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October Tourney Result Final Rd Ends Oct 25th

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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby Nicdanger » 15 Oct 2010, 16:21

Round 2 Results
2 Points for everybody!

Monopoman vs. Cognis AI 2-0

Game 1: I burn away some chumps and Propaganda keeps Rorix at home for a turn. Meanwhile I get an arsenal of flyers as well as my own general, start attacking and eat the AI's hand for breakfast. Soon I draw Ob Nixilis while I'm holding 3 fetchlands! The AI ends up taking 21+ points of general damage because its too fond of Rorix and doesn't block with him!

Game 2: I completely dominate this game because the AI sacs 2 mountains on turn 4 to Fireblast me. The Sol Ring leading to a turn 4 Sphinx of Jwar Isle helped too!

Cognis vs Monopoman AI 2-0

Game 1: I get stuck on 3 land while the AI is stuck with 2 and a Sol Ring. My hand has cheaper stuff though, I end the game with a 9/9 Rockslide Elemental after controlling the board with Goblin Sharpshooter and Vulshok Sorcerer.

Game 2: Plenty of land for both of us this time. Inferno Titan stares off against Grave Titan for a turn. Rorix hits the board, then the AI plays Palinchron and untaps 3 of my lands! I burn it away and continue attacking. Things take a turn for the worst when the AI removes my titan and Nicol Bolas hits the table. I draw Gauntlet of Might, and next turn cast Elemental Appeal with kicker, Flame Javelin, and activate Goblin Charbelcher for 8 damage bringing the AI to -1!

Nicdanger vs Jatill AI 2-0

Game 1: My turn 2 Arbiter is answered with StP. AI plays Ajani's Pridemate, Loxodon Gatekeeper, and its general. I recast Arbiter, then Meloku and Ajani thanks to the reduced mana cost. At this point I have 2 very nasty things going; Strip Mine + Crucible, and Ajani + Meloku. I make 4 Illusions right away and pump them, 3 turns later the game is over.

Game 2: The AI gets some quick beats in with soldiers and Honor of the Pure. I'm a bit hosed with only 1 white mana, but thankfully the AI doesn't answer my general right away and I cast Keiga on turn 5 while it gets stuck on 3 land. I finally get my 2nd white mana, copy my own Slith Ascendant, and start spamming Capsize on the AI's stuff. The AI never recovers.

Jatill vs Nicdanger AI 2-0

Game 1: My opening hand looks good, I can go Abu Ja'far > Raise the Alarm > Glorious Anthem > Kongming . . but one of my lands gets hit with Strip Mine before I can cast my general. Also my 4th land was a Kjeldoran Outpost, so I'm effectively stuck at 2 mana. I Skullclamp a soldier and swing into the AI's Augury Adept, still no mana! Finally I draw another plains when both my soldiers are gone and continue to attack with Abu! The AI finally draws its 4th land but I answer Arbiter with Oblivion Ring right away. Right of Replication answers my Kongming but Abu continues the assault! I drop the AI to 7 with the addition of a Kor Firewalker and Ajani when it casts an Exalted Angel. I force the AI to block and it finds an answer in Nevinyrral's Dist one turn too late. What a game . . Abu Ja'far wins!!!

Game 2 : An early Wasteland hurts the AI and early beats bring it down to 9 before its able to stabalize thanks to dual knights and an Intrepid hero (damn my buffed creatures)! Soon I draw into Conquerer's Pledge, recast Kongming and swing with a bunch of buffed soldier tokens.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby Aswan jaguar » 15 Oct 2010, 18:39

Monopoman Bolas-Cognis Rorix 2-0

GAME 1 Bitter Blossom and taking control of Rorix Bladewing bring the victory.
GAME 2 Collective restrained helped me to get out off big trouble,then Nicol Bolas made the rest.

Cognis Rorix-Monopoman Bolas 2-0

GAME 1 Goblin Sharpshooter is great fun against Bloodghast and Bitterblossom,and Rorix Bladewing did the rest.
GAME 2 Dragonmaster Outcast and Rorix Bladewing boosted by Gauntlet Of Power led to victory.

Jatill Soldiers-NicDanger Grand Arbiter 2-0

GAME 1 Very slow start for both of us.I play the Baneslayer Angel but AI has a great answer and plays Martial Coup for 5.Then Iwas surprised to see AI use his Oblivion Ring for my Sol Ring,this and his Arbiter held me back for a while.Then Gideon Jura + Elspeth ruled the table.
GAME 2 Emeria Angel and her many birds pumped up by Kongoming Sleeping, win.

NicDanger Grand Arbiter-Jatill Soldiers 2-0

GAME 1 Bribed Iona to take my side,and stole kongoming Sleeping.That was more than enough for me to win.
GAME 2 I ruled the table with Ajani Goldmane who pumped up my guys and Sword of Fire and Ice + Arbiter did it for me.

2 points for everybody
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby juzamjedi » 15 Oct 2010, 23:01

First of all congrats to everyone. I like EDH a lot and hope we get to play another EDH tournament some time. On to the results!

Bracket Alpha
Monopoman Bolas vs. Cognis Rorix

Monopoman Bolas as human win 2-0
Game 1: 2x Island, Reflecting Pool, Brainstorm, Palinchron, Shriekmaw, Sedraxis Specter. Not amazing, but it's a keep.
I stall on 3 lands, but I Brainstorm into Jace Beleren to make my land drops turn 4 and 5. I put Collective Restraint in play to slow down the AI beats a lot. This gives me the time I need to assemble a couple of planeswalkers + Keiga + Inferno Titan and easily take over the game with a healthy 32 life when I win.
Game 2: City of Brass, Blood Crypt, Island, Bloodstained Mire, Shriekmaw, Nezumi Shortfang, Cryptic Command. Keep.
The AI is stuck on 3 lands while I have 7 in play. I draw Collective Restraint again and slow down the AI even more. I put Sorin in play, put the AI to 10 and Control Magic on Rorix. I win the game at a comfortable 35 life.

Cognis as human win 2-0
Game 1: I keep 3x Mountain, Wheel of Fortune (!), Fireball, Char, and Magus of the Moon (!)
I play Magus of the Moon on turn 3 and AI doesn't get to cast anything until turn 6 Impulse with a lonely Island. Magus of the Moon absolutely pwns here too.
Game 2: I keep 2x Mountain, Dwarven Blastminer (!), Honden of Infinite Rage, Obsidian Fireheart, Fire Imp, and Ghostfire.
Dwarven Blastminer goes to work and kills 3 nonbasics before AI finally kills him. I stay ahead of the AI on mana and push through a bunch of hasty damage and win pretty convincingly.

Bracket Beta
Nic Danger Grand Arbiter vs. Jatill Soldiers

Nic Danger as human win 2-1
Game 1: I mulligan into a hand with 2x Island, Serra Ascendant, Telling Time, Rout, Keiga, and Capsize. A little risky, but Telling Time to filter for Plains convinces me to keep.
My turn 2 Telling Time net me Sol Ring with Reflecting Pool on top. Not ideal, but OK. Eventually I Preordain into Glacial Fortress and cast Moat the same turn. It takes a few turns, but I eventually have Arbiter + Serra's Ascendant + Land Tax + Forbid. I <3 Moat.
Game 2: I keep Scalding Tarn, Island, Hallowed Fountain, Silver Knight, Baneslayer Angel, Concentrate, Ponder.
AI plays Sol Ring into -> Loxodon Mystic. My hand does not get much chance to develop as my Ponder misses on lands. I die with 3 lands in play and Magus of the Moat in hand :-/
Game 3: I mull into Tundra, 2x Island, Plains, Lonely Sandbar, Cancel, Ajani Goldmane. Mana heavy, but I can cycle the sandbar.
This time the AI is short on land. I use the Grand Arbiter to surpress his mana and start beating down with an arbiter equipped with Sword of Fire and Ice. I draw Felidar Soverign, play it and win on my next upkeep.

Jatill as human win 2-0
Game 1: I keep 2x Plains, Skullclamp, Kor Firewalker, Akroma, Captain of the Watch, and Stoneforge Mystic.
I miss my third land drop, but Mystic + Jitte + Skullclamp. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad except I play Elspeth, draw 3 cards every turn. I get Emeria the Sky Ruin online with my intentional pitching of creatures to the graveyard. Eventually I build up the lands and put an indestructible Akroma into play. Might be overkill but who cares that was sweet!
Game 2: I keep 2x Plains, Sol Ring (!), Aven Cloudchaser, Emeria Angel, Raise the Alarm, and Worship (!)
I miss my 3rd and 4th land drops against a Serra Ascendant. Uh oh, all I have is Luminarch Ascension. The good news is Gideon comes online and I kill Ascendant immediately. AI plays Magus of the Moat that I can't answer - oh wait, I have Luminarch Ascension active now. Yay, I like free wins!
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby Cognis » 16 Oct 2010, 11:34

Cognis vs Monopman 2-0
Monopman vs Cognis 0-2

Cognis: 7 points
Monopman: 0 points

Match 1 (Monopman AI)
Game 1:
A really close match where the AI had Shriekmaw with Sword of Fire and Ice wreack havoc on my squad but thankfully Rorix Bladewing and Akromas Memorial allowed me to deal the required 21 point of damage in time.
Game 2: I get an explosive start with Slith Firewalker, Honden of Infinite Rage, Solemn Simulacrum and Rorix Bladewing. AI plays Sword of Fire and Ice and Phyrexian Arena although it had about 5 lands in play but Magus of the Moon locks him down further and I win with an explosive hand.

Match 2 (Cognis AI)
Game 1:
I play Hymn to Tourach and AI discards Goblin Charbelcher (yay) and Anger (oops) but keeps playing its creatures after the combat phase (idiot, but good for me). I have mana problems since I have only one U mana source but still manage to Ob Nixilis, the Fallen into play. AI has a slow hand but still gets Rorix into play. I have Control Magic and Sower of Temptations but still only one U mana. I Preordain and nothing but keep Brainstorm for next turn. I play Brainstorm but don’t draw a single land. The AI starts picking away at my lands with Dwarven Blastminer. I draw Fact or Fiction and still no U mana source in the next 5 cards. I had a good starting hand with Sower of Temptation, Control Magic, 3 lands and few other goodies but just couldn’t draw my second U mana source. Oh, and as the final nail in the coffin of mana screw the AI played Magus of the Moon before it killed me.
Game 2: Starting hand – Watery Grave, Steam Vents, Threads of Disloyalty, Sphinx of Jwar Isle, Lavaclaw Reaches and Ob Nixilis, the Fallen. I play Hymn to Tourach and AI discards 2 Mountain which doesn’t slow him much. He gets Rockslide Elemental equipped with Sword of Fire and Ice. I manage to put Crucible of Worlds and Ob Nixilis, the Fallen into play when the AI gets its turn and surprises me with a brilliant play. It play Starstorm for 1 and attacks with a 4/4 first striker. If I block Ob is dead, if I don’t Sword of Fire and Ice will kill Ob and AI will draw a card. I decide it’s better to block and curse the AI which suddenly got a huge IQ increase. I play Sphinx of Jwar Isle but Rockslide Elemental has pro blue as well so it just keeps Flametongue Kavu at bay. This match I keep drawing only lands even with seeing my top card and recycling fetch lands but then I get enough mana to play Nicol Bolas which gives me a chance although I’m at 14, but then AI plays Ball Lightning and attack with a huge army and overruns me. I really tried my best but for everything I tried AI had a response. Game 1 was unwinnable but in game 2 I made a mistake of Putting Ob Nixilis, the Fallen on the turn when I already played a land. If I waited for a turn the game could’ve gone differently and since I played against my deck I am willing to replay game 2 if needed.

Jatill vs Nicdanger 2-0
Nicdanger vs Jatill 2-0

Jatill: 2 points
Nicdanger: 2 points

Match 1 (Nicdanger AI)
Game 1:
A very bugged game. First it crashed then Umezawa’s Jitte didn’t get counter when equipped on BSA. AI had its legend and Solemn Simulacrum in play and I even drew the EDH card. Anyway AI destroyed about a dozen of my permanents with the disk but I played Captain of the Watch which AI intelligently bounced back to my hand which gave me a horde of soldiers to overrun the opposition.
Game 2: Serra Ascendant gave me enough life to survive a pounding from the AI’s flyers. I got it down to 2 and played Conquerors Pledge which gave me enough tiny soldiers to pass an army AI had. AI even played Echoing Truth on my legend when I had a token army.

Match 2 (Jatill AI)
Game 1:
Turn 1 Serra Ascendant dominates the game. AI has no answer for it and besides I had Counterspell and FoW in hand.
Game 2: AI has a good start but I slow him down with Magus of the Disk. AI tries to play Jareth, Leonine Titan but gets FoW. We both play BSA but his is 6/6 because of his general. I kick Rite of Replication and the AI attacks with BSA which of course I block. I loose one BSA but gain 30 life. Needles to say I won.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby Shantak » 17 Oct 2010, 11:36

Bracket Alpha
Monopoman Bolas vs. Cognis Rorix (AI) - 2-0 (Monopoman +2 points)
1-0: I play Bolas one turn before AI plays his second Rorix. I Terminate Rorix, empty AI's hand with Bolas and cast Standstill. Game over.

2-0: AI doesn't do much, while I draw four new cards each turn using Jace's Brainstorm and fetchlands. He gets Rorix while I already have Nicol Bolas in play. The last two damage are done by the damage effect of Sword of Fire and Ice.

Cognis Rorix vs Monopoman Bolas (AI) - 2-0 (Cognis +2 points)

1-0: Early in the game AI is slowed by the Magus of the Moon I got from Imperial Recruiter. Magus also converts my Valakut, but I can destroy him once I get enough mountains. After Magus does enough damage first equipped by Sword of Fire and Ice (which seems to be like the best card in EDH) I take the sword from him, kill him with Fire Imp and then play a land to Valakut the last three damage to AI.

2-0: The game gets interesting once AI gets Bolas to play and I have Dragonmaster Outcast and some other 1/1 dudes. However, AI stops casting spells and I kill him easily while he has 7 cards in hand and plenty of lands.

Bracket Beta
Nic Danger Grand Arbiter vs. Jatill Soldiers (AI) - (Nic Danger +2 points)

1-0: When I Oblivion Ring an Oblivion Ring, some weird bug happens and I end up having three Ob Rings and AI at least one. I think of having a rematch but just decide against using the extra O-Rings. AI beats me to six life until I blow Niven's Disk and get some life back with Ajani. AI can't recover from its losses while I'm just starting to play.

2-0: AI starts with 6/6 Serra Ascendant and I have no spot removal in my hand... I'm in 12 life (AI at 66) at my fifth turn until I finally cast Final Judgment. I then get my revenge when I use Bribery for Iona, Shield of Emeria and prevent AI from casting anything for the rest of game. Pretty fun, but I think Ascendant is pretty unbalanced as a starting card in EDH.

Jatill Soldiers vs Nic Danger Grand Arbiter (AI) - 2-0 (Jatill +2 points)
1-0: I get pretty good board position when I cast Captain of the Watch. The next turn, AI responds with Martial Coup with X = 5. Soon afterwards I get Luminarch Ascension in play, and as AI doesn't want to lose its soldiers to my blocker, I start getting Angels soon enough. AI gets Nevinyrral's Disk one turn too late.

2-0: My nice starts with some creatures and Gideon Jura gets mopped up with AI's Disk (too bad about your enchantment-likeness, Gideon). I decide to share the unfair, and get Elspeth with Enlightened Tutor. It's kind of cheating, but I was in 80 life against AI's 20 so I don't feel too bad about it. My flying soldiers get past AI's Magus of the Moat and I'm soon the winner.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby jatill » 18 Oct 2010, 13:45

2 points for everyone.

jatill (2-0) vs NicDanger
Game 1: Captain of the Watch + pump effects + Gideon did all the heavy lifting.
Game 2: AI Disenchanted its own Skullclamp, but I still would have lsot to BSA if I didn't have Pacifism. Late into the game Iona took over with help from Emeria (reanimating Iona twice).

NicDanger (2-0) vs jatill
Game 1: AI started with Serra Ascendant and Wasteland, so the life totals were 78-2 before I finally stabilized and regained control.
Game 2: Turn 5 Bribery for Iona.

Cognis (2-0) vs Monopman
Game 1: The board stalled and I couldn't afford Rorix #2. I burned the AI out from 23! (The FtK bug made this a closer game than it would have otherwise been)
Game 2: Crashed just when it was gtting interesting
Game 2a: I had a perfect curve from 1-5 that included Slith Firewalker. Total domination.

Monopman (2-0) vs Cognis
Game 1: The game went very very long thanks to Akroma's Memorial, but I eventually pulled it out thanks to recurring Sower of Temptation.
Game 2: Turn 2 Blastminer hurt until my Redcap murdered him. Sorin sped up this game considerably.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby monopoman » 19 Oct 2010, 07:49

Bracket Alpha
Monopoman (Human) Vs. Cognis
Monopoman wins 2-0

Game 1: Standstill helps hold the game up until I have a nice man abase to work with the AI barely does any damage at all.

Game 2: Another easy victory I ride my unstoppable Obnixis and easily win the day. The AI puts up a decent defense with Rorix and some creatures but its not enough.

Cognis (Human) Vs. Monopoman
Cognis wins 2-0

Game 1: AI could have cast Bolas near the end of the game and possibly won it but it didn't so Rorix wins the day.

Game 2: Another easy victory the AI refused to play any of its spells it seems.

Bracket Beta:
Jatill (Human) Vs. NicDanger
Jatill wins 2-0

Game 1: Activated Luminarch Ascension early game = GG!

Game 2: AI is mana screwed all game and barely puts up a fight the beats never stop.

NicDanger (Human) Vs. Jatill
Nic wins 2-1

Game 1: Strip Mine wins Jatill the day since it removes my only white source before I can utilize it. I end up having 5 blue sources and it SUCKED!

Game 2: Game goes on forever the AI brings a lot of beats but I stabilize and then eventually beat him down.

Game 3: This game is much easier then the 2nd I just lay down moat then proceed to win with my fliers.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby monopoman » 20 Oct 2010, 04:48

I will be tallying the points tomorrow for this tournament and will post the next round.

We are still plenty ahead of schedule and should be finished well before November.

So basically if you haven't reported yet you can do so tonight or very early tomorrow.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby jatill » 20 Oct 2010, 19:38

I played out the final round assuming that the current rankings don't change:

monopman (2-0) vs NicDanger
Game 1: Unblockable creatures + SoFI
Game 2: It was a little embarassing when I had to break my own Standstill, but eventually Nicol Bolas Planeswalker went ultimate.

NicDanger (2-0) vs Monopman
Game 1: Mana screw + a turn 4 Arbiter made for a quick win.
Game 2: Ai played lots of Equipment, but no creatures.

jatill (2-0) vs Cognis
Game 1: Serra Ascendant + SoFI. I ended the game at 144 life.
Game 2: AI cast Gauntlet of Power, but never cast Rorix. Ajani went ultimate.

Cognis (2-1) vs jatill
Game 1: I was stuck on 5 mana for a long time, but managed to win with General damage the turn before I would die to combat.
Game 2: I keep 2 lands + Gauntlet of Might. AI leads off with Serra Ascendant. I miss land drops on turns 3+4, and die on turn 6!
Game 3: I am stuck on 3 lands the entire game, but I have 3 pingers including Sharpshooter, so the AI can never keep a threat on board.
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby Nicdanger » 21 Oct 2010, 00:36

Monopoman vs Nicdanger AI 2-0

Game 1: I start off hurting a bit for mana but some card draw catches me up quickly. I steal Arbiter which quickly gets removed and my Grave Titan is met with Counterspell. After some more removal and a Rout I've got Bitterblossum and Nicol Bolas out finally. The AI hits Bolas with Capsize (no buyback even though it had the mana). Then the AI foolishly blocks with its BSA because it has no idea how to play against the Jitte. Soon I'm swarming with creatures and have a Force of Will in hand when the AI tries to clear the board at 3 life.

Game 2: I mulligan twice and keep a mediocre hand. Thankfully the AI is stuck at 2 mana and I'm able to steal both White Knight and Silver Knight! The AI never has a chance.

Nicdanger vs Monopoman AI 2-0

Game 1: I have to mulligan twice and keep a hand that allows me to Timetwister on turn 3. My Arbiter gets hit with FTK but I recast next turn and drop BSA. From here the AI is controlled with Moat and Crucible + Wasteland while BSA and Morphling fly over for the win.

Game 2: Nezumi Shortfang gets a few cards out of my hand while my Wasteland cripples the AI's mana. Soon I have Arbiter out and cast Bribery, I want Grave Titan buy I have to settle for Keiga . . then draw my own Keiga on my next turn. Arbiter, Keiga, and some manlands finish it quickly.

Cognis vs Jatill AI 2-0

Game 1: We trade some early creatures and things suddenly take a turn for the worst when the AI gets Sword of Fire and Ice (or Sword of Hawtness as its known in EDH) and a BSA, both of which stop my army from doing anything but dying. I cast Platinum Angel at 13 life and Rorix wins because the AI doesn't understand the 21 damage rule!

Game 2: The AI keeps a 1 land hand with Abu Ja'far. My first 6 turns go as follows . . Dragonmaster Outcast > Dragon Fodder > Sword of Fire and Ice > Flametongue Kavu > Kiki-Jiki > Rorix. I honestly don't think it mattered what the AI started with, but just to make things worse . . its 2nd land was Kjeldoran Outpost!

Jatill vs Cognis AI 2-0

Game 1: Both decks start a little slow and the AI burns away Kongming a few times before casting Rorix. He gets a few swings in before I drop Iona, which the AI could handle if it knew how to use Siege-Gang Commander effectively. Soon my side of the board has Iona, Worship, Ajani, Captain of the Watch + friends, Kongming, and Kor Firewalker! I also hit Rorix with Pacifism just before I swing for leathal damage!

Game 2: After trading some creatures and removal I sweep the AI with Kongming, Cloudgoat Ranger, and Conqueror's Pledge. I also hit myself with Beacon of Immortality just to be silly!
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Re: October Tourney Result Rd 2 ends on the 19th of October

Postby monopoman » 21 Oct 2010, 07:11

Ya those are the proper point spreads so just go with that.

The tournament ends on October 25th which is more then enough time to get the last rounds in.

I ask that anyone willing please contribute so we have a wider array of testing.

Final round is..

Jatill Vs. Cognis (Winners Bracket) Competing for 2 cards for the winner 1 for the loser.

Monopoman Vs. NicDanger (Losers Bracket) Competing for 1 card.
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Re: October Tourney Result Final Rd Ends Oct 25th

Postby Shantak » 21 Oct 2010, 17:01

Monopoman vs NicDanger (AI) - 2-0 (Monopoman +2 points)
1-0: On the first few rounds, AI casts nothing (it has only blue mana) and neither do I (I have no targets). This continues until AI starts discarding white, I call Nicol Bolas and attack. Too bad about those cards (six whites and a Cancel). Not surprisingly, AI doesn't recover.

2-0: I steal AI's Arbiter with my Vedalken Shackles and then give him Umezawa's Jitte. Remand is really useful, as I first counter AI's spell threatening my Nicol Bolas, then empty his hand with Nicol.

NicDanger vs Monopoman (AI) - 2-0 (NicDanger +2 points)
1-0: Second turn Serra Ascendant. Nuff said.

2-0: I thought first that Echoing Truth would be useless in Highlander environment, but it was handy taking care of some Bitterblossom tokens. I happen to draw one Grand Arbiter for some reason, but that sometimes happens in EDH, right? After I counter a Grave Titan and swing with Platinum Angel, I have no problems winning.

Jatill vs Cognis (AI) - 2-0 (Jatill +2 points)
1-0: I almost have to deal with Ali from Cairo, but then AI chump blocks with him :) After I get Sword of Fire and Ice, the rest is too easy. Except when AI equips Rorix with its own SoFaI, but I can still deal more damage than AI.

2-0: Second turn Kor Firewalker is very nice against Rorix deck. AI collects a big army but I deal enough damage to win before he really starts attacking with Rorix and Bogardan Hellkite.

Cognis vs Jatill (AI) - 2-1 (Cognis +1 point)
1-0: Once I get Rorix in play and Valakut activated, no problems.

1-1: AI gets really dangerous with Sol Ring and plenty of flying creatures. I have Jitte and face-down red Akroma in play, but I'm taking big damage. I get some use out of Jitte thanks to Goblin Tunneler, but when AI Swords my 2/2 morph-gal and Wastelands Valakut, I'm in a real trouble. Thankfully Gauntlet of Power gives me enough mana to summon Rorix, and Jitte deals with Kongming every time he shows up. Also, AI has no idea how to use Jareth, Leonine Titan, or he could kill me in four turns. Then AI summons Iona, stopping me from casting anything. This could be game over, but with Tunneler, Jitte and Goblin Piledriver, I can get enough counters to kill Iona with my Jitte. Whew!


and the very next turn, AI casts Akroma (the real deal) and kills me in a few turns. Damn.

2-1: On my fourth turn, I sac two mountains to Fireblast AI's Preeminent Captain to keep growing my 2/2 Slith Firewalker. I had four mountains in play and two more in hand, so I hope I did the right decision. Cap would have been insanely good for AI's deck, I think. That doesn't help long as AI gets Kor Firewalker in play. Well, AI's evasive creatures attack so my own Firewalker keeps growing. Once Rorix joins the battle, AI goes from 19 to 1 in one turn and dies the next.
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Re: October Tourney Result Final Rd Ends Oct 25th

Postby juzamjedi » 21 Oct 2010, 19:13

Jatill vs. Cognis

Jatill as human win 2-0
Game 1: I mull into a hand with 3x Plains, Thawing Glaciers, Sword of Fire and Ice (!), Knight of the White Orchid, and Swords to Plowshares. Keep.
Sword of Fire and Ice comes online and mono-red doesn't stand a chance. For giggles I put a Jitte on the Knight too. Easy win.
Game 2: I keep 3x Plains, Kor Firewalker, Preeminent Captain, Iona, and Cloudgoat Ranger.
AI plays a turn 1 Dragonmaster Outcast. That might be bad. However AI makes a terrible play to Startstorm = 2 with Cloudgoat Ranger still on the stack (?) which only kills my general and wipes his board. After that it's pretty easy as Kor Firewalker keeps my life total high (37 at end of game) and I just beat down with tokens.

Cognis as human win 2-1
Game 1: I keep 4x Mountain, Mogg Fanatic, Anger, and Slith Firewalker.
AI plays a turn 1 Serra Ascendant :-/ I use Goblin Matron to go find Siege Gang Commander in the hopes that I have enough time to machine gun the Ascendant. Unfortunately the AI kills me before I have enough mana to deal 7 damage to pumped up Serra Ascendant and I lose.
Game 2: I keep 3x Mountain, Expedition Map, Ghostfire, Solemn Simulacrum, Ember Hauler.
The AI starts slower this game. It plays Stoneforge Mystic which I find out on turn 6 it used to get Skullclamp. I draw Imperial Recruiter and use it to get Dragonmaster Outcast. I get up to 6 lands (with Valakut) and now have Rorix online too. AI Path's Rorix and I get to use Valakut to kill a creature in return :) I get a couple of turns with free dragons and win from there.
Game 3: I mull into 2x Mountain, Sol Ring, Fire Imp, Disintegrate, and Blood Moon.
Thanks to Sol Ring Rorix starts bringing the beats on turn 4. AI plays a Baneslayer on turn 5, but I Disintegrate it and move on with my business. I win the game with general damage from Rorix.

Monopoman vs. NicDanger

Monopoman as human win 2-0
Game 1: I mull into Reflecting Pool, Polluted Delta, Dimir Aqueduct, Propaganda, Treachery (!), Sower of Temptation (!), and Standstill (!)
I play Standstill on turn 2. AI breaks Standstill to play Serra Ascendant on turn 3 and I use Sower to steal it on turn 4. 2 turns later AI has Treachery to take back the Serra and then Sower's my Sower. I try to Treachery Serra Ascendant back, but AI has Force of Will to stop me. AI taps out next turn and I Terminate Serra and use Murderous Redcap to kill AI's Sower (and get back mine). AI then plays Rout and on my next turn I cast Nicol Bolas. AI does nothing and I connect with Bolas. AI discards Plains (?) Emeria the Sky Ruin and Final Judgment (?) after skipping their land drop last turn. Next turn AI refuses to play and Nicol Bolas makes AI discard the land it held back while I play Bitterblossom. Next swing AI uses Capsize to bounce my Bitterblossom token (?) and Bolas kills AI.
Game 2: I keep Mana Leak, Flametongue Kavu, Force of Will, Damnation, Island, City of Brass, and Verdant Catacombs.
The AI and I stare at each other for a few turns dropping lands. I play Propaganada and AI plays Grand Arbiter. Then AI plays Meloku which I also allow (thanks Propaganda!). I topdeck Sorin Markhov and use it to kill the only Meloku Token. I + Sorin again with the plan to Mindslaver the AI. AI uses Psionic Blast to put Sorin back to 4 counters, but cannot attack thanks to Propaganda. I kill a Meloku token again with Sorin to have 6 coutners and play Bitterblossom. AI attacks me. I then Damnation and bring Sorin to 8. AI recasts Arbiter. I then Mindslaver AI, cast Jace Beleren and Standstill. Except, Mindslaver apparently is just Time Walk :-/ It doesn't matter much though because Sorin puts AI to 10 life, Nicol Bolas Planeswalker comes down and explodes on the AI and Bitterblossom tokens clean up for the win.

NicDanger as human win 2-0
Game 1: I keep 2x Plains, Polluted Delta, Wasteland, Slith Ascendant, Timetwister, and Eternal Dragon.
Slith Ascendant and Grand Arbiter begin beating down and I use Wasteland to slow down the AI. The first play from AI is a turn 5 Hymn to Tourach. AI then Sower's my Slith so I Martial Coup = 6. AI then plays Sorin (!), but decides to kill a token instead of 10'ing me. I beat up Sorin a few times and then AI just gives up and refuses to play anything :-/
Game 2: I keep Island, Secluded Steppe, Polluted Delta, Marsh Flats, Path to Exile, Rite of Replication, and Ajani Goldmane.
AI refuses to play land drop on turn 1 (?) but plays T3 Tidehollow Strix and I play T4 Grand Arbiter. AI Hymns me for Path + Ajani. I ply Baneslayer and start working on the AI's life total. The AI never answers Baneslayer and even with Bitterblossom + huge Ob Nixilis my army of fliers push through and beat down at a healthy life total.
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Re: October Tourney Result Final Rd Ends Oct 25th

Postby Cognis » 25 Oct 2010, 00:39

Monopman vs Nicdanger 2-0
Nicdanger vs Monopman 2-0

Monopman: 2 points
Nicdanger: 2 points

Match 1 (Nicdanger AI)
Game 1:
Bitterblossom and Jace, the Mind Sculptor won the game.
Game 2: Shadowmage Infiltrator and Umezawa’s Jitte gave me a definite card advantage.

Match 2 (Monopman AI)
Game 1:
There was some land trouble at first but the AI had problems as well so Augustin and Serra Ascendant gave me a boost and Wasteland and Strip Mine stopped the AI.
Game 2: Ajani, Augustin and White Knight did most of the job.

Cognis vs Jatill 2-1
Jatill vs Cognis 2-0

Cognis: 1 point
Jatill: 2 points

Match 1 (Jatill AI)
Game 1:
The game was a no contest since I had Valakut, Dragonmaster Outcast, SoF&I, Rorix and burn. A one sided match.
Game 2: I was going on to win but the AI played Akroma and that was game over. I knew I should’ve put Obliterate in the deck :)
Game 3: This time no Akroma and I finish the job easily with pingers and Honden of Infinite Rage.

Match 2 (Cognis AI)
Game 1:
SoF&I with a lot of soldiers are a winning combination. AI recovered with Starstorm and even put Goblin Charbelcher into play but it wasn’t nearly enough.
Game 2: AI put Rorix into play but didn’t attack but even if it did it wouldn’t change the outcome. Gideon Jura crushed the opposition.

Well, it was a fun tournament, the closest one yet I think overall. Congrats Jatill on winning. For my reward I'm in doubt whether to take Sword of Body and Mind or Sword of Light and Shadow.
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Re: October Tourney Result Final Rd Ends Oct 25th

Postby juzamjedi » 25 Oct 2010, 17:58

Both Swords are excellent choices. I don't get a selection this time around, but if I had won this would have been my choice as well.
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