana, but still cast three Honor of the Pure, so those White Knights were dangerous. Still, a win for me. 2-0
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby monopoman » 21 Aug 2010, 10:10

Bracket Alpha
Jatill3 (Human) Vs. Jatill Titans
Jatill3 wins 2-1

Game 1: AI wrecks me since I draw a ton of ramp but the AI keeps preventing me from laying down the 8th land I need to cast Lavaball Trap thanks to double slime AI swings in with beasts+slime.

Game 2: This game I actually run out of basic lands in my deck due to double destructive force+fetchlands. I still pull out the win though thanks to forcing trades with bigger creatures.

Game 3: This time its all about 1x Plated Geopede he does the full 20 thanks to massive mana search going on.

Jatill Titans (Human) Vs. Jatill3
Jatill Titans wins 2-0

Game 1: Garruk wrecks face this game the AI only does mana search and then plays one Oracle beast overrun wins.

Game 2: Once again similar to the first game the AI barely puts up a fight Garruk beasts win.

Bracket Beta
Jatill 2 (Human) Vs. Brandon
Jatill 2 wins 2-1

Game 1: I am forced to mulligan to 5 which turns out fairly bad for me. AI is able to beat me down without any retaliation really.

Game 2: This one is much easier for me I get some Mahamoti beatdown and then overwhelm the AI.

Game 3: Similar to game 1 but it is a bit closer the AI gets me low on life but then I stabilize and win.

Brandon (Human) Vs. Jatill 2
Brandon wins 2-0

Game 1: Stuck on 2 lands forever but I make this miraculous comeback thanks to an unstoppable duo of Elspeth and Ajani.

Game 2: I win again this time its an easier game to win due to the massive beat down the AI can not stop.

Bracket Gamma
Juzamjedi (Human) Vs. Aww1979
Juzamjedi wins 2-1

Game 1: AI overruns me with Flying men+ Old Man even though the AI never keeps his old man tapped.

Game 2: This time I get an extremely better hand whil the AI has the bad luck easy win.

Game 3: Another easy as hell win for the Vampire horde as the AI gets a more mediocre hand.

Aww1979 (Human) Vs. Juzamjedi
Aww1979 wins 2-0

Game 1: AI makes some real bad decisions at the end of the game and I easily overwhelm him.

Game 2: Ridiculously quick game Flying Man+2x Unstable Mutation = GG nearly Juzam Djinn comes into finish the guy off.

Bracket Delta
Monopoman (Human) Vs. Cognis
Monopoman wins 2-0

Game 1: Opponent gets moronic with its BSA and keeps killing my Jace which I easily reanimate by swining in with the unstoppable TITAN!!! We will always make sure they remember the Titans!

Game 2: This game I get a huge mana flood but am able to hold the AI back fairly well earlier thanks to some removal. 2x Titans = GG thanks to Sword of Vengeance after I stem the tide enough to stabilize.

Cognis (Human) Vs. Monopoman
Monopoman as the AI wins 2-0

Game 1: This game I come out solid but the AI wraths everything away then counters a Baneslayer. I do have an Ajani though but no creatures to pump I start gaining life. I then pull out a 24/24 Avatar the turn after the AI drops a Titan unfortunatly the AI has the ultimate answer Aether Adept. I do have a Titan to match the AI though. AI removes it via Effigy though and I am only able to get back a White Knight thanks to the Titans CITP effect. AI removes my Ajani thanks to an attack into it cause it bounced White Knight back to my hand with a 2nd Aether Adept. I do topdeck Pacifism which I use to pacify the mighty Titan. AI makes a mistake and doesn't bounce its own Titan to its hand with its 3rd Aether Adept. I lay down Squadrom Hawk and get 3 more. I then have a Hawk+Knight AI has a Pacified Titan+3x Aether Adept. I lay down everything giong for a quick win hopefully. Hawks start beating down hard AI does Day of Judgment just the turn before he would have died. The game stalls for a while AI lays down Baneslayer and I have nothing to stop it. I draw an Armored Acension and some more pump but have no creatures to use them on thanks to my only two creatures getting removed the turn I played them after the wrath.

Game 2: This game I get a much more solid start and the AI has a lot of trouble getting white mana. I start swinging in hard and get the AI down to 2 within a quick period of time. I try to finish the AI off quickly at that point because it drops BSA and I have no removal but I just lay down more threats hoping to get the last points in. The AI proceeds to remove my Titan and then drop a 2nd BSA I have no answer at all to this and just have small creatures left. The AI swings in with BSA over and over and drops me quickly to negative life.

Man I can't believe how lucky the AI got in some of these games. Even despite that early bad hand in game 2 he recovered well.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Cognis » 21 Aug 2010, 12:12

I played a few matches against your deck since it's challenging and I realised you should always keep a creature as a backup in your hand and never go all out. The matches are long and evenly matched so it was just a matter of time UW control would get a hand to kick me down.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby monopoman » 21 Aug 2010, 23:12

Yeah that is why I put a buttload of removal into the deck I did not go balls to the wall with every hand. I understand to play worrying about Day of Judgment it was mostly once I saw things like BSA drop I knew I had to try to get the damage in ASAP.

1 Baneslayer unanswered by your deck = GG if they keep it around long enough and you can't kill the AI off before the angel becomes a problem.

But I have been playing for more then 10 years so I understand the keeping a few back in hand for board resets.

My control deck was built to beat aggro basically I think I put in the tools to do it.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby jatill » 23 Aug 2010, 12:27

Only 6 testers for round 2, which is a shame since 2 matches came down to just 1 point.

jatill beats jatill3 (16-9)
jatill2 beats brandon (13-10)
aww beats juzamjedi (11-10)
monopman beats cognis (15-14)

jatill vs jatill2
aww vs monopman
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby jatill » 23 Aug 2010, 13:31

jatill vs jatill2 (1-2, jatill2 +3)
Game 1: I have Garruk into Interno Titan, but the Ai is ready with Terror. Maze keeps an attacker at bay and Slime eats a Control Magic. Garruk beats race the fliers for the win.
Game 2: A turn 3 Specter threatens to tear my hand apart so I have to gamble on the turn 5 Titan turn 6 Force plan. Titan is Terrored and Force is discarded. So much for that plan.
Game 3: Mulligan into Elf + Clutivate. Not the worst, except my only action spell (P Titan) gets countered. Braingeyser for 6 makes me cry, and I die.

jatill2 vs jatill (2-0, jatill2 +2)
Game 1: Mulligan. Control Magic on P Titan fuels a Braingeyser for 8. Nice deck.
Game 2: I'm greedy, so I keep 6 lands + Dark Ritual. My first 3 draws are 2 Hippys and a Sengir. Greed is good.

aww vs monopman (1-2, +3 monopman)
Game 1: Definately an uphill battle, since the AI can answer everything I play. I have the Oubliette for BSA, and an Unstable Old Man manages to attack for the final points of damage.
Game 2: I draw my 2nd black too late, and my double Oubliette mock me while BSA murders my life total.
Game 3: Same ***, different game. I think this deck really needed City of Brass, or more black sources.

monopman vs aww (2-0, +2 monopman)
Game 1: Cast all 4 BSA in the first 10 turns. Nice game.
Game 2: More BSA action. Card is kind of good, no?
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